QuestHelper_File["init_timeslice.lua"] = "4.0.1.$svnversion$" QuestHelper_Loadtime["init_timeslice.lua"] = GetTime() local GetTime = QuestHelper_GetTime function QH_Init_Timeslice() QuestHelper_Loadtime["init3_start"] = GetTime() QuestHelper.loading_main = QuestHelper.CreateLoadingCounter() QuestHelper.loading_init3 = QuestHelper.loading_main:MakeSubcategory(0.3) QuestHelper.loading_flightpath = QuestHelper.loading_main:MakeSubcategory(1) QuestHelper.loading_preroll = QuestHelper.loading_main:MakeSubcategory(1) local stt = 0 -- This is where the slow stuff goes -- 4.0.3a Breakage related local datime = time() + 30 -- We're gonna wait 30 seconds, just in case. --while datime >= time() do --[[sleep (busy wait)]] end --QuestHelper_BuildZoneLookup() --QH_Graph_Init() --load_graph_links() local self = QuestHelper -- whee hack hack hack if QuestHelper_Locale ~= GetLocale() then self:TextOut(QHText("LOCALE_ERROR")) return end --[[ if not self:ZoneSanity() then self:TextOut(QHFormat("ZONE_LAYOUT_ERROR", expected_version)) QH_fixedmessage(QHFormat("ZONE_LAYOUT_ERROR", expected_version)) QuestHelper = nil return end QuestHelper_UpgradeDatabase(_G) QuestHelper_UpgradeComplete() if QuestHelper_IsPolluted(_G) then self:TextOut(QHFormat("NAG_POLLUTED")) self:Purge(nil, true, true) end --]] local signature = expected_version .. " on " .. GetBuildInfo() QuestHelper_Quests[signature] = QuestHelper_Quests[signature] or {} QuestHelper_Objectives[signature] = QuestHelper_Objectives[signature] or {} QuestHelper_FlightInstructors[signature] = QuestHelper_FlightInstructors[signature] or {} QuestHelper_FlightRoutes[signature] = QuestHelper_FlightRoutes[signature] or {} QuestHelper_Quests_Local = QuestHelper_Quests[signature] QuestHelper_Objectives_Local = QuestHelper_Objectives[signature] QuestHelper_FlightInstructors_Local = QuestHelper_FlightInstructors[signature] QuestHelper_FlightRoutes_Local = QuestHelper_FlightRoutes[signature] QuestHelper_SeenRealms[GetRealmName()] = true -- some attempt at tracking private servers QuestHelper.loading_init3:SetPercentage(0.1) QH_Collector_Init() QuestHelper.loading_init3:SetPercentage(0.5) --DB_Init() QuestHelper.loading_init3:SetPercentage(0.9) self.player_level = UnitLevel("player") self:SetLocaleFonts() if QuestHelper_Pref.share and not QuestHelper_Pref.solo then self:EnableSharing() end if QuestHelper_Pref.hide then self.map_overlay:Hide() end self:HandlePartyChange() self:Nag("all") for locale in pairs(QuestHelper_StaticData) do if locale ~= self.locale then -- Will delete references to locales you don't use. QuestHelper_StaticData[locale] = nil _G["QuestHelper_StaticData_" .. locale] = nil end end local static = QuestHelper_StaticData[self.locale] if static then if static.flight_instructors then for faction in pairs(static.flight_instructors) do if faction ~= self.faction then -- Will delete references to flight instructors that don't belong to your faction. static.flight_instructors[faction] = nil end end end if then for faction in pairs( do if faction ~= self.faction then -- Will delete references to quests that don't belong to your faction.[faction] = nil end end end end -- Adding QuestHelper_CharVersion, so I know if I've already converted this characters saved data. if not QuestHelper_CharVersion then -- Changing per-character flight routes, now only storing the flight points they have, -- will attempt to guess the routes from this. local routes = {} for i, l in pairs(QuestHelper_KnownFlightRoutes) do for key in pairs(l) do routes[key] = true end end QuestHelper_KnownFlightRoutes = routes -- Deleting the player's home again. -- But using the new CharVersion variable I'm adding is cleaner that what I was doing, so I'll go with it. QuestHelper_Home = nil QuestHelper_CharVersion = 1 end if not QuestHelper_Home then -- Not going to bother complaining about the player's home not being set, uncomment this when the home is used in routing. -- self:TextOut(QHText("HOME_NOT_KNOWN")) end if QuestHelper_Pref.map_button then -- QuestHelper:InitMapButton() end if QuestHelper_Pref.tomtom_wp_new then -- self:EnableTomTom() end -- self.tracker:SetScale(QuestHelper_Pref.track_scale) local version = GetAddOnMetadata("QuestHelper", "Version") or "Unknown" local major, minor = (version_string or ""):match("^(%d+)%.(%d+)") major, minor = tonumber(major), tonumber(minor) QH_Hook(self, "OnUpdate", self.OnUpdate) -- Seems to do its own garbage collection pass before fully loading, so I'll just rely on that --collectgarbage("collect") -- Free everything we aren't using. --[[ if self.debug_objectives then for name, data in pairs(self.debug_objectives) do self:LoadDebugObjective(name, data) end end]] -- wellllp QH_Arrow_SetScale() QH_Arrow_SetTextScale() --[[ QH_Timeslice_Add(function () self:ResetPathing() self.Routing:Initialize() -- Set up the routing task end, "init")]] -- FUCK YOU BOXBOT QH_Event("CHAT_MSG_ADDON", function (...) local arg1 = select(1,...) local arg2 = select(2,...) local arg4 = select(4,...) if arg1 == "QHpr" and arg4 ~= UnitName("player") then QH_Questcomm_Msg(arg2, arg4) end end) --[[ QH_Event({"PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED", "UNIT_LEVEL", "RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE"}, function () QH_Filter_Group_Sync() QH_Route_Filter_Rescan("filter_quest_level") --QH_Route_Filter_Rescan("filter_quest_group") --QH_Route_Filter_Rescan("filter_quest_raid_accessible") -- These should be in right now, but for simplicity's sake we're actually scanning everything when we get a rescan request. So they're unnecessary. PUT THEM BACK should they become necessary. end) QH_Event({"PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED", "RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE"}, function () QH_Questcomm_Sync() end) --]] QH_Event("PLAYER_LEVEL_UP", function () self.player_level = arg1 --QH_Route_Filter_Rescan("filter_quest_level") end) --[[ QH_Event("TAXIMAP_OPENED", function () self:taxiMapOpened() end) QH_Event({"ZONE_CHANGED", "ZONE_CHANGED_INDOORS", "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA"}, function() QH_Route_Filter_Rescan(nil, true) end) ]] QH_Event("CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_NOTICE", function() if please_submit_enabled and not please_submit_initted then please_submit_enabled = QHNagInit() startup_time = GetTime() please_submit_initted = true end end) QuestHelper.loading_init3:SetPercentage(1.0) -- victory QuestHelper_Loadtime["init3_end"] = GetTime() end