local GetTime = QuestHelper_GetTime QuestHelper_File["help.lua"] = "4.0.1.$svnversion$" QuestHelper_Loadtime["help.lua"] = GetTime() local QuestHelper_Version = QuestHelper_File["help.lua"] function QuestHelper:scaleString(val) return self:HighlightText(math.floor(val*100+0.5).."%") end function QuestHelper:genericSetScale(varname, name, mn, mx, input, onchange, ...) if input == "" then self:TextOut(string.format("Current %s scale is %s.", name, self:scaleString(QuestHelper_Pref[varname]))) else local scale = tonumber(input) if not scale then local x = string.match(input or "", "^%s*([%d%.]+)%s*%%%s*$") scale = tonumber(x) or 0 if not scale then self:TextOut("I don't know how to interpret your input.") return end scale = scale * 0.01 end if scale < mn then self:TextOut(string.format("I won't accept a scale less than %s.", self:scaleString(mn))) elseif scale > mx then self:TextOut(string.format("I won't accept a scale more than %s.", self:scaleString(mx))) else QuestHelper_Pref[varname] = scale self:TextOut(string.format("Set %s scale set to %s.", name, self:scaleString(scale))) if onchange then onchange(...) end end end end function QuestHelper:TrackerScale(scale) QuestHelper:genericSetScale("track_scale", "tracker scale", .5, 2, scale, function() QuestHelper.tracker:SetScale(QuestHelper_Pref.track_scale) end) end function QuestHelper:SetLocale(loc) if not loc or loc == "" then self:TextOut(QHText("LOCALE_LIST_BEGIN")) for loc, tbl in pairs(QuestHelper_Translations) do self:TextOut(string.format(" %s%s %s", self:HighlightText(loc), loc == QuestHelper_Pref.locale and " *" or " ", tbl.LOCALE_NAME or "???")) end else for l, tbl in pairs(QuestHelper_Translations) do if string.find(string.lower(l), "^"..string.lower(loc)) or string.find(string.lower(tbl.LOCALE_NAME or ""), "^"..string.lower(loc)) then QuestHelper_Pref.locale = l QHFormatSetLocale(l) self:SetLocaleFonts() self:TextOut(QHFormat("LOCALE_CHANGED", l)) return end end self:TextOut(QHFormat("LOCALE_UNKNOWN", tostring(loc) or "UNKNOWN")) end end function QuestHelper:ToggleMetric() QuestHelper_Pref.metric = not QuestHelper_Pref.metric if QuestHelper_Pref.metric then self:TextOut("Distances are now in metres.") else self:TextOut("Distances are now in yards.") end end function QuestHelper:ToggleHide() QuestHelper_Pref.hide = not QuestHelper_Pref.hide -- Desaturate the button texture if QuestHelper is disabled. if self.MapButton then -- This should always be true, but just in case... self.MapButton:GetNormalTexture():SetDesaturated(QuestHelper_Pref.hide) end if QuestHelper_Pref.hide then if QuestHelper_Pref.track then self:HideTracker() end self.map_overlay:Hide() self:TextOut("QuestHelper is now |cffff0000hidden|r.") else if QuestHelper_Pref.track then self:ShowTracker() end self.map_overlay:Show() self.minimap_marker:Show() self:TextOut("QuestHelper is now |cff00ff00shown|r.") QH_Timeslice_Bonus(20) -- Let the corutine do some overtime... end end function QuestHelper:ToggleShare() QuestHelper_Pref.share = not QuestHelper_Pref.share if QuestHelper_Pref.share then if QuestHelper_Pref.solo then self:TextOut("Objective sharing will been |cff00ff00enabled|r when you disable solo mode.") else self:TextOut("Objective sharing has been |cff00ff00enabled|r.") self:SetShare(true) end else self:TextOut("Objective sharing has been |cffff0000disabled|r.") if QuestHelper_Pref.solo then self:TextOut("Objective sharing won't be reenabled when you disable solo mode.") else self:SetShare(false) end end end function QuestHelper:ToggleFlightTimes() QuestHelper_Pref.flight_time = not QuestHelper_Pref.flight_time if QuestHelper_Pref.flight_time then self:TextOut("The flight timer has been |cff00ff00enabled|r.") else self:TextOut("The flight timer has been |cffff0000disabled|r.") end end function QuestHelper:ToggleTravelTimes() QuestHelper_Pref.travel_time = not QuestHelper_Pref.travel_time if QuestHelper_Pref.travel_time then self:TextOut("The travel timer has been |cff00ff00enabled|r.") else self:TextOut("The travel timer has been |cffff0000disabled|r.") end end function QuestHelper:ToggleTrack() QuestHelper_Pref.track = not QuestHelper_Pref.track if QuestHelper_Pref.track then self:ShowTracker() self:TextOut("The quest tracker has been |cff00ff00enabled|r.") else self:HideTracker() self:TextOut("The quest tracker has been |cffff0000disabled|r.") end end function QuestHelper:ToggleBlizzMap() QuestHelper_Pref.blizzmap = not QuestHelper_Pref.blizzmap if QuestHelper_Pref.blizzmap then self:TextOut("The Blizzard quest points have been |cff00ff00enabled|r.") else self:TextOut("The Blizzard quest points have been |cffff0000disabled|r.") end if UpdateQuestMapPOI then UpdateQuestMapPOI() end end if UpdateQuestMapPOI then local uqmp_def = UpdateQuestMapPOI function UpdateQuestMapPOI(...) if QuestHelper_Pref.blizzmap then return uqmp_def(...) else for i = 1, #QUEST_MAP_POI do QUEST_MAP_POI[i]:Hide() end end end end function QuestHelper:ToggleTrackLevel() QuestHelper_Pref.track_level = not QuestHelper_Pref.track_level if QuestHelper_Pref.track_level then self:TextOut("Display of levels in the quest tracker has been |cff00ff00enabled|r.") else self:TextOut("Display of levels in the quest tracker has been |cffff0000disabled|r.") end QH_UpdateQuests(true) QH_Tracker_Rescan() end function QuestHelper:ToggleTrackQColour() QuestHelper_Pref.track_qcolour = not QuestHelper_Pref.track_qcolour if QuestHelper_Pref.track_qcolour then self:TextOut("Colour for quest difficulty in quest tracker has been |cff00ff00enabled|r.") else self:TextOut("Colour for quest difficulty in quest tracker has been |cffff0000disabled|r.") end QH_UpdateQuests(true) QH_Tracker_Rescan() end function QuestHelper:ToggleTrackOColour() QuestHelper_Pref.track_ocolour = not QuestHelper_Pref.track_ocolour if QuestHelper_Pref.track_ocolour then self:TextOut("Colour for objective progress in quest tracker has been |cff00ff00enabled|r.") else self:TextOut("Colour for objective progress in quest tracker has been |cffff0000disabled|r.") end QH_UpdateQuests(true) QH_Tracker_Rescan() end function QuestHelper:ToggleTooltip() QuestHelper_Pref.tooltip = not QuestHelper_Pref.tooltip if QuestHelper_Pref.tooltip then self:TextOut("Objective tooltip information has been |cff00ff00enabled|r.") else self:TextOut("Objective tooltip information has been |cffff0000disabled|r.") end end function QuestHelper:Purgewarning() QuestHelper:TextOut("I would consider this a tragic loss, and would appreciate it if you sent me your saved data before going through with it.") QuestHelper:TextOut("Enter "..self:HighlightText("/qh nag verbose").." to check and see if you're destroying anything important.") QuestHelper:TextOut("Enter "..self:HighlightText("/qh submit").." for instructions on how to submit your collected data.") QuestHelper:TextOut("See the "..self:HighlightText("How You Can Help").." section on the project website for instructions.") end function QuestHelper:Purge(code, force, noreload) if code == self.purge_code or force then QuestHelper_Quests = nil QuestHelper_Objectives = nil QuestHelper_FlightInstructors = nil QuestHelper_FlightRoutes = nil QuestHelper_Locale = nil QuestHelper_UID = nil QuestHelper_Version = nil QuestHelper_SaveVersion = nil QuestHelper_SaveDate = nil QuestHelper_SeenRealms = nil QuestHelper_Collector = nil QuestHelper_Collector_Version = nil QuestHelper_Errors = nil -- sigh if not noreload then ReloadUI() end else if not self.purge_code then self.purge_code = self:CreateUID(8) end QuestHelper:TextOut("THIS COMMAND WILL DELETE ALL YOUR COLLECTED DATA") QuestHelper:Purgewarning() QuestHelper:TextOut("If you're sure you want to go through with this, enter: "..self:HighlightText("/qh purge "..self.purge_code)) end end function QuestHelper:HardReset(code) if code == self.purge_code then self:ResetTrackerPosition() -- do this before we kill off the prefs, since it touches a pref QH_Arrow_Reset() QuestHelper_Pref = nil QuestHelper_ErrorList = nil -- BIZAM QuestHelper_KnownFlightRoutes = nil QuestHelper_Home = nil QuestHelper_CharVersion = nil self:Purge(nil, true) else if not self.purge_code then self.purge_code = self:CreateUID(8) end QuestHelper:TextOut("THIS COMMAND WILL DELETE ALL YOUR COLLECTED DATA AND RESET ALL YOUR PREFERENCES") QuestHelper:Purgewarning() QuestHelper:TextOut("If you're sure you want to go through with this, enter: "..self:HighlightText("/qh hardreset "..self.purge_code)) end end function QuestHelper:ToggleSolo() QuestHelper_Pref.solo = not QuestHelper_Pref.solo if QuestHelper_Pref.solo then if QuestHelper_Pref.share then self:SetShare(false) self:TextOut("Objective sharing has been temporarly |cffff0000disabled|r.") end self:TextOut("Solo mode has been |cff00ff00enabled|r.") else self:TextOut("Solo mode has been |cffff0000disabled|r.") if QuestHelper_Pref.share then self:SetShare(true) self:TextOut("Objective sharing has been re|cff00ff00enabled|r.") end end end function QuestHelper:ToggleAnts() if QuestHelper_Pref.show_ants then QuestHelper_Pref.show_ants = false self:TextOut("Ant trails have been |cffff0000disabled|r.") else QuestHelper_Pref.show_ants = true self:TextOut("Ant trails have been |cff00ff00enabled|r.") end end function QuestHelper:SetZones() if QuestHelper_Pref.zones == "next" then QuestHelper_Pref.zones = "none" self:TextOut("Next zone display has been |cffff0000disabled|r.") else QuestHelper_Pref.zones = "next" self:TextOut("Next zone display has been |cff00ff00enabled|r.") end end function QuestHelper:LevelOffset(offset) local level = tonumber(offset) if level then if level > 0 then self:TextOut("Allowing quests up to "..self:HighlightText(level).." level"..(level==1 and " " or "s ")..self:HighlightText("above").." you.") elseif level < 0 then self:TextOut("Only allowing quests "..self:HighlightText(-level).." level"..(level==-1 and " " or "s ")..self:HighlightText("below").." you.") else self:TextOut("Only allowing quests "..self:HighlightText("at or below").." your current level.") end if not QuestHelper_Pref.filter_level then self:TextOut("Note: This won't have any effect until you turn the level filter on.") end if QuestHelper_Pref.level ~= level then QuestHelper_Pref.level = level QH_Route_Filter_Rescan("filter_quest_level") end elseif offset == "" then if QuestHelper_Pref.level <= 0 then self:TextOut("Level offset is currently set to "..self:HighlightText(QuestHelper_Pref.level)..".") else self:TextOut("Level offset is currently set to "..self:HighlightText("+"..QuestHelper_Pref.level)..".") end if self.party_levels then for n, l in ipairs(self.party_levels) do self:TextOut("Your effective level in a "..self:HighlightText(n).." player quest is "..self:HighlightText(string.format("%.1f", l))..".") end end if QuestHelper_Pref.solo then self:TextOut("Peers aren't considered in your effective level, because you're playing solo.") end else self:TextOut("Expected a level offset.") end end function QuestHelper:GroupOffset(offset) local group = tonumber(offset) if offset == "instance" then group = 5 end if offset == "raid" then group = 10 end if group == 0 then group = 1 end if group then self:TextOut("Allowing quests requiring at most "..self:HighlightText(group).." player"..(group==1 and " " or "s ")..".") if not QuestHelper_Pref.filter_group then self:TextOut("Note: This won't have any effect until you turn the group filter on.") end QuestHelper_Pref.filter_group_param = group QH_Route_Filter_Rescan("filter_quest_level") elseif offset == "" then self:TextOut("Group cutoff is currently set to "..self:HighlightText(QuestHelper_Pref.filter_group_param)..".") else self:TextOut("Expected a player count.") end end function QuestHelper:Filter(input) input = string.upper(input) if input == "ZONE" then QuestHelper_Pref.filter_zone = not QuestHelper_Pref.filter_zone self:TextOut("Filter "..self:HighlightText("zone").." set to "..self:HighlightText(QuestHelper_Pref.filter_zone and "active" or "inactive")..".") QH_Route_Filter_Rescan("filter_zone") elseif input == "DONE" then QuestHelper_Pref.filter_done = not QuestHelper_Pref.filter_done self:TextOut("Filter "..self:HighlightText("done").." set to "..self:HighlightText(QuestHelper_Pref.filter_done and "active" or "inactive")..".") QH_Route_Filter_Rescan("filter_quest_done") elseif input == "LEVEL" then QuestHelper_Pref.filter_level = not QuestHelper_Pref.filter_level self:TextOut("Filter "..self:HighlightText("level").." set to "..self:HighlightText(QuestHelper_Pref.filter_level and "active" or "inactive")..".") QH_Route_Filter_Rescan("filter_quest_level") elseif input == "GROUP" then QuestHelper_Pref.filter_group = not QuestHelper_Pref.filter_group self:TextOut("Filter "..self:HighlightText("group").." set to "..self:HighlightText(QuestHelper_Pref.filter_group and "active" or "inactive")..".") QH_Route_Filter_Rescan("filter_quest_group") elseif input == "BLOCKED" or input == "BLOCK" then QuestHelper_Pref.filter_blocked = not QuestHelper_Pref.filter_blocked self:TextOut("Filter "..self:HighlightText("blocked").." set to "..self:HighlightText(QuestHelper_Pref.filter_blocked and "active" or "inactive")..".") QH_Route_Filter_Rescan("filter_blocked") elseif input == "WATCHED" or input == "WATCH" then QuestHelper_Pref.filter_watched = not QuestHelper_Pref.filter_watched self:TextOut("Filter "..self:HighlightText("watched").." set to "..self:HighlightText(QuestHelper_Pref.filter_watched and "active" or "inactive")..".") QH_Route_Filter_Rescan("filter_quest_watched") elseif input == "WINTERGRASP" or input == "WG" then QuestHelper_Pref.filter_wintergrasp = not QuestHelper_Pref.filter_wintergrasp self:TextOut("Filter "..self:HighlightText("wintergrasp").." set to "..self:HighlightText(QuestHelper_Pref.filter_wintergrasp and "active" or "inactive")..".") QH_Route_Filter_Rescan("filter_quest_wintergrasp") elseif input == "RAIDACCESSIBLE" or input == "RA" then QuestHelper_Pref.filter_raid_accessible = not QuestHelper_Pref.filter_raid_accessible self:TextOut("Filter "..self:HighlightText("raidaccessible").." set to "..self:HighlightText(QuestHelper_Pref.filter_raid_accessible and "active" or "inactive")..".") QH_Route_Filter_Rescan("filter_quest_raid_accessible") elseif input == "" then self:TextOut("Filter "..self:HighlightText("zone")..": "..self:HighlightText(QuestHelper_Pref.filter_zone and "active" or "inactive")) self:TextOut("Filter "..self:HighlightText("level")..": "..self:HighlightText(QuestHelper_Pref.filter_level and "active" or "inactive")) self:TextOut("Filter "..self:HighlightText("group")..": "..self:HighlightText(QuestHelper_Pref.filter_group and "active" or "inactive")) self:TextOut("Filter "..self:HighlightText("done")..": "..self:HighlightText(QuestHelper_Pref.filter_done and "active" or "inactive")) self:TextOut("Filter "..self:HighlightText("blocked")..": "..self:HighlightText(QuestHelper_Pref.filter_blocked and "active" or "inactive")) self:TextOut("Filter "..self:HighlightText("watched")..": "..self:HighlightText(QuestHelper_Pref.filter_watched and "active" or "inactive")) self:TextOut("Filter "..self:HighlightText("wintergrasp")..": "..self:HighlightText(QuestHelper_Pref.filter_wintergrasp and "active" or "inactive")) self:TextOut("Filter "..self:HighlightText("raidaccessible")..": "..self:HighlightText(QuestHelper_Pref.filter_raid_accessible and "active" or "inactive")) else self:TextOut("Don't know what you want filtered, expect "..self:HighlightText("zone")..", "..self:HighlightText("done")..", "..self:HighlightText("level")..", "..self:HighlightText("group")..", "..self:HighlightText("blocked")..", "..self:HighlightText("watched")..", "..self:HighlightText("wintergrasp")..", or "..self:HighlightText("raidaccessible")..".") end end function QuestHelper:ToggleArrow(text) if text == "reset" then QH_Arrow_Reset() return end QuestHelper_Pref.arrow = not QuestHelper_Pref.arrow if QuestHelper_Pref.arrow then QH_Arrow_Show() self:TextOut(QHFormat("SETTINGS_ARROWLINK_ON", QHText("SETTINGS_ARROWLINK_ARROW"))) else self:TextOut(QHFormat("SETTINGS_ARROWLINK_OFF", QHText("SETTINGS_ARROWLINK_ARROW"))) end end function QuestHelper:ToggleRadar(text) QuestHelper_Pref.radar = not QuestHelper_Pref.radar if QuestHelper_Pref.radar then self:TextOut(QHFormat("SETTINGS_RADAR_ON")) else self:TextOut(QHFormat("SETTINGS_RADAR_OFF")) end end function QuestHelper:ToggleTomTomWP() QuestHelper_Pref.tomtom_wp_new = not QuestHelper_Pref.tomtom_wp_new if QuestHelper_Pref.tomtom_wp_new then self:EnableTomTom() if TomTom then self:TextOut(QHFormat("SETTINGS_ARROWLINK_ON", QHText("SETTINGS_ARROWLINK_TOMTOM"))) else self:TextOut("Would use "..self:HighlightText("TomTom").." to show objectives, except it doesn't seem to be present.") end else self:DisableTomTom() self:TextOut(QHFormat("SETTINGS_ARROWLINK_OFF", QHText("SETTINGS_ARROWLINK_TOMTOM"))) end end function QuestHelper:PrintVersion() self:TextOut("Version: "..self:HighlightText(GetAddOnMetadata("QuestHelper", "Version") or "Unknown")) end local function RecycleStatusString(fmt, usedcount, freetable, usedtable) local freetablecount = QuestHelper:TableSize(freetable) if usedtable then local usedtablecount = QuestHelper:TableSize(usedtable) return string.format(fmt, QuestHelper:ProgressString(string.format("%d/%d", usedtablecount, usedtablecount+freetablecount), ((usedtablecount+freetablecount == 0) and 1) or (1-usedtablecount/(usedtablecount+freetablecount)))) .. string.format(" (%d \"leaked\")", usedcount - usedtablecount) else return string.format(fmt, QuestHelper:ProgressString(string.format("%d/%d", usedcount, usedcount+freetablecount), ((usedcount+freetablecount == 0) and 1) or (1-usedcount/(usedcount+freetablecount)))) end end function QuestHelper:Top(cmd) if cmd and string.find(cmd, "all") then cmd = cmd .. " collected recycle clear boot usage" end if cmd and string.find(cmd, "boot") then local bootv = {} for k, v in pairs(QuestHelper_Loadtime) do table.insert(bootv, {time = v, file = k}) end table.sort(bootv, function (a, b) return a.time < b.time end) if string.find(cmd, "sort") then local boott = {} for i = 1, #bootv - 1 do table.insert(boott, {time = bootv[i + 1].time - bootv[i].time, file = bootv[i].file}) end table.sort(boott, function(a, b) return a.time < b.time end) for _, v in pairs(boott) do QuestHelper:TextOut(string.format("%s: %f", v.file, v.time)) end QuestHelper:TextOut(string.format("%s: shrug", bootv[#bootv].file)) else for i = 1, #bootv do QuestHelper:TextOut(string.format("%f: %s", bootv[i].time - bootv[1].time, bootv[i].file)) end end end local pre_ttf local pre_db if cmd and string.find(cmd, "collected") then pre_ttf = self:DumpTableTypeFrequencies(true) pre_db = DB_DumpItems() end if cmd and string.find(cmd, "recycle") then self:DumpTableTypeFrequencies() self:TextOut(RecycleStatusString("Using %s lua tables.", self.used_tables, self.free_tables, self.recycle_tabletyping)) self:TextOut(RecycleStatusString("Using %s texture objects.", self.used_textures, self.free_textures)) self:TextOut(RecycleStatusString("Using %s font objects.", self.used_text, self.free_text)) self:TextOut(RecycleStatusString("Using %s frame objects.", self.used_frames, self.free_frames)) end if cmd and string.find(cmd, "usage") then self:DumpTableTypeFrequencies() end if cmd and string.find(cmd, "cache") then self:DumpCacheData() end if cmd and string.find(cmd, "perf") then QH_Timeslice_DumpPerf() end local uncd = 0 for k, v in pairs(QuestHelper_Collector) do if not v.compressed then uncd = uncd + 1 end end uncd = uncd - 1 local uncs = "" if uncd > 0 then uncs = string.format(" (%d uncompressed IDs)", uncd) end UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage() local pre_gc = GetAddOnMemoryUsage("QuestHelper") collectgarbage("collect") UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage() local post_gc = GetAddOnMemoryUsage("QuestHelper") if cmd and string.find(cmd, "collected") then local post_ttf = self:DumpTableTypeFrequencies(true) local union = {} for k, v in pairs(pre_ttf) do union[k] = (pre_ttf[k] or 0) - (post_ttf[k] or 0) end for k, v in pairs(post_ttf) do union[k] = (pre_ttf[k] or 0) - (post_ttf[k] or 0) end local sorted = {} for k, v in pairs(union) do table.insert(sorted, {k = k, d = v}) end table.sort(sorted, function(a, b) return a.d < b.d end) for _, v in pairs(sorted) do if v.d > 0 then QuestHelper:TextOut(string.format("%d: %s", v.d, v.k)) end end local post_db = DB_DumpItems() local st = {} for k, v in pairs(pre_db) do if not post_db[k] then table.insert(st, k) end end table.sort(st) for _, v in ipairs(st) do QuestHelper:TextOut("DB: " .. v) end end self:TextOut(string.format("QuestHelper is using %dkb (pre-collect %dkb) of RAM (%s/%s/%s/%s)%s", post_gc, pre_gc, QuestHelper_local_version, QuestHelper_toc_version, GetBuildInfo(), GetLocale(), uncs)) if cmd and string.find(cmd, "clear") then local cleared = QH_ClearPathcache() collectgarbage("collect") UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage() local new_post_gc = GetAddOnMemoryUsage("QuestHelper") self:TextOut(string.format("QuestHelper is using %dkb/%dkb/%dkb (%d pathcache cleared) of RAM (%s/%s/%s/%s)%s", pre_gc, post_gc, new_post_gc, cleared, QuestHelper_local_version, QuestHelper_toc_version, GetBuildInfo(), GetLocale(), uncs)) local cleared = QuestHelper:RecycleClear() collectgarbage("collect") UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage() local new_post_gc_2 = GetAddOnMemoryUsage("QuestHelper") self:TextOut(string.format("QuestHelper is using %dkb/%dkb/%dkb/%dkb (%d recycle cleared) of RAM (%s/%s/%s/%s)%s", pre_gc, post_gc, new_post_gc, new_post_gc_2, cleared, QuestHelper_local_version, QuestHelper_toc_version, GetBuildInfo(), GetLocale(), uncs)) end end function QuestHelper:ToggleMapButton() QuestHelper_Pref.map_button = not QuestHelper_Pref.map_button if QuestHelper_Pref.map_button then QuestHelper:InitMapButton() self:TextOut("Map button has been |cff00ff00enabled|r.") else QuestHelper:HideMapButton() self:TextOut("Map button has been |cffff0000disabled|r. Use '/qh button' to restore it.") end end -- Commenting out change log because it hasn't been updated -- function QuestHelper:ChangeLog() -- self:ShowText(QuestHelper_ChangeLog, string.format("QuestHelper %s ChangeLog", QuestHelper_Version)) -- end function QuestHelper:Submit() -- The line below is a reference to the upload artwork. Re-insert it as the first line below "self:ShowText([[" once the artwork has been changed. --|TInterface\AddOns\QuestHelper\Art\Upload.tga:100:300|t self:ShowText([[ Your data can't be submitted automatically, since AddOns can't interact with anything outside of World of Warcraft. To do this would require me to create some third party software, and I don't want to include such software with QuestHelper, because that's the kind of thing that ill intended people are likely to tamper with. World of Warcraft stores QuestHelper's data in a file named |cff40bbffQuestHelper.lua|r. To find this file, first find the the directory you installed World of Warcraft to. In Windows, this defaults to |cff40bbffC:\Program Files\World of Warcraft|r, and on Mac, I believe this is |cff40bbff/Applications/World of Warcraft|r. If you're using Windows Vista, Windows might protect the Program Files directory from changes, and redirect Warcraft's saved data to |cff40bbffC:\Users\|cffff8000USER|cff40bbff\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\World of Warcraft|r, or possibly |cff40bbffC:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft|r. In that directory, the needed file is in |cff40bbffWTF/Account/|cffff8000ACCOUNT|cff40bbff/SavedVariables|r, replacing ACCOUNT with the name of your account, and in that directory, you should find |cff40bbffQuestHelper.lua|r. There are other directories with the names of the realms where your characters are stored, |cffffff00but don't enter them|r. They contain information specific to your characters, such as the flight points they know about, and don't contain the quest information I want. After you find |cff40bbffQuestHelper.lua|r, you can email it to me here: |cff40bbffquesthelper.redux@gmail.com|r or submit it via the issue tracker at |cff40bbffquesthelperredux.googlecode.com|r. ]], "How To Submit Your Data") end function QuestHelper:ShowError(params) if params and params == "full" then QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_GenerateReport() end QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ReportError() end local commands function QuestHelper:Help(argument) local textblock = {} local argument = argument and argument:upper() or "" for i1, cat in ipairs(commands) do local text = string.format("|cffffff00%s|r\n\n", cat[1]) for i, data in ipairs(cat[2]) do if data[1]:find(argument, 1, true) then text = string.format("%s |cffff8000%s|r %s\n", text, data[1], data[2]) if #data[3] > 0 then text = string.format("%s\n %s\n", text, #data[3] == 1 and "Example:" or "Examples:") for i, pair in ipairs(data[3]) do text = string.format("%s |cff40bbff%s|r\n %s\n", text, pair[1], pair[2]) end end text = text .. "\n" end end text = text .. "\n\n" table.insert(textblock, text) end self:ShowText(textblock, "QuestHelper Slash Commands") end function QuestHelper:Donate(argument) local text = "" local argument = argument and argument:upper() or "" for i1, cat in ipairs(commands) do text = string.format("%s|cffffff00%s|r\n\n", text, cat[1]) for i, data in ipairs(cat[2]) do if data[1]:find(argument, 1, true) then text = string.format("%s |cffff8000%s|r %s\n", text, data[1], data[2]) if #data[3] > 0 then text = string.format("%s\n %s\n", text, #data[3] == 1 and "Example:" or "Examples:") for i, pair in ipairs(data[3]) do text = string.format("%s |cff40bbff%s|r\n %s\n", text, pair[1], pair[2]) end end text = text .. "\n" end end text = text .. "\n\n" end self:ShowText([[ QuestHelper currently survives on |cffff8000your donations|r. I'm trying to make this into a full-time job so I can add more features and fix bugs, and I can't do that without paying the bills. There's a lot of stuff I plan to add if I can get enough donations to live off. Some of the most-requested features include: |cff40bbffReduced memory and CPU usage for smoother gameplay|r |cff40bbffBetter support for "phased" quests and areas|r |cff40bbffEnhamcements to the quest tracker|r |cff40bbffPaths that lead you around obstacles instead of through them|r |cff40bbffIntegrating archeology digsites into the routing|r I can't guarantee these will show up soon, as there's a lot of work involved in them, but every donation - no matter how small - helps! Thanks!]], "Please Donate!", 500, 20, 10) end function pos(qh, arg) local part1 = qh:LocationString(qh.i, qh.x, qh.y) local part2 = qh:Location_RawString(qh:Location_RawRetrieve()) local part3 = qh:Location_AbsoluteString(qh:Location_AbsoluteRetrieve()) qh:TextOut(string.format("%s", part1)) qh:TextOut(string.format("%s", part2)) qh:TextOut(string.format("%s", part3)) -- Broke this into three lines so it's easier to read. end commands = { { "Common commands", { {"HIDDEN", "Compiles a list of objectives that QuestHelper is hiding from you. Depending on the reason, you can also unhide the objective.", {}, QH_Hidden_Menu}, {"INCOMPLETE", "Show start locations of incomplete quests on the main map. Useful for those pursuing the Loremaster achievement.", {}, QH_Incomplete}, {"RADAR", "Display a guess of your current target's location on the minimap.", {}, QuestHelper.ToggleRadar, QuestHelper}, {"FIND", "Search for an item, location, or npc.", {{"/qh find murloc", "Finds Murlocs. Everyone loves Murlocs."}, {"/qh find loc stormwind 50 60", "Finds the Stormwind auction house."}, {"/qh find loc 50 50", "Finds the center of the zone you're in."} }, QH_FindName}, {"HIDE", "Hides QuestHelper's modifications to the minimap and world map, and pauses routing calculations.", {}, QuestHelper.ToggleHide, QuestHelper}, {"ARROW", "Toggles Questhelper's built-in directional arrow.", {{"/qh arrow reset", "Reset location to the center of the screen."}}, QuestHelper.ToggleArrow, QuestHelper}, {"METRIC", "Toggles distance units between metres and yards.", {}, QuestHelper.ToggleMetric, QuestHelper}, {"TOMTOM", "Toggles displaying the current objective using TomTom (must be installed separately).", {}, QuestHelper.ToggleTomTomWP, QuestHelper}, {"SOLO", "Toggles solo mode. When enabled, assumes your party members don't exist. Objective sharing with party members will also be disabled.", {}, QuestHelper.ToggleSolo, QuestHelper}, }}, { "Objective filtering", { {"FILTER", "Automatically ignores/unignores objectives based on criteria.", { {"/qh filter level", "Toggle showing objectives that are probably too hard, by considering the levels of you and your party members, and the offset set by the level command."}, {"/qh filter group", "Toggle showing objectives that require groups. Automatically disables while grouped."}, {"/qh filter zone", "Toggle showing objectives outside the current zone."}, {"/qh filter done", "Toggle showing objectives for uncompleted quests."}, {"/qh filter blocked", "Toggle showing blocked objectives, such as quest turn-ins for incomplete quests."}, {"/qh filter watched", "Toggle limiting to objectives watched in the Quest Log"}, {"/qh filter wintergrasp", "Toggle ignoring of PvP Wintergrasp quest objectives while not in Wintergrasp"}, {"/qh filter raidaccessible", "Toggle ignoring non-raid quests when in a raid"}, }, QuestHelper.Filter, QuestHelper}, {"LEVEL", "Adjusts the level offset used by the level filter. Naturally, the level filter must be turned on to have an effect.", {{"/qh level", "See information related to the level filter."}, {"/qh level 0", "Only allow objectives at or below your current level."}, {"/qh level +2", "Allow objectives up to two levels above your current level."}, {"/qh level -1", "Only allow objectives below your current level."}}, QuestHelper.LevelOffset, QuestHelper}, {"GROUP", "Adjusts the player cutoff used by the group filter. Naturally, the group filter must be turned on to have an effect.", {{"/qh group", "See information related to the group filter."}, {"/qh group 0", "Only allow objectives that can be done solo."}, {"/qh group 2", "Allow objectives that require, at most, two groupmembers."}, {"/qh group 5", "Allow objectives that require, at most, five groupmembers."}, {"/qh group instance", "Equivalent to /qh group 5."}, {"/qh group raid", "Equivalent to /qh group 10. All raid quests are currently assumed to be 10-person raids."}, }, QuestHelper.GroupOffset, QuestHelper}, {"SCALE", "Scales the map icons used by QuestHelper. Will accept values between 50% and 300%.", {{"/qh scale 1", "Uses the default icon size."}, {"/qh scale 2", "Makes icons twice their default size."}, {"/qh scale 80%", "Makes icons slightly smaller than their default size."}}, QuestHelper.genericSetScale, QuestHelper, "scale", "icon scale", .5, 3}, {"SHARE", "Toggles objective sharing between QuestHelper users.", {}, QuestHelper.ToggleShare, QuestHelper}, }}, { "Interface", { --[[{"BLIZZMAP", "Toggles the visibility of Blizzard's built-in map points.", {}, QuestHelper.ToggleBlizzMap, QuestHelper},]] {"TRACK", "Toggles the visibility of the QuestHelper's replacement quest tracker.", {}, QuestHelper.ToggleTrack, QuestHelper}, {"TSCALE", "Scales the quest tracker provided by QuestHelper. Will accept values between 50% and 300%.", {}, QuestHelper.TrackerScale, QuestHelper}, {"TRESET", "Reset's the position of the quest tracker provided by QuestHelper, in cause you move it somewhere inaccessable.", {{"/qh treset center", "Resets to the center of the screen, instead of a more normal quest tracker location."}}, QuestHelper.ResetTrackerPosition, QuestHelper}, {"TLEVEL", "Toggles display of levels in the quest tracker provided by QuestHelper.", {}, QuestHelper.ToggleTrackLevel, QuestHelper}, {"TQCOL", "Toggles display of colours for the difficulty level of quests in the quest tracker provided by QuestHelper.", {}, QuestHelper.ToggleTrackQColour, QuestHelper}, {"TOCOL", "Toggles display of colours for objective progress in the quest tracker provided by QuestHelper.", {}, QuestHelper.ToggleTrackOColour, QuestHelper}, {"TOOLTIP", "Toggles appending information about tracked items and NPCs to their tooltips.", {}, QuestHelper.ToggleTooltip, QuestHelper}, {"FTIME", "Toggles display of flight time estimates.", {}, QuestHelper.ToggleFlightTimes, QuestHelper}, {"TRAVELTIME", "Toggles display of travel time estimates.", {}, QuestHelper.ToggleTravelTimes, QuestHelper}, {"ANTS", "Toggles the display of trails on the world map on and off.", {}, QuestHelper.ToggleAnts, QuestHelper}, {"ZONES", "Changes the display of the quest objective zones on the main map.", {}, QuestHelper.SetZones, QuestHelper}, {"MINIOPACITY", "Set the opacity of icons on the minimap.", {}, QuestHelper.genericSetScale, QuestHelper, "mini_opacity", "minimap icon opacity", .1, 1.0}, {"LOCALE", "Select the locale to use for displayed messages.", {}, QuestHelper.SetLocale, QuestHelper}, {"BUTTON", "Toggles the display of QuestHelper's button on the world map.", {}, QuestHelper.ToggleMapButton, QuestHelper}, {"SETTINGS", "Opens the Settings menu at the current cursor location. Note that not all settings can be changed through the menu.", {}, QuestHelper.DoSettingsMenu, QuestHelper}, }}, { "Data collection", { {"SUBMIT", "Displays instructions for submitting your collected data.", {}, QuestHelper.Submit, QuestHelper}, --[[ {"NAG", "Tells you if you have anything that's missing from the static database. It can only check quests from your own faction, as the quests of your opposing faction are ommitted to save memory.", {{"/qh nag verbose", "Prints the specific changes that were found."}}, QuestHelper.Nag, QuestHelper},]] {"PURGE", "Deletes all QuestHelper's collected data.", {}, QuestHelper.Purge, QuestHelper}, {"HARDRESET", "Deletes all QuestHelper's collected data and resets QuestHelper preferences.", {}, QuestHelper.HardReset, QuestHelper}, }}, { "Performance and debug", { {"PERF", "Sets or shows the route workload. Higher means more agressive route updating, lower means better performance Accepts numbers between 10% and 500%.", {{"/qh perf", "Show current Performance Factor"}, {"/qh perf 1", "Sets standard performance"}, {"/qh perf 50%", "Does half as much background processing"}, {"/qh perf 3", "Computes routes 3 times more aggressively. Better have some good horsepower!"}}, QuestHelper.genericSetScale, QuestHelper, "perf_scale_2", "performance factor", .1, 5}, {"PERFLOAD", "Sets or shows the initialization workload. Higher numbers will make QuestHelper load faster, lower numbers will result in better framerate while it's loading.", {{"/qh perfload", "Show current Performance Factor"}, {"/qh perfload 1", "Sets standard performance"}, {"/qh perfload 50%", "Does half as much background processing"}, {"/qh perfload 3", "Loads 3 times as quickly."}}, QuestHelper.genericSetScale, QuestHelper, "perfload_scale", "boot performance factor", .2, 5}, {"TOP", "Displays various performance stats on QuestHelper.", { {"/qh top recycle", "Displays detailed information on QuestHelper's recycled item pools"}, {"/qh top usage", "Displays detailed information on which table types are most common"}, {"/qh top cache", "Displays detailed information on the internal distance cache"}, {"/qh top perf", "Displays detailed information on coroutine CPU usage"}, }, QuestHelper.Top, QuestHelper}, {"ERROR", "Displays the first QuestHelper error that has been generated this session in a form which can be copied out of WoW.", {}, QuestHelper.ShowError, QuestHelper}, {"POS", "Prints the player's current position. Exists mainly for my own personal convenience.", {}, pos, QuestHelper}, }}, { "Help", { {"HELP", "Displays a list of help commands. Listed commands are filtered by the passed string.", {}, QuestHelper.Help, QuestHelper}, {"VERSION", "Displays QuestHelper's version.", {}, QuestHelper.PrintVersion, QuestHelper}, -- {"CHANGES", -- "Displays a summary of changes recently made to QuestHelper.", -- {}, QuestHelper.ChangeLog, QuestHelper}, --[[{"DONATE", "Displays some instructions and a link for donating.", {}, QuestHelper.Donate, QuestHelper},]] }}, } function QuestHelper_SlashCommand(input) local _, _, command, argument = string.find(input, "^%s*([^%s]-)%s+(.-)%s*$") if not command then command, argument = input, "" end command = string.upper(command) for i1, cat in ipairs(commands) do for i, data in ipairs(cat[2]) do if data[1] == command then local st = {} for i = 5,#data do table.insert(st, data[i]) end table.insert(st, argument) if type(data[4]) == "function" then data[4](unpack(st)) else QuestHelper:TextOut(data[1].." is not yet implemented.") end return end end end QuestHelper:Help() end SLASH_QuestHelper1 = "/qh" SLASH_QuestHelper2 = "/questhelper" SlashCmdList["QuestHelper"] = function (text) QuestHelper_SlashCommand(text) end