local GetTime = QuestHelper_GetTime QuestHelper_File["collect_util.lua"] = "4.0.1.$svnversion$" QuestHelper_Loadtime["collect_util.lua"] = GetTime() local function IsMonsterGUID(guid) QuestHelper: Assert(strlen(guid) == 18, "guid len " .. guid) -- 64 bits, plus the 0x prefix QuestHelper: Assert(guid:sub(1, 2) == "0x", "guid 0x-prefix " .. guid) return guid:sub(5, 5) == "3" or guid:sub(5, 5) == "5" end local function GetMonsterUID(guid) QuestHelper: Assert(strlen(guid) == 18, "guid len " .. guid) -- 64 bits, plus the 0x prefix QuestHelper: Assert(guid:sub(1, 2) == "0x", "guid 0x-prefix " .. guid) QuestHelper: Assert(guid:sub(5, 5) == "3" or guid:sub(5, 5) == "5", "guid 3-prefix " .. guid) -- It *shouldn't* be a player or a pet by the time we've gotten here. If so, something's gone wrong. return guid:sub(9, 18) -- here's our actual identifier end local function GetMonsterType(guid) QuestHelper: Assert(strlen(guid) == 18, "guid len " .. guid) -- 64 bits, plus the 0x prefix QuestHelper: Assert(guid:sub(1, 2) == "0x", "guid 0x-prefix " .. guid) QuestHelper: Assert(guid:sub(5, 5) == "3" or guid:sub(5, 5) == "5", "guid 3-prefix " .. guid) -- It *shouldn't* be a player or a pet by the time we've gotten here. If so, something's gone wrong. if GetBuildInfo():sub(1, 3) == "3.2" then return tonumber(guid:sub(9, 12), 16) -- here's our actual identifier else return tonumber(guid:sub(7, 10), 16) -- 3.3 and in the future, including 0.3.0 end end local function GetItemType(link, vague) QuestHelper:Assert(link, "Item did not have a link! Say WHAT?") local result = tonumber(string.match(link, (vague and "" or "^") .. "|cff%x%x%x%x%x%x|Hitem:(%d+):[%d:-]+|h%[[^%]]*%]|h|r".. (vague and "" or "$") )) QuestHelper:Assert(result, "Item does not have a type ('" .. link .. "')") return result end local function GetQuestType(link) return tonumber(string.match(link, "^|cff%x%x%x%x%x%x|Hquest:(%d+):[%d-]+|h%[[^%]]*%]|h|r$" )), tonumber(string.match(link, "^|cff%x%x%x%x%x%x|Hquest:%d+:([%d-]+)|h%[[^%]]*%]|h|r$" )) end function QH_Collect_Util_Init(_, API) API.Utility_IsMonsterGUID = IsMonsterGUID API.Utility_GetMonsterUID = GetMonsterUID API.Utility_GetMonsterType = GetMonsterType API.Utility_GetItemType = GetItemType API.Utility_GetQuestType = GetQuestType end