local GetTime = QuestHelper_GetTime QuestHelper_File["flightpath.lua"] = "4.0.1.$svnversion$" QuestHelper_Loadtime["flightpath.lua"] = GetTime() local real_TakeTaxiNode = TakeTaxiNode local real_TaxiNodeOnButtonEnter= TaxiNodeOnButtonEnter --[[ assert(type(real_TakeTaxiNode) == "function") ]] --[[ assert(type(real_TaxiNodeOnButtonEnter) == "function") ]] local function LookupName(x, y) local best, d2 for i = 1,NumTaxiNodes() do local u, v = TaxiNodePosition(i) u = u - x v = v - y u = u*u+v*v if not best or u < d2 then best, d2 = TaxiNodeName(i), u end end return best end local function getRoute(id) for i = 1,NumTaxiNodes() do if GetNumRoutes(i) == 0 then local routes = GetNumRoutes(id) if routes and routes > 0 and routes < 100 then local origin, dest = TaxiNodeName(i), TaxiNodeName(id) local path_hash = 0 if routes > 1 then local path_str = "" for j = 1,routes-1 do path_str = string.format("%s/%s", path_str, LookupName(TaxiGetDestX(id, j), TaxiGetDestY(id, j))) end path_hash = QuestHelper:HashString(path_str) end return origin, dest, path_hash end end end end local function getSrcDest(id) local snode for i = 1, NumTaxiNodes() do if GetNumRoutes(i) == 0 then snode = TaxiNodeName(i) break end end local dnode = TaxiNodeName(id) return snode, dnode end local function getEtaEstimate(snode, dnode) local eta, estimate = nil, false if QH_Flight_Distances[snode] and QH_Flight_Distances[snode][dnode] then eta, estimate = unpack(QH_Flight_Distances[snode][dnode]) end return eta, estimate end TaxiNodeOnButtonEnter = function(btn, ...) QuestHelper: Assert(btn) local rv = real_TaxiNodeOnButtonEnter(btn, ...) if QuestHelper_Pref.flight_time then local index = btn:GetID() if TaxiNodeGetType(index) == "REACHABLE" then local snode, dnode = getSrcDest(index) local eta, estimate = getEtaEstimate(snode, dnode) if eta then -- Going to replace the tooltip. GameTooltip:SetOwner(btn, "ANCHOR_RIGHT") GameTooltip:ClearLines() GameTooltip:AddLine(TaxiNodeName(index), "", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(QHText("TRAVEL_ESTIMATE"), (estimate and "|cffffffff≈|r " or "")..QHFormat("TRAVEL_ESTIMATE_VALUE", eta)) local cost = TaxiNodeCost(index) if cost > 0 then SetTooltipMoney(GameTooltip, cost) end GameTooltip:Show() end end end return rv end TakeTaxiNode = function(id) local src, dest = getSrcDest(id) if src then local flight_data = QuestHelper.flight_data if not flight_data then flight_data = QuestHelper:CreateTable() QuestHelper.flight_data = flight_data end flight_data.src = src flight_data.dest = dest flight_data.start_time = nil flight_data.end_time = nil flight_data.end_time_estimate = nil end real_TakeTaxiNode(id) end function QuestHelper:getFlightInstructor(area) local fi_table = QuestHelper_FlightInstructors_Local[self.faction] if fi_table then local npc = fi_table[area] if npc then return npc end end local static = QuestHelper_StaticData[QuestHelper_Locale] if static then fi_table = static.flight_instructors and static.flight_instructors[self.faction] if fi_table then return fi_table[area] end end end local function getTime(tbl, orig, dest, hash) tbl = tbl and tbl[orig] tbl = tbl and tbl[dest] return tbl and tbl[hash] ~= true and tbl[hash] end -- Okay, I think I've figured out what this is. Given fi1 and fi2, the standard horrifying "canonical/fallback" stuff that all this code does . . . -- For each pair of "origin/dest" in tbl, determine if there is a direct path. (If there is, the hash will be 0.) -- If so, find the flightpath distance and the "walking" distance. Add up walking and flightpath separately, and return the sums. local function getWalkToFlight(tbl, fi1, fi2) local f, w = 0, 0 if tbl then for origin, list in pairs(tbl) do for dest, hashlist in pairs(list) do if type(hashlist[0]) == "number" then local npc1, npc2 = (fi1 and fi1[origin]) or (fi2 and fi2[origin]), (fi1 and fi1[dest]) or (fi2 and fi2[dest]) if npc1 and npc2 then local obj1, obj2 = QuestHelper:GetObjective("monster", npc1), QuestHelper:GetObjective("monster", npc2) obj1:PrepareRouting(true, {failable = true}) obj2:PrepareRouting(true, {failable = true}) local pos1, pos2 = obj1:Position(), obj2:Position() if pos1 and pos2 then local x, y = pos1[3]-pos2[3], pos1[4]-pos2[4] w = w + math.sqrt(x*x+y*y) f = f + hashlist[0] end obj2:DoneRouting() obj1:DoneRouting() end end end end end return f, w end -- Determines the general multiple faster than flying is than walking. function QuestHelper:computeWalkToFlightMult() local l = QuestHelper_FlightRoutes_Local[self.faction] local s = QuestHelper_StaticData[self.locale] s = s and s.flight_routes s = s and s[self.faction] local fi1 = QuestHelper_FlightInstructors_Local[self.faction] local fi2 = QuestHelper_StaticData[self.locale] fi2 = fi2 and fi2.flight_instructors fi2 = fi2 and fi2[self.faction] local f1, w1 = getWalkToFlight(l, fi1, fi2) local f2, w2 = getWalkToFlight(s, fi1, fi2) return (f1+f2+0.032876)/(w1+w2+0.1) end function QuestHelper:computeLinkTime(origin, dest, hash, fallback) -- Only works for directly connected flight points. if origin == dest then return 0 end local l = QuestHelper_FlightRoutes_Local[self.faction] local s = QuestHelper_StaticData[self.locale] s = s and s.flight_routes s = s and s[self.faction] hash = hash or 0 -- Will try to lookup flight time there, failing that, will use the time from there to here. local t = getTime(l, origin, dest, hash) or getTime(s, origin, dest, hash) or getTime(l, dest, origin, hash) or getTime(s, dest, origin, hash) or fallback if t == nil then -- Don't have any recored information on this flight time, will estimate based on distances. l = QuestHelper_FlightInstructors_Local[self.faction] s = QuestHelper_StaticData[self.locale] s = s and s.flight_instructors s = s and s[self.faction] local npc1, npc2 = (l and l[origin]) or (s and s[origin]), (l and l[dest]) or (s and s[dest]) if npc1 and npc2 then local obj1, obj2 = self:GetObjective("monster", npc1), self:GetObjective("monster", npc2) obj1:PrepareRouting(true) obj2:PrepareRouting(true) local pos1, pos2 = obj1:Position(), obj2:Position() if pos1 and pos2 then local x, y = pos1[3]-pos2[3], pos1[4]-pos2[4] t = math.sqrt(x*x+y*y)*self.flight_scalar end obj2:DoneRouting() obj1:DoneRouting() end end if t and type(t) ~= "number" then QuestHelper:AppendNotificationError("2008-10-11 computelinktime is not a number", string.format("%s %s", type(t), fallback and type(fallback) or "(nil)")) return nil end return t end local moonglade_fp = nil function QuestHelper:addLinkInfo(data, flight_times) if data then if select(2, UnitClass("player")) ~= "DRUID" then -- As only druids can use the flight point in moonglade, we need to figure out -- where it is so we can ignore it. if not moonglade_fp then local fi_table = QuestHelper_FlightInstructors_Local[self.faction] if fi_table then for area, npc in pairs(fi_table) do local npc_obj = self:GetObjective("monster", npc) npc_obj:PrepareRouting(true, {failable = true}) local pos = npc_obj:Position() if pos and QuestHelper_IndexLookup[pos[1].c][pos[1].z] == 20 and string.find(area, ",") then -- I'm kind of guessing here moonglade_fp = area npc_obj:DoneRouting() break end npc_obj:DoneRouting() end end if not moonglade_fp then fi_table = QuestHelper_StaticData[QuestHelper_Locale] fi_table = fi_table and fi_table.flight_instructors and fi_table.flight_instructors[self.faction] if fi_table then for area, npc in pairs(fi_table) do local npc_obj = self:GetObjective("monster", npc) npc_obj:PrepareRouting(true, {failable = true}) local pos = npc_obj:Position() if pos and QuestHelper_IndexLookup[pos[1].c][pos[1].z] == 20 and string.find(area, ",") then moonglade_fp = area npc_obj:DoneRouting() break end npc_obj:DoneRouting() end end end if not moonglade_fp then -- This will always be unknown for the session, even if you call buildFlightTimes again -- but if it's unknown then you won't be able to -- get the waypoint this session since you're not a druid -- so its all good. moonglade_fp = "unknown" end end end for origin, list in pairs(data) do local tbl = flight_times[origin] if not tbl then tbl = self:CreateTable("Flightpath AddLinkInfo origin table") flight_times[origin] = tbl end for dest, hashs in pairs(list) do if origin ~= moonglade_fp and QuestHelper_KnownFlightRoutes[dest] and hashs[0] then local tbl2 = tbl[dest] if not tbl2 then local t = self:computeLinkTime(origin, dest) if t then tbl2 = self:CreateTable("Flightpath AddLinkInfo origin->dest data table") tbl[dest] = tbl2 tbl2[1] = t tbl2[2] = dest end end end end end end end local visited = {} local function getDataTime(ft, origin, dest) local str = nil local data = ft[origin][dest] local t = data[1] for key in pairs(visited) do visited[key] = nil end while true do local n = data[2] -- We might be asked about a route that visits the same point multiple times, and -- since this is effectively a linked list, we need to check for this to avoid -- infinite loops. if visited[n] then return end visited[n] = true local temp = QuestHelper:computeLinkTime(origin, n, str and QuestHelper:HashString(str) or 0, false) if temp then t = temp + (n == dest and 0 or ft[n][dest][1]) end if n == dest then break end str = string.format("%s/%s", str or "", n) data = ft[n][dest] end return t end -- Used for loading status results. This is a messy solution. QuestHelper_Flight_Updates = 0 QuestHelper_Flight_Updates_Current = 0 function QuestHelper:buildFlightTimes() self.flight_scalar = self:computeWalkToFlightMult() local flight_times = self.flight_times if not flight_times then flight_times = self:CreateTable() self.flight_times = flight_times end for key, list in pairs(flight_times) do self:ReleaseTable(list) flight_times[key] = nil end local l = QuestHelper_FlightRoutes_Local[self.faction] local s = QuestHelper_StaticData[self.locale] s = s and s.flight_routes s = s and s[self.faction] self:addLinkInfo(l, flight_times) self:addLinkInfo(s, flight_times) QuestHelper_Flight_Updates_Current = 0 -- This appears to set up flight_times so it gives directions from any node to any other node. I'm not sure what the getDataTime() call is all about, and I'm also not sure what dat[2] is for. In any case, I don't see anything immediately suspicious about this, just dubious. local cont = true while cont do cont = false local origin = nil while true do origin = next(flight_times, origin) if not origin then break end local list = flight_times[origin] for dest, data in pairs(list) do QuestHelper_Flight_Updates_Current = QuestHelper_Flight_Updates_Current + 1 if flight_times[dest] then for dest2, data2 in pairs(flight_times[dest]) do if dest2 ~= origin then local dat = list[dest2] if not dat then dat = self:CreateTable() dat[1], dat[2] = data[1]+data2[1], dest list[dest2] = dat dat[1] = getDataTime(flight_times, origin, dest2) if not dat[1] then self:ReleaseTable(dat) list[dest2] = nil else cont = true end else local o1, o2 = dat[1], dat[2] -- Temporarly replace old data for the sake of looking up its time. if o2 ~= dest then dat[1], dat[2] = data[1]+data2[1], dest local t2 = getDataTime(flight_times, origin, dest2) if t2 and t2 < o1 then dat[1] = t2 cont = true else dat[1], dat[2] = o1, o2 end end end end end end QH_Timeslice_Yield() end end end QuestHelper_Flight_Updates = QuestHelper_Flight_Updates_Current -- Replace the tables with simple times. for orig, list in pairs(flight_times) do for dest, data in pairs(list) do local t = data[1] self:ReleaseTable(data) list[dest] = t end end end function QuestHelper:taxiMapOpened() for i = 1,NumTaxiNodes() do local name = TaxiNodeName(i) if not QuestHelper_KnownFlightRoutes[name] then QuestHelper_KnownFlightRoutes[name] = true self:TextOut("New flight master: " .. name) QH_Route_FlightPathRecalc() end end end local elapsed = 0 local function flight_updater(frame, delta) elapsed = elapsed + delta if elapsed > 1 then frame:SetSize(150, 35) elapsed = elapsed - 1 local data = QuestHelper.flight_data if data then frame:SetText(string.format("%s: %s", QuestHelper:HighlightText(select(3, string.find(data.dest, "^(.-),")) or data.dest), QuestHelper:TimeString(math.max(0, data.end_time_estimate-time())))) else frame:Hide() QH_Hook(frame, "OnUpdate", nil) end end end function QuestHelper:flightBegan() if self.flight_data and not self.flight_data.start_time then self.flight_data.start_time = GetTime() local src, dest = self.flight_data.src, self.flight_data.dest local eta, estimate = getEtaEstimate(src, dest) --[[ NOTE: MUST CONVERT TO M(ap), F(loor) coordinate system before enabling again. local npc = self:getFlightInstructor(self.flight_data.dest) -- Will inform QuestHelper that we're going to be at this NPC in whenever. if npc then local npc_obj = self:GetObjective("monster", npc) npc_obj:PrepareRouting(true) local pos = npc_obj:Position() if pos then local c, z = pos[1].c, pos[1].z local x, y = self.Astrolabe:TranslateWorldMapPosition(c, 0, pos[3]/self.continent_scales_x[c], pos[4]/self.continent_scales_y[c], c, z) self:SetTargetLocation(QuestHelper_IndexLookup[c][z], x, y, eta) end npc_obj:DoneRouting() end]] do local loc = QH_Flight_Destinations[dest] if loc then -- sometimes we just don't have a loc, I think due to flightpath recalculations going on right then QuestHelper.routing_ac, QuestHelper.routing_ax, QuestHelper.routing_ay, QuestHelper.routing_c, QuestHelper.routing_z = QuestHelper_ParentLookup[loc.p], loc.x, loc.y, QuestHelper_ZoneLookup[loc.p][1], QuestHelper_ZoneLookup[loc.p][2] end end if eta and QuestHelper_Pref.flight_time then self.flight_data.end_time_estimate = time() + eta self:PerformCustomSearch(flight_updater) -- Reusing the search status indicator to display ETA for flight. end end end function QuestHelper:flightEnded(interrupted) local flight_data = self.flight_data if flight_data and not flight_data.end_time then flight_data.end_time = GetTime() self:UnsetTargetLocation() self:StopCustomSearch() end end