local GetTime = QuestHelper_GetTime QuestHelper_File["collect.lua"] = "4.0.1.$svnversion$" QuestHelper_Loadtime["collect.lua"] = GetTime() local --[[ static ]] MINSVNVERSION = 283 local --[[ static ]] PURGEDEV = false local debug_output = false if QuestHelper_File["collect.lua"] == "Development Version" then debug_output = true end local QuestHelper_Collector_Version_Current = 9 QuestHelper_Collector = {} QuestHelper_Collector_Version = QuestHelper_Collector_Version_Current local OnUpdateRegistrar = {} local TooltipRegistrar = {} local function OnUpdateHookRegistrar(func) QuestHelper: Assert(func) table.insert(OnUpdateRegistrar, func) end local suppress = false -- real tooltips don't use this function local SetTextScript = GameTooltip.SetText GameTooltip.SetText = function (...) suppress = true SetTextScript(...) suppress = false end local function CollectTooltippery(self) if not self then self = GameTooltip end for k, v in pairs(TooltipRegistrar) do v(self) end -- anything past here is not my fault end local ottsu = GameTooltip:GetScript("OnTooltipSetUnit") QH_Hook(GameTooltip, "OnTooltipSetUnit", function (self, ...) CollectTooltippery(self) if ottsu then return QH_Hook_NotMyFault(ottsu, self, ...) end end, "collection OnTooltipSetUnit") local ottsi = GameTooltip:GetScript("OnTooltipSetItem") QH_Hook(GameTooltip, "OnTooltipSetItem", function (self, ...) CollectTooltippery(self) if ottsi then return QH_Hook_NotMyFault(ottsi, self, ...) end end, "collection OnTooltipSetItem") local ottsh = GameTooltip:GetScript("OnShow") QH_Hook(GameTooltip, "OnShow", function (self, ...) CollectTooltippery(self) if ottsh then return QH_Hook_NotMyFault(ottsh, self, ...) end end, "collection OnShow") local function TooltipHookRegistrar(func) QuestHelper: Assert(func) table.insert(TooltipRegistrar, func) end local API = { Registrar_OnUpdateHook = OnUpdateHookRegistrar, Registrar_TooltipHook = TooltipHookRegistrar, Callback_Location_Raw = function () return QuestHelper:Location_RawRetrieve() end, Callback_Location_Absolute = function () return QuestHelper:Location_AbsoluteRetrieve() end, } -- We do these early, because some things that aren't in collect may rely on these. Yes I realize that avoiding this was one of my main goals in the separate collect system, shut up go away I hate you (in all seriousness: crunch mode + lazy = some nasty bits.) -- TODO: Make a common collect/mainmodule system, then rely on that better. QH_Collect_Util_Init(nil, API) -- Some may actually add their own functions to the API, and should go first. There's no real formalized order, I just know which depend on others, and it's heavily asserted so it will break if it goes in the wrong order. QH_Collect_Merger_Init(nil, API) QH_Collect_Bitstream_Init(nil, API) QH_Collect_Location_Init(nil, API) QH_Collect_Patterns_Init(nil, API) QH_Collect_Notifier_Init(nil, API) QH_Collect_Spec_Init(nil, API) QH_Collect_LZW_Init(nil, API) local CompressCollection function QH_Collector_SetupData() local svnversion = "$svnversion$" local buildInfo, locale, faction = GetBuildInfo(), GetLocale(), QuestHelper:PlayerFaction() local altfaction = "" if faction == "Alliance" then altfaction = "Alliance" elseif faction == "Horde" then altfaction = "Horde" else altfaction = "Neutral" end local realm = GetRealmName() local sessiontime = time() if not QuestHelper_Collector.created then QuestHelper_Collector.created = sessiontime; end local session = string.format("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s", svnversion, realm, buildInfo, locale, altfaction) if not QuestHelper_Collector.sessions then QuestHelper_Collector.sessions = {} end QuestHelper_Collector.sessions[sessiontime] = session if not QuestHelper_Collector.data then QuestHelper_Collector.data = {} end QuestHelper_Collector.data[sessiontime] = {} return QuestHelper_Collector.data[sessiontime] end function QH_Collector_FactionChange() local QHCData = QH_Collector_SetupData() QH_Collect_Achievement_FactionChange(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Zone_FactionChange(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Hearth_FactionChange(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Monster_FactionChange(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Item_FactionChange(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Object_FactionChange(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Flight_FactionChange(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Quest_FactionChange(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Warp_FactionChange(QHCData, API) end function QH_Collector_Init() -- Dunno why, but these statements cause the 1% issue. --[[ QH_Collector_UpgradeAll(QuestHelper_Collector) for _, v in pairs(QuestHelper_Collector) do if not v.modified then v.modified = time() - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 end -- eugh. Yeah, we set it to be a week ago. It's pretty grim. end --]] QuestHelper_Collector_Version = QuestHelper_Collector_Version_Current local remove_sigs = {} for k, v in pairs(QuestHelper_Collector) do local sig = k:match("^(%d)a$") or k:match("^(%d)b$") or k:match("^(%d)r$") if sig then if tonumber(sig) < MINSVNVERSION then table.insert(remove_sigs, sig) end elseif k ~= svnversion then table.insert(remove_sigs, k) elseif k == "$svnversion\$" and PURGEDEV then table.insert(remove_sigs, k) end end for _, v in ipairs(remove_sigs) do QuestHelper_Collector[v] = nil end local QHCData = QH_Collector_SetupData() QuestHelper: Assert(not QHCData.compressed) QH_Collect_Achievement_Init(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Traveled_Init(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Zone_Init(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Hearth_Init(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Monster_Init(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Item_Init(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Object_Init(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Flight_Init(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Quest_Init(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Warp_Init(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Loot_Init(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Equip_Init(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Merchant_Init(QHCData, API) if false then -- this will be disabled in most public releases, or set to a very rare probabalistic thing if not QHCData.routing_dump then QHCData.routing_dump = {} end local nt = {} table.insert(QHCData.routing_dump, nt) QH_Collect_Routing_Dump = nt end -- So, why do we delay it? -- It's simple. People are gonna update to this version, and then they're going to look at the memory usage. Then they will panic because omg this version uses so much more memory, I bet that will somehow hurt my framerates in a way which is not adequately explained! -- So instead, we just wait half an hour before compressing. Compression will still get done, and I won't have to deal with panicked comments about how bloated QH has gotten. -- addendum: yeah naturally I'm getting all sorts of panicked comments about how bloated qh has gotten, sigh --API.Utility_Notifier(GetTime() + (debug_output and 0 or (30 * 60)), function() CompressCollection(QHCData, QuestHelper_Collector[sig_altfaction], API.Utility_Merger, API.Utility_LZW.Compress) end) QH_Event("NEUTRAL_FACTION_SELECT_RESULT", QH_Collector_FactionChange) end QH_OnUpdate(function () local tstart = GetTime() for _, v in pairs(OnUpdateRegistrar) do v() end QH_Timeslice_Increment(GetTime() - tstart, "collect_update") end) --- I've tossed the compression stuff down here just 'cause I don't feel like making an entire file for it (even though I probably should.) local noncompressible = { modified = true, version = true, } local squarify local seritem local serializers = { ["nil"] = function(item, add) add("nil") end, ["number"] = function(item, add) add(tostring(item)) end, ["string"] = function(item, add) add(string.format("%q", item)) end, ["boolean"] = function(item, add) add(item and "true" or "false") end, ["table"] = function(item, add) add("{") local first = true for k, v in pairs(item) do if not first then add(",") end first = false add("[") seritem(k, add) add("]=") seritem(v, add) end add("}") end, } seritem = function(item, add) QH_Timeslice_Yield() serializers[type(item)](item, add) end local function DoCompress(item, merger, comp) if debug_output then QuestHelper: TextOut("Item condensing") end local ts = GetTime() local target = {} for k, v in pairs(item) do if not noncompressible[k] then target[k] = v end end local mg = {} seritem(target, function(dat) merger.Add(mg, dat) end) local tg = merger.Finish(mg) if debug_output then QuestHelper: TextOut(string.format("Item condensed to %d bytes, %f taken so far", #tg, GetTime() - ts)) end mg = nil local cmp = {} local cmptot = 0 local doublecheck = "" for chunk = 1, #tg, 1048576 do local fragment = tg:sub(chunk, chunk + 1048575) doublecheck = doublecheck .. fragment local ite = comp(fragment, 256, 8) cmptot = cmptot + #ite table.insert(cmp, ite) end QuestHelper: Assert(doublecheck == tg) if #cmp == 1 then cmp = cmp[1] end for k, v in pairs(target) do if not noncompressible[k] then item[k] = nil end end item.compressed = cmp if debug_output then QuestHelper: TextOut(string.format("Item compressed to %d bytes in %d shards (previously %d), %f taken", cmptot, type(cmp) == "table" and #cmp or 1, #tg, GetTime() - ts)) end end CompressCollection = function(active, active2, merger, comp) for _, v in pairs(QuestHelper_Collector) do if v ~= active and v ~= active2 and not v.compressed then QH_Timeslice_Add(function () DoCompress(v, merger, comp) CompressCollection(active, active2, merger, comp) end, "compress") break end end end