Bifurcation 0

Some more changes for using the WoW quest tracking API.

Removed the ugly database hacks, they are not necessary with the planes set to be the map ID's and no calls going out to the built in database.

Fixed the elders in Stranglethorn.
Cette révision appartient à :
Nathanial.C.Jones 2012-02-08 03:41:53 +00:00
Parent bf43ddd2a2
révision c77bc5fc31
7 fichiers modifiés avec 27 ajouts et 64 suppressions

Voir le fichier

@ -308,8 +308,8 @@ local elders = {
["Silvervein"] = "Loch Modan 33 46",
["Ironband"] = "Searing Gorge 21 79",
["Obsidian"] = "Silverpine Forest 45 41",
["Starglade"] = "Stranglethorn Vale 63 22", -- Jungle 71 34
["Winterhoof"] = "Stranglethorn Vale 37 79", -- Cape 39 72
["Starglade"] = "Northern Stranglethorn 71 34",
["Winterhoof"] = "The Cape of Stranglethorn 39 72", -- Cape 39 72
["Graveborn"] = "Tirisfal Glades 61 53",
["Moonstrike"] = "Western Plaguelands 69 73",
["Meadowrun"] = "Western Plaguelands 63 36",

Voir le fichier

@ -165,16 +165,24 @@ local function GetZonePOIs(c, z)
isComplete = true
local poi = {}
poi.questLogIndex = questLogIndex
poi.questId = questId
poi.title = questTitle
poi.c = c
poi.z = z
poi.x = x
poi.y = y
poi.p = mapID
poi.completed = isComplete
pois[count] = poi
if pois[questId] then poi = pois[questId]
else pois[questId] = poi end
if not poi.questLogIndex then
poi.questLogIndex = questLogIndex
poi.questId = questId
poi.name = questTitle
poi.criteria = {}
poi.criteria.loc = {}
local loc = {}
loc.c = c
loc.x = x
loc.y = y
loc.p = mapID
loc.completed = isComplete
count = count+1
hasQuests = true
@ -194,6 +202,7 @@ function DB_GetItem(group, id, silent, register)
-- Loop over zones AND floors
-- see QuestRouterLite.lua for specific calls.
-- In the end, the item returned MUST be "formatted" the same as a true QHDB item.
ite = {}
local origC = GetCurrentMapContinent()
local origZ = GetCurrentMapZone()
@ -202,12 +211,8 @@ function DB_GetItem(group, id, silent, register)
for c, cname in ipairs({GetMapContinents()}) do
for z, zname in ipairs({GetMapZones(c)}) do
local pois, zoneHasQuests = GetZonePOIs(c, z)
if zoneHasQuests then
for _, ipoi in ipairs(pois) do
if ipoi.questId == id then
myPois[count] = ipoi
if zoneHasQuests and pois[id] then

Voir le fichier

@ -289,20 +289,12 @@ function GetAchievementMetaObjective(achievement)
if data.chunk then
ttx.solid = horribledupe(data.chunk.solid)
if data.chunk.loc then for _, v in ipairs(data.chunk.loc) do
-- Ugly database hack
if v.p == 26 then v.p = 48 end
if v.p == 38 then v.p = 168 end
-- end hack
table.insert(ttx, {loc = {x = v.x, y = v.y, c = QuestHelper_ParentLookup[v.p], p = v.p}})
end end
if data.loc then
ttx.solid = data.solid
-- Ugly database hack
if data.loc.p == 26 then data.loc.p = 48 end
if data.loc.p == 38 then data.loc.p = 168 end
-- end hack
table.insert(ttx, {loc = {x = data.loc.x, y = data.loc.y, c = QuestHelper_ParentLookup[data.loc.p], p = data.loc.p}})

Voir le fichier

@ -71,10 +71,6 @@ local function generate_objective(dbi)
for _, v in ipairs(dbi.loc) do
QuestHelper: Assert(QuestHelper_ParentLookup)
QuestHelper: Assert(QuestHelper_ParentLookup[v.p], v.p)
-- Ugly database hack
if v.p == 26 then v.p = 48 end
if v.p == 38 then v.p = 168 end
-- end hack
table.insert(clooster, {loc = {x = v.x, y = v.y, c = QuestHelper_ParentLookup[v.p], p = v.p}, cluster = clooster, tracker_hidden = true, why = why, map_desc = {QuestHelper:HighlightText(dbi.name)}, tracker_desc = dbi.name, map_suppress_ignore = true, map_custom_menu = function (menu) QuestHelper:CreateMenuItem(menu, QHText("FIND_REMOVE")):SetFunction(function () QH_Route_ClusterRemove(clooster) end) end})
@ -185,8 +181,8 @@ local elders = {
["Silvervein"] = {35, 33, 46}, --"Loch Modan 33 46",
["Ironband"] = {28, 21, 79}, --"Searing Gorge 21 79",
["Obsidian"] = {21, 45, 41}, --"Silverpine Forest 45 41",
["Starglade"] = {689, 63, 22}, --"Stranglethorn Vale 63 22", -- Jungle 71 34
["Winterhoof"] = {689, 37, 39}, --"Stranglethorn Vale 37 79", -- Cape 39 72
["Starglade"] = {37, 71, 34}, --"Northern Stranglethorn 71 34"
["Winterhoof"] = {673, 39, 72}, --"The Cape of Stranglethorn 39 72"
["Graveborn"] = {20, 61, 53}, --"Tirisfal Glades 61 53",
["Moonstrike"] = {22, 69, 73}, --"Western Plaguelands 69 73",
["Meadowrun"] = {22, 63.5, 36.2}, --"Western Plaguelands 63 36",
@ -297,10 +293,6 @@ function QH_FindName(name)
--[[ assert(dbi) ]]
if dbi.loc then
-- Ugly database hack
if dbi.loc.p == 26 then dbi.loc.p = 48 end
if dbi.loc.p == 38 then dbi.loc.p = 168 end
-- end hack
table.insert(found_db, dbi)
if has_name[dbi.name] then needs_postfix[dbi.name] = true end

Voir le fichier

@ -48,10 +48,6 @@ local function AppendObjlinks(target, source, tooltips, icon, last_name, map_lin
for m, v in ipairs(source.loc) do
QuestHelper: Assert(target)
QuestHelper: Assert(QuestHelper_ParentLookup)
-- Ugly database hack
if v.p == 26 then v.p = 48 end -- Alterac Mountains merged to Hillsbrad Foothills
if v.p == 38 then v.p = 168 end -- Ditto Stranglethorn
-- end hack
QuestHelper: Assert(QuestHelper_ParentLookup[v.p], v.p)
table.insert(target, {loc = {x = v.x, y = v.y, c = QuestHelper_ParentLookup[v.p], p = v.p}, path_desc = copy(map_lines), icon_id = icon or 6})
@ -121,6 +117,7 @@ local function GetQuestMetaobjective(questid, lbcount, qindex)
if not quest_list[questid] then
local q = DB_GetItem("quest", questid, true, true)
if not lbcount then
QuestHelper: TextOut("Missing lbcount, guessing wildly")
if q and q.criteria then
@ -132,6 +129,7 @@ local function GetQuestMetaobjective(questid, lbcount, qindex)
lbcount = 0 -- heh
-- just doublechecking here
if not QuestCriteriaWarningBroadcast and q and q.criteria then for k, v in pairs(q.criteria) do
@ -159,13 +157,6 @@ local function GetQuestMetaobjective(questid, lbcount, qindex)
if qindex < 0 or (desc and typ ~= "log") then -- Ignore if no description.
--QuestHelper:TextOut(string.format("critty %d %d", k, c.loc and #c.loc or -1))
if done then
print(string.format("Quest %s, Objective %s('%s') is done.", qindex, i, desc))
print(string.format("Quest %s, Objective %s('%s') is not done.", qindex, i, desc))
ttx.tooltip_canned = {}
if q and q.criteria and q.criteria[i] then
@ -209,10 +200,6 @@ local function GetQuestMetaobjective(questid, lbcount, qindex)
--print(v.rc, v.rz)
-- Ugly database hack
if v.p == 26 then v.p = 48 end
if v.p == 38 then v.p = 168 end
-- end hack
table.insert(ttx, {desc = "Turn in quest", why = ite, loc = {x = v.x, y = v.y, c = QuestHelper_ParentLookup[v.p], p = v.p}, tracker_hidden = true, cluster = ttx, icon_id = 7, type_quest = ite.type_quest})

Voir le fichier

@ -151,17 +151,8 @@ function QH_Graph_Pathmultifind(st, nda, reverse, make_path)
--stats.dests_complex = 0
--stats.dests_total = 0
-- Ugly database hack
if st.p == 26 then st.p = 48 end -- Alterac Mountains merged to Hillsbrad Foothills
if st.p == 38 then st.p = 168 end -- Ditto Stranglethorn
-- end hack
for k, v in ipairs(nda) do
QuestHelper: Assert(v.x and v.y and v.p)
-- Ugly database hack pt. 2
if v.p == 26 then v.p = 48 end -- Alterac Mountains merged to Hillsbrad Foothills
if v.p == 38 then v.p = 168 end -- Ditto Stranglethorn
-- end hack
local cpvp = canoplane(v.p)
if plane[cpvp] then
--print("Destination plane insertion")

Voir le fichier

@ -1257,10 +1257,6 @@ function QH_Route_Core_ClusterAdd(clust, clustid_used)
-- if we're doing hackery, clust will just be an empty table and we'll retrofit stuff later
for _, v in ipairs(clust) do
-- Ugly database hack
if v.loc.p == 26 then v.loc.p = 48 end -- Somehow I doubt this is the problem location, but it IS a nice place to make a translation.
if v.loc.p == 38 then v.loc.p = 168 end -- Just following your lead.
-- end hack
local idx = QH_Route_Core_NodeAdd_Internal(v)
ClusterLookup[idx] = clustid