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Nathanial.C.Jones 2010-10-25 18:32:06 +00:00
Parent 05b02bd620
révision 7d0b1f576c
2 fichiers modifiés avec 12 ajouts et 4 suppressions

Voir le fichier

@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
## Interface: 40000
## Title: QuestHelper
## Author: zorbathut, smariot, vipersniper, nesher, nconantj
## Notes: Calculates an optimal route for you to follow while questing. True version is Due to internal versioning issues, QuestHelper will not load properly if the version line below is altered. This will be fixed after all other bugs.
## Notes: TODO (In no particular order): Fix internal versioning to work with new version numbering system. Add carbonite support (for those who don't like carb's quest tracking, but likes carb's maximized map). Pull Libraries from libs folder and put them at the top level. Use Wowhead database. Modularize internal components. Use lang folder for ALL localization files. Determine locale and load only that locale's localization files (load English and create non-critical error if localization files for locale do not exist). Integrate enhancement addons that may exist (ask authors to merge and become developers). Rename variables and improve comments.
## Notes: Calculates an optimal route for you to follow while questing.
## Notes-deDE: Berechnet eine optimale Route für dich, der du während dem Questen folgen kannst.
## Notes-frFR: Calcule un itinéraire optimal pour vous de suivre.
## Notes-esES: Calcula la mejor ruta a seguir para usted.
## Notes-esMX: Calcula la mejor ruta a seguir para usted.
## Notes-koKR: 노선에 대한 계산을 수행합니다.
## Version: 1.4.0
## Version:
## OptionalDeps: Cartographer_Waypoints, TomTom, Cartographer_InstanceMaps, !Swatter, tekticles, UnicodeFont, ClearFont2
## SavedVariables: QuestHelper_Pref QuestHelper_UID QuestHelper_SaveDate QuestHelper_Errors QuestHelper_Collector QuestHelper_Collector_Version
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: QuestHelper_KnownFlightRoutes QuestHelper_Home QuestHelper_CharVersion QuestHelper_Flight_Updates

Voir le fichier

@ -207,6 +207,8 @@ QH_Event("ADDON_LOADED", function (addonid)
local expected_version = GetAddOnMetadata("QuestHelper", "Version")
-- Why are we checking to make sure these files load?
-- Most if not all are named in the toc file.
local expected_files =
["bst_pre.lua"] = true,
@ -331,6 +333,9 @@ QH_Event("ADDON_LOADED", function (addonid)
local uninstallederr = ""
-- Why do we make the checks?
-- QH shouldn't care if an unexpected file is loaded. It is highly unlikely that an unexpected file or version is going to cause an issue.
--[[ Commenting out for now.
for file, version in pairs(QuestHelper_File) do
if not expected_files[file] then
local errmsg = "Unexpected QuestHelper file: "..file
@ -347,7 +352,10 @@ QH_Event("ADDON_LOADED", function (addonid)
-- Again, what's the point? If a file doesn't load, WoW will bitch, piss and moan about something bein nil. If it doesn't load, there's probably an error in it.
--[[ Commenting for now.
for file in pairs(expected_files) do
if not QuestHelper_File[file] then
local errmsg = "Missing QuestHelper file: "..file
@ -356,7 +364,8 @@ QH_Event("ADDON_LOADED", function (addonid)
if not (expected_version == "Development Version" and file:match("static.*")) then file_problem_version = true end
-- Don't need this table anymore.
QuestHelper_File = nil