Bifurcation 0

More changes to pathfinding. Corrections made to the Stranglethorn Vale area. This is a work in progress uploaded just to test the planes issue.

Cette révision appartient à :
lonadar 2011-02-21 00:11:41 +00:00
Parent d29857fc09
révision e1505cae77
1 fichiers modifiés avec 101 ajouts et 61 suppressions

Voir le fichier

@ -4,13 +4,19 @@ QuestHelper_Loadtime["pathfinding.lua"] = GetTime()
-- This section for whenever from-player's-location-to pathing can be implimented.
-- Mage teleport spells and druid teleport spell all say "10 sec cast
-- Hearthstone is also a 10 second cast
-- So make one general setting for the 10 seconds plus 5 for the world to load
-- local porttime = 15
local static_alliance_landings =
{12, 0.476, 0.598, "Exodar via portal"}, -- Exodar
{21, 0.435, 0.787, "Darnassus via portal"}, -- Darnassus
-- Need Stormwind Port In coordinates
-- Need Ironforge Port In coordinates
-- Need Theramore Port In coordinates
{36, 0.496, 0.865, "Stormwind via portal"}, -- Stormwind
{25, 0.255, 0.084, "Ironforge via portal"}, -- Ironforge
{10, 0.660, 0.490, "Theramore via portal"}, -- Theramore
@ -26,69 +32,76 @@ local static_horde_landings =
local static_shared_landings =
-- Need Shattrath Port In cooordinates
-- Need Dalaran Port In coordinates
{67, 0.559, 0.468, "Dalaran via portal"}, -- Dalaran
{60, 0.550, 0.402, "Shattrath via portal"}, -- Shattrath
-- Need Tol Barad Port In coordinates
-- Unchecked
local SHATTRATH_CITY_PORTAL_IN = {60,0.530,0.492, "Shattrath City via portal"}
local DALARAN_PORTAL_IN = {67,0.500,0.394, "Dalaran via portal"}
QuestHelper:Assert(UnitClass("player"), "Pathfinding Druid Check - too soon")
QuestHelper:Assert(UnitLevel("player"), "Pathfinding Druid Check - too soon")
if UnitClass("player") == "Druid" and UnitLevel("player") > 14 then
if IsSpellKnown(18960) then
local static_druid_landings = {20,0.563,0.324, "Moonglade via spell"} -- Moonglade landing
-- end whimsey
-- More storage
-- Contingent on player's faction controlling the zone
-- {{74, 0.491, 0.153}, {67, 0.268, 0.447}, 5, true}, -- Wingergrasp Keep --> Dalaran
-- end storage
local BLASTED_LANDS_PORTAL_IN = {33,0.539,0.461, "Blasted Lands via portal"}
local ORGRIMMAR_CATPORTAL_IN = {20, 0.563, 0.324, "Orgrimmar via portal"}
local static_horde_routes =
-- Portals
{{1,0.471,0.618}, BLASTED_LANDS_PORTAL_IN, 60, true, level_limit = 58}, -- Orgrimmar --> Dark Portal
{{45,0.853,0.171}, BLASTED_LANDS_PORTAL_IN, 60, true, level_limit = 58}, -- Undercity --> Dark Portal
{{23,0.232,0.135}, BLASTED_LANDS_PORTAL_IN, 60, true, level_limit = 58}, -- Thunder Bluff --> Dark Portal
{{52,0.584,0.210}, BLASTED_LANDS_PORTAL_IN, 60, true, level_limit = 58}, -- Silvermoon --> Dark Portal
{{1,0.471,0.618}, BLASTED_LANDS_PORTAL_IN, 5, true, level_limit = 58}, -- Orgrimmar --> Dark Portal
{{45,0.853,0.171}, BLASTED_LANDS_PORTAL_IN, 5, true, level_limit = 58}, -- Undercity --> Dark Portal
{{23,0.232,0.135}, BLASTED_LANDS_PORTAL_IN, 5, true, level_limit = 58}, -- Thunder Bluff --> Dark Portal
{{52,0.584,0.210}, BLASTED_LANDS_PORTAL_IN, 5, true, level_limit = 58}, -- Silvermoon --> Dark Portal
{{56, 0.886, 0.477}, {1, 0.483, 0.645}, 60, true, level_limit = 58}, -- Hellfire Peninsula --> Orgrimmar
-- I'm really not concerned that the landing points are different. This is a self-contained method.
-- It won't affect anything that we don't have two one-way paths here.
{{45, 0.549, 0.113}, {52, 0.495, 0.148}, 15}, -- Undercity <--> Silvermoon City
{{56, 0.886, 0.477}, {1, 0.483, 0.645}, 5, true, level_limit = 58}, -- Hellfire Peninsula --> Orgrimmar
{{1, 0.475, 0.392}, {176, 0.560, 0.799}, 5, false, level_limit = 85}, -- Orgrimmar <--> Tol Barad
-- Orgrimmar --> Tol Barad
-- Orgrimmar --> Maelstrom
-- Not sure of the distinction here
-- Tol Barad Peninsula to Orgrimmar portal = 176,0.563,0.797
-- Tol Barad to Orgrimmar portal = 175,0.472,0.519 (Only if Horde controlled)
-- Zepplins
{{1, 0.526, 0.529}, {168, 0.372, 0.525}, 210}, -- Orgrimmar <--> Grom'gol Base Camp
{{1, 0.449, 0.619}, {65, 0.414, 0.536}, 210, false, level_limit = 68}, -- Orgrimmar <--> Warsong Hold
{{1, 0.506, 0.561}, {43, 0.607, 0.588}, 210}, -- Orgrimmar <--> Tirisfal Glades
{{168, 0.374, 0.509}, {43, 0.619, 0.591}, 210}, -- Grom'gol Base Camp <--> Tirisfal Glades
{{1, 0.428, 0.653}, {23, 0.152, 0.257}, 210}, -- Orgrimmar <--> Thunder Bluff
{{1, 0.449, 0.619}, {65, 0.414, 0.536}, 210, false, level_limit = 68}, -- Orgrimmar <--> Warsong Hold
-- Partially checked
{{1, 0.428, 0.653}, {23, 0.148, 0.258}, 210}, -- Orgrimmar <--> Thunder Bluff
{{43, 0.590, 0.590}, {70, 0.777, 0.283}, 210, false, level_limit = 68}, -- Tirisfal Glades <--> Vengeance Landing
-- Unchecked
{{45, 0.549, 0.11}, {52, 0.495, 0.148}, 60}, -- Undercity <--> Silvermoon City
{{43, 0.619, 0.591}, {168, 0.374, 0.509}, 210}, -- Tirisfal Glades <--> Grom'gol Base Camp
{{43, 0.590, 0.590}, {70, 0.777, 0.282}, 210, false, level_limit = 68}, -- Tirisfal Glades <--> Vengeance Landing
local static_alliance_routes =
-- Portals
{{21,0.440,0.782}, BLASTED_LANDS_PORTAL_IN, 60, true, level_limit = 58}, -- Darnassus --> Dark Portal
{{12,0.482,0.630}, BLASTED_LANDS_PORTAL_IN, 60, true, level_limit = 58}, -- Exodar --> Dark Portal
{{25,0.273,0.070}, BLASTED_LANDS_PORTAL_IN, 60, true, level_limit = 58}, -- Ironforge --> Dark Portal
{{36,0.490,0.874}, BLASTED_LANDS_PORTAL_IN, 60, true, level_limit = 58}, -- Stormwind --> Dark Portal
{{21,0.440,0.782}, BLASTED_LANDS_PORTAL_IN, 5, true, level_limit = 58}, -- Darnassus --> Dark Portal
{{12,0.482,0.630}, BLASTED_LANDS_PORTAL_IN, 5, true, level_limit = 58}, -- Exodar --> Dark Portal
{{25,0.273,0.070}, BLASTED_LANDS_PORTAL_IN, 5, true, level_limit = 58}, -- Ironforge --> Dark Portal
{{36,0.490,0.874}, BLASTED_LANDS_PORTAL_IN, 5, true, level_limit = 58}, -- Stormwind --> Dark Portal
-- {{56, 0.886, 0.528}, STORMWIND_CITY_PORTAL_IN, 60, true, level_limit = 58}, -- Hellfire Peninsula --> Stormwind
{{21, 0.442, 0.788}, {12, 0.476, 0.598}, 60, true}, -- Darnassus --> Exodar
{{12, 0.476, 0.619}, {21, 0.435, 0.787}, 60, true}, -- Exodar --> Darnassus
{{56, 0.886, 0.528}, {36, 0.496, 0.865}, 5, true, level_limit = 58}, -- Hellfire Peninsula --> Stormwind
{{21, 0.442, 0.788}, {12, 0.476, 0.598}, 5, true}, -- Darnassus --> Exodar
{{12, 0.476, 0.619}, {21, 0.435, 0.787}, 5, true}, -- Exodar --> Darnassus
-- Stormwind --> Tol Barad?
-- Stormwind --> Maelstrom?
@ -124,35 +137,31 @@ local static_alliance_routes =
local static_shared_routes =
-- Portals
{{67, 0.268, 0.447}, {67, 0.240, 0.394}, 60}, -- Dalaran (Violet Citadel) <--> Dalaran (Purple Parlor)
{{67, 0.559, 0.468}, {66, 0.158, 0.428}, 60}, -- Dalaran <--> Violet Stand
{{67, 0.268, 0.447}, {67, 0.240, 0.394}, 5}, -- Dalaran (Violet Citadel) <--> Dalaran (Purple Parlor)
{{67, 0.559, 0.468}, {66, 0.158, 0.428}, 5}, -- Dalaran <--> Crystalsong Forest
{{24, 0.551, 0.885}, {21, 0.369, 0.584}, 5}, -- Rut'Theran Village <--> Darnassus
{{60, 0.486, 0.420}, {64, 0.482, 0.345}, 60, true}, -- Shattrath --> Isle of Quel'Danas
{{67, 0.255, 0.514}, {8, 0.652, 0.498}, 5, true}, -- Dalaran --> Caverns of Time
{{60, 0.486, 0.420}, {64, 0.482, 0.345}, 5, true}, -- Shattrath --> Isle of Quel'Danas
-- Ships (To keep QH from self-destructing)
{{3, 0.203, 0.540}, {24, 0.522, 0.895}, 210}, -- Azuremyst Isle <--> Teldrassil
{{36, 0.223, 0.560}, {24, 0.550, 0.938}, 210}, -- Stormwind <--> Teldrassil
{{68, 0.497, 0.784}, {70, 0.234, 0.578}, 210}, -- Moa'ki <--> Kamagua
{{68, 0.479, 0.788}, {65, 0.789, 0.537}, 210}, -- Moa'ki <--> Unu'pe
{{174, 0.390, 0.670}, {11, 0.702, 0.733}, 210}, -- Booty Bay <--> Ratchet
-- Partially checked
{{11, 0.638, 0.387}, {174, 0.390, 0.670}, 210}, -- Ratchet <--> Booty Bay
{{67, 0.255, 0.514}, {8, 0.659, 0.498}, 5, true}, -- Dalaran --> Caverns of Time
-- Leave here to keep QH from self-destructing
{{24, 0.522, 0.895}, {3, 0.203, 0.540}, 210}, -- Teldrassil <--> Azuremyst Isle
{{24, 0.550, 0.938}, {36, 0.223, 0.560}, 210}, -- Teldrassil <--> Stormwind
-- Unchecked
{{40, 0.318, 0.503}, {32, 0.347, 0.84}, 130}, -- Burning Steppes <--> Searing Gorge
{{70, 0.235, 0.578}, {68, 0.496, 0.784}, 210}, -- Kamagua <--> Moa'ki
{{65, 0.789, 0.536}, {68, 0.480, 0.787}, 210}, -- Unu'pe <--> Moa'ki
-- Route to new zone. Not valid, exists only to keep routing from exploding if you don't have the flight routes there.
{{41, 0.5, 0.5}, {64, 0.484, 0.251}, 7200}, -- Eversong Woods <--> Sunwell
{{34, 0.817, 0.461}, {78, 0.492, 0.312}, 86400}, -- EPL Ebon Hold <--> Scarlet Enclave Ebon Hold. Exists solely to fix some pathing crashes. 24-hour boat ride :D
{{40, 0.318, 0.503}, {32, 0.347, 0.84}, 130}, -- Burning Steppes <--> Searing Gorge
-- Route to new zone. Not valid, exists only to keep routing from exploding if you don't have the flight routes there.
{{41, 0.5, 0.5}, {64, 0.484, 0.251}, 7200}, -- Eversong Woods <--> Sunwell
{{34, 0.817, 0.461}, {78, 0.492, 0.312}, 86400}, -- EPL Ebon Hold <--> Scarlet Enclave Ebon Hold. Exists solely to fix some pathing crashes. 24-hour boat ride :D
-- Nate's Cataclysm content
{{178, 0.83, 0.34}, {167, 0.45, 0.23}, 210, true}, -- Vash'jir --> Vash'jir Kelp Forest (One time, One way)
@ -244,6 +253,37 @@ local static_shared_routes =
-- Darkportal is handled specially, depending on whether or not you're level 58+ or not.
local dark_portal_route = {{33, 0.550, 0.541}, {56, 0.898, 0.502}, 60}
-- Cataclysm Quest-dependant static routes
-- Horde
-- Orgrimmar to Uldum portal = 1,0.489,0.386
-- Orgrimmar to Uldum portal landing = 164,0.549,0.342 (All quests completed)
-- Orgrimmar to Mount Hyjal portal = 1,0.511,0.383
-- Orgrimmar to Mount Hyjal portal landing = 198,0.635,0.234
-- Orgrimmar to Twilight Highlands portal = 1,0.502,0.394
-- Orgrimmar to Twilight Highlands portal landing = 184,0.736,0.534 (All quests completed)
-- Orgrimmar to Vashj'ir portal = 1,0.492,0.365
-- Orgrimmar to Vashj'ir portal landing = 165,0.514,0.609 (All quests completed)
-- Orgrimmar to Deepholm portal = 1,0.508,0.363
-- Orgrimmar to Deepholm portal landing = 179,0.506,0.529
-- Temple of Earth to Therazane's Throne portal = 179,0.493,0.503
-- Temple of Earth to Therazane's Throne portal landing = 179,0.570,0.135
-- Therazane's Throne to Temple of Earth portal = 179,0.572,0.136
-- Therazane's Throne to Temple of Earth portal landing = 179,0.493,0.506
-- Temple of Earth to Orgrimmar portal = 179,0.509,0.531
-- Dragonmaw Port to The Krazzworks dock = 184,0.735,0.528 (310% Flying mount with 20% Mount Speed guild perk moves faster than zepplin)
-- The Krazzworks to Dragonmaw Port dock = 184,0.767,0.152
-- Dragonmaw Port to Orgrimmar portal = 184,0.736,0.535
-- Cataclysm zone portal landing = 1,0.500,0.377 (For the few zones that have a portal back to Orgrimmar)
-- Alliance
-- Neutral
local static_zone_transitions =
-- Eastern Kingdoms
@ -274,9 +314,9 @@ local static_zone_transitions =
-- Work
{7, 1, 0.117, 0.936}, -- Durotar <--> Orgrimmar.Front
{7, 1, 0.366, 0.253}, -- Durotar <--> Orgrimmar.Side
{15, 1, 0.792, 0.017}, -- Azshara <--> Orgrimmar.Back
{7, 1, 0.117, 0.936}, -- Durotar <--> Orgrimmar (Front)
{7, 1, 0.366, 0.253}, -- Durotar <--> Orgrimmar (Side)
{15, 1, 0.792, 0.017}, -- Azshara <--> Orgrimmar (Back)
@ -311,7 +351,7 @@ local static_zone_transitions =
{13, 19, 0.685, 0.06}, -- Felwood <--> Winterspring
{13, 20, 0.669, -0.063}, -- Felwood <--> Moonglade
{17, 14, 0.899, 0.46}, -- Feralas <--> Thousand Needles
{6, 203, 0.29, 0.08}, -- Stonetalon Mountains <--> The Barrens
{6, 11, 0.29, 0.08}, -- Stonetalon Mountains <--> Northern Barrens IS THIS ONE RIGHT?
{39, 51, 0.454, 0.89}, -- Arathi Highlands <--> Wetlands
{39, 48, 0.2, 0.293}, -- Arathi Highlands <--> Hillsbrad Foothills
{27, 29, 0.47, 0.071}, -- Badlands <--> Loch Modan
@ -325,8 +365,8 @@ local static_zone_transitions =
{28, 29, 0.844, 0.31}, -- Dun Morogh <--> Loch Modan
{31, 37, 0.801, 0.158}, -- Duskwood <--> Elwynn Forest
{31, 37, 0.15, 0.214}, -- Duskwood <--> Elwynn Forest
{31, 38, 0.447, 0.884}, -- Duskwood <--> Stranglethorn Vale
{31, 38, 0.209, 0.863}, -- Duskwood <--> Stranglethorn Vale
{31, 168, 0.447, 0.884}, -- Duskwood <--> Stranglethorn Vale
{31, 168, 0.209, 0.863}, -- Duskwood <--> Stranglethorn Vale
{31, 30, 0.941, 0.103}, -- Duskwood <--> Redridge Mountains
{31, 49, 0.079, 0.638}, -- Duskwood <--> Westfall
{34, 50, 0.077, 0.661}, -- Eastern Plaguelands <--> Western Plaguelands
@ -340,7 +380,7 @@ local static_zone_transitions =
{42, 50, 0.217, 0.264}, -- The Hinterlands <--> Western Plaguelands
{43, 45, 0.619, 0.651}, -- Tirisfal Glades <--> Undercity
{43, 50, 0.851, 0.703}, -- Tirisfal Glades <--> Western Plaguelands
{38, 49, 0.292, 0.024}, -- Stranglethorn Vale <--> Westfall
{168, 49, 0.292, 0.024}, -- Stranglethorn Vale <--> Westfall
{48, 35, 0.137, 0.458}, -- Hillsbrad Foothills <--> Silverpine Forest
{48, 42, 0.899, 0.253}, -- Hillsbrad Foothills <--> The Hinterlands
{51, 184, 0.80, 0.47}, -- Wetlands <--> Twilight Highlands