Bifurcation 0

Fixed error reported in issue 280. Implemented patches in issues 282, 283 and 284.

Cette révision appartient à :
Nathanial.C.Jones 2011-01-29 21:25:05 +00:00
Parent 1b0e1b5ddb
révision cc22e05dd4
2 fichiers modifiés avec 6 ajouts et 6 suppressions

Voir le fichier

@ -135,15 +135,15 @@ local elders = {
["Starweave"] = {16, 49.5, 19.0}, --"Darkshore 49.5 19.0", NOTE TO SELF -- CONVERTING TO LOOKUP VALUES DON'T FORGET TO CHANGE THE FUNCTION!!!!!!!
["Runetotem"] = {7, 54, 44}, --"Durotar 54 44",
["Nightwind"] = {13, 37, 52}, --"Felwood 37 52",
["Grimtotem"] = {17, 76, 37}, --"Feralas 76 37",
["Mistwalker"] = {17, 62, 31}, --"Feralas 62 31",
["Grimtotem"] = {17, 76.7, 37.9}, --"Feralas 76.7 37.9",
["Mistwalker"] = {17, 62.6, 31.1}, --"Feralas 62.6 31.1",
["Bloodhoof"] = {22, 48, 53}, --"Mulgore 48 53",
["Bladesing"] = {5, 53, 35}, --"Silithus 53 35",
["Primestone"] = {5, 30.7, 13.3}, --"Silithus 30.7 13.3",
["Dreamseer"] = {8, 50, 28}, --"Tanaris 50 28",
["Ragetotem"] = {8, 36, 80}, --"Tanaris 36 80",
["Bladeleaf"] = {24, 57, 73}, --"Teldrassil 57 53",
["Skyseer"] = {14, 45, 50}, --"Thousand Needles 45 50",
["Skyseer"] = {14, 46.3, 51.0}, --"Thousand Needles 46.3 51.0",
["Morningdew"] = {14, 77.0, 75.6}, --"Thousand Needles 77.0 75.6",
["Thunderhorn"] = {18, 51, 75}, --"Un'Goro Crater 51 75",
["Brightspear"] = {19, 53.0, 56.7}, --"Winterspring 53.0 56.7",

Voir le fichier

@ -297,9 +297,9 @@ function load_graph_links()
-- Create a lookup table.
local converter = {}
convert[181] = function() return convertLostIsles(181, 208, 209) end
convert[208] = function() return convertLostIsles(208, 181, 209) end
convert[209] = function() return convertLostIsles(209, 181, 208) end
converter[181] = function() return convertLostIsles(181, 208, 209) end
converter[208] = function() return convertLostIsles(208, 181, 209) end
converter[209] = function() return convertLostIsles(209, 181, 208) end
-- Use the lookup table to get the real coordinate.
if converter[coord[1]] then coord[1] = converter[coord[1]]() end