QuestHelper_File["error.lua"] = "4.0.1.$svnversion$" QuestHelper_Loadtime["error.lua"] = GetTime() --[[ Much of this code is ganked wholesale from Swatter, and is Copyright (C) 2006 Norganna. Licensed under LGPL v3.0. ]] local debug_output = false if QuestHelper_File["error.lua"] == "Development Version" then debug_output = true end QuestHelper_local_version = QuestHelper_File["error.lua"] QuestHelper_toc_version = GetAddOnMetadata("QuestHelper", "Version") local origHandler = geterrorhandler() local QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher = { } local startup_errors = {} local completely_started = false local yelled_at_user = false local first_error = nil QuestHelper_Errors = {} function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.TextError(text) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(string.format("|cffff8080QuestHelper Error Handler: |r%s", text)) end -- ganked verbatim from Swatter function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.GetPlayerInfo() local race, rfile = UnitRace("player") local class, cfile = UnitClass("player") return string.format("Level %s %s %s on %s", UnitLevel("player"), race, class, GetRealmName()) end function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.GetQuests() local return_string = "" for q = 1, GetNumQuestLogEntries() do local title, _, _, _, header, _, _, _, id = GetQuestLogTitle(q) if header then if id then return_string = return_string .. string.format("%s (%d)\n", title, id) else return_string = return_string .. string.format("[%s]\n", title) end else return_string = return_string .. string.format("\t%s (%d)\n", title, id) end end return return_string end function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.GetAddOns() local addlist = "" for i = 1, GetNumAddOns() do local name, title, notes, enabled, loadable, reason, security = GetAddOnInfo(i) local loaded = IsAddOnLoaded(i) if (loaded) then if not name then name = "Anonymous" end name = name:gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+", "") local version = GetAddOnMetadata(i, "Version") local class = getglobal(name) if not class or type(class)~='table' then class = getglobal(name:lower()) end if not class or type(class)~='table' then class = getglobal(name:sub(1,1):upper() end if not class or type(class)~='table' then class = getglobal(name:upper()) end if class and type(class)=='table' then if (class.version) then version = class.version elseif (class.Version) then version = class.Version elseif (class.VERSION) then version = class.VERSION end end local const = getglobal(name:upper().."_VERSION") if (const) then version = const end if type(version)=='table' then local allstr = true for k, v in pairs(version) do if type(v) ~= "string" then allstr = false end end if allstr then version = table.concat(version,":") end elseif type(version) == 'function' then local yay, v = pcall(version) if yay then version = v end end if (version) then addlist = addlist.." "", v"..tostring(version).."\n" else addlist = addlist.." ""\n" end end end return addlist end local error_uniqueness_whitelist = { ["count"] = true, ["timestamp"] = true, } -- here's the logic function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.CondenseErrors() if completely_started then while next(startup_errors) do _, err = next(startup_errors) table.remove(startup_errors) if not QuestHelper_Errors[err.type] then QuestHelper_Errors[err.type] = {} end local found = false for _, item in ipairs(QuestHelper_Errors[err.type]) do local match = true for k, v in pairs(err.dat) do if not error_uniqueness_whitelist[k] and item[k] ~= v then match = false break end end if match then for k, v in pairs(item) do if not error_uniqueness_whitelist[k] and err.dat[k] ~= v then match = false break end end end if match then found = true item.count = (item.count or 1) + 1 break end end if not found then table.insert(QuestHelper_Errors[err.type], err.dat) end end end end function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_RegisterError(typ, dat) table.insert(startup_errors, {type = typ, dat = dat}) QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.CondenseErrors() end function QuestHelper_ErrorPackage(depth) return { timestamp = date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), local_version = QuestHelper_local_version, toc_version = QuestHelper_toc_version, game_version = GetBuildInfo(), locale = GetLocale(), mutation_passes_exceeded = QuestHelper and QuestHelper.mutation_passes_exceeded, stack = debugstack(depth or 4, 20, 20), } end StaticPopupDialogs["QH_EXPLODEY"] = { text = "QuestHelper has broken. You may have to restart WoW. Type \"/qh error\" for a detailed error message.", button1 = OKAY, OnAccept = function(self) end, timeout = 0, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = 1 }; function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(loud, o_msg, o_frame, o_stack, ...) local msg = o_msg or "" -- We toss it into StartupErrors, and then if we're running properly, we'll merge it into the main DB. local terror = QuestHelper_ErrorPackage() terror.message = msg terror.addons = QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.GetAddOns() terror.stack = o_stack or terror.stack terror.silent = not loud terror.quests = QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.GetQuests() terror.pinfo = QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.GetPlayerInfo() QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_RegisterError("crash", terror) if first_error and first_error.silent and not first_error.next_loud and not terror.silent then first_error.next_loud = terror first_error.addons = "" end if not first_error or first_error.generated then first_error = terror end QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.CondenseErrors() if (--[[debug_output or]] loud) and not yelled_at_user then --print("qhbroken") StaticPopupDialogs["QH_EXPLODEY"] = { text = "QuestHelper has broken. You may have to restart WoW. Type \"/qh error\" for a detailed error message.", button1 = OKAY, OnAccept = function(self) end, timeout = 0, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = 1 } StaticPopup_Show("QH_EXPLODEY") yelled_at_user = true end end function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_GenerateReport() if first_error then return end -- don't need to generate one local terror = QuestHelper_ErrorPackage() terror.message = "(Full report)" terror.addons = QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.GetAddOns() terror.stack = "" terror.silent = "(Full report)" terror.generated = true terror.quests = QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.GetQuests() terror.pinfo = QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.GetPlayerInfo() first_error = terror end function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.OnError(o_msg, o_frame, o_stack, o_etype, ...) local errorize = false local loud = false if o_msg and string.find(o_msg, "QuestHelper") and not string.find(o_msg, "Cannot find a library with name") then loud = true end for lin in string.gmatch(debugstack(2, 20, 20), "([^\n]*)") do if string.find(lin, "QuestHelper") and not string.find(lin, "QuestHelper\\AstrolabeQH\\DongleStub.lua") then errorize = true end end if string.find(o_msg, "SavedVariables") then errorize, loud = false, false end if string.find(o_msg, "C stack overflow") then if loud then errorize = true end loud = false end if loud then errorize = true end if errorize then QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(loud, o_msg, o_frame, o_stack) end --[[ if o_msg and ( ( string.find(o_msg, "QuestHelper") -- Obviously we care about our bugs ) or ( string.find(debugstack(2, 20, 20), "QuestHelper") -- We're being a little overzealous and catching any bug with "QuestHelper" in the stack. This possibly should be removed, I'm not sure it's ever caught anything interesting. ) ) and not string.match(o_msg, "WTF\\Account\\.*") -- Sometimes the WTF file gets corrupted. This isn't our fault, since we weren't involved in writing it, and there's also nothing we can do about it - in fact we can't even retrieve the remnants of the old file. We may as well just ignore it. I suppose we could pop up a little dialog saying "clear some space on your hard drive, dufus" but, meh. and not (string.find(o_msg, "Cannot find a library with name") and string.find(debugstack(2, 20, 20), "QuestHelper\\AstrolabeQH\\DongleStub.lua")) -- We're catching errors caused by other people mucking up their dongles. Ughh. then QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(o_msg, o_frame, o_stack) end]] return origHandler(o_msg, o_frame, o_stack, o_etype, unpack(arg or {})) -- pass it on end seterrorhandler(QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.OnError) -- at this point we can catch errors function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.CompletelyStarted() completely_started = true -- Our old code generated a horrifying number of redundant items. My bad. I considered going and trying to collate them into one chunk, but I think I'm just going to wipe them - it's easier, faster, and should fix some performance issues. if not QuestHelper_Errors.version or QuestHelper_Errors.version ~= 1 then QuestHelper_Errors = {version = 1} end QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.CondenseErrors() end function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_CompletelyStarted() QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.CompletelyStarted() end -- and here is the GUI local QHE_Gui = {} function QHE_Gui.ErrorUpdate() QHE_Gui.ErrorTextinate() QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetText(QHE_Gui.Error.curError) QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll:UpdateScrollChildRect() QHE_Gui.Error.Box:ClearFocus() end function TextinateError(err) local tserr = string.format("msg: %s\ntoc: %s\nv: %s\ngame: %s\nlocale: %s\ntimestamp: %s\nmutation: %s\nsilent: %s\n\n%s\naddons:\n%s", err.message, err.toc_version, err.local_version, err.game_version, err.locale, err.timestamp, tostring(err.mutation_passes_exceeded), tostring(err.silent), err.stack, err.addons) if err.next_loud then tserr = tserr .. "\n\n---- Following loud error\n\n" .. TextinateError(err.next_loud) end return tserr end function QHE_Gui.ErrorTextinate() if first_error then QHE_Gui.Error.curError = TextinateError(first_error) else QHE_Gui.Error.curError = "None" end end function QHE_Gui.ErrorClicked() if (QHE_Gui.Error.selected) then return end QHE_Gui.Error.Box:HighlightText() QHE_Gui.Error.selected = true end function QHE_Gui.ErrorDone() QHE_Gui.Error:Hide() end -- Create our error message frame. Most of this is also ganked from Swatter. QHE_Gui.Error = CreateFrame("Frame", "QHE_GUIErrorFrame", UIParent) QHE_Gui.Error:Hide() QHE_Gui.Error:SetPoint("CENTER", "UIParent", "CENTER") QHE_Gui.Error:SetFrameStrata("TOOLTIP") QHE_Gui.Error:SetHeight(300) QHE_Gui.Error:SetWidth(600) QHE_Gui.Error:SetBackdrop({ bgFile = "Interface/Tooltips/ChatBubble-Background", edgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/ChatBubble-BackDrop", tile = true, tileSize = 32, edgeSize = 32, insets = { left = 32, right = 32, top = 32, bottom = 32 } }) QHE_Gui.Error:SetBackdropColor(0.2,0,0, 1) QHE_Gui.Error:SetScript("OnShow", QHE_Gui.ErrorShow) QHE_Gui.Error:SetMovable(true) QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", "QHE_GuiProxyFrame") QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame:SetParent(QHE_Gui.Error) QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame.IsShown = function() return QHE_Gui.Error:IsShown() end QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame.escCount = 0 QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame.timer = 0 QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame.Hide = ( function( self ) local numEscapes = QHE_Gui.numEscapes or 1 self.escCount = self.escCount + 1 if ( self.escCount >= numEscapes ) then self:GetParent():Hide() self.escCount = 0 end if ( self.escCount == 1 ) then self.timer = 0 end end ) QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function( self, elapsed ) local timer = self.timer + elapsed if ( timer >= 1 ) then self.escCount = 0 end self.timer = timer end ) table.insert(UISpecialFrames, "QHE_GuiProxyFrame") QHE_Gui.Drag = CreateFrame("Button", nil, QHE_Gui.Error) QHE_Gui.Drag:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", QHE_Gui.Error, "TOPLEFT", 10,-5) QHE_Gui.Drag:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", QHE_Gui.Error, "TOPRIGHT", -10,-5) QHE_Gui.Drag:SetHeight(8) QHE_Gui.Drag:SetHighlightTexture("Interface\\FriendsFrame\\UI-FriendsFrame-HighlightBar") QHE_Gui.Drag:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function() QHE_Gui.Error:StartMoving() end) QHE_Gui.Drag:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function() QHE_Gui.Error:StopMovingOrSizing() end) QHE_Gui.Error.Done = CreateFrame("Button", "", QHE_Gui.Error, "OptionsButtonTemplate") QHE_Gui.Error.Done:SetText("Close") QHE_Gui.Error.Done:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", QHE_Gui.Error, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -10, 10) QHE_Gui.Error.Done:SetScript("OnClick", QHE_Gui.ErrorDone) QHE_Gui.Error.Mesg = QHE_Gui.Error:CreateFontString("", "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormalSmall") QHE_Gui.Error.Mesg:SetJustifyH("LEFT") QHE_Gui.Error.Mesg:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", QHE_Gui.Error.Prev, "TOPLEFT", -10, 0) QHE_Gui.Error.Mesg:SetPoint("LEFT", QHE_Gui.Error, "LEFT", 15, 0) QHE_Gui.Error.Mesg:SetHeight(20) QHE_Gui.Error.Mesg:SetText("Select All and Copy the above error message to report this bug.") QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", "QHE_GUIErrorInputScroll", QHE_Gui.Error, "UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate") QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", QHE_Gui.Error, "TOPLEFT", 20, -20) QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll:SetPoint("RIGHT", QHE_Gui.Error, "RIGHT", -30, 0) QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll:SetPoint("BOTTOM", QHE_Gui.Error.Done, "TOP", 0, 10) QHE_Gui.Error.Box = CreateFrame("EditBox", "QHE_GUIErrorEditBox", QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll) QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetWidth(500) QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetHeight(85) QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetMultiLine(true) QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetAutoFocus(false) QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetFontObject(GameFontHighlight) QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetScript("OnEscapePressed", QHE_Gui.ErrorDone) QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetScript("OnTextChanged", QHE_Gui.ErrorUpdate) QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetScript("OnEditFocusGained", QHE_Gui.ErrorClicked) QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll:SetScrollChild(QHE_Gui.Error.Box) function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ReportError() QHE_Gui.Error.selected = false QHE_Gui.ErrorUpdate() QHE_Gui.Error:Show() end