QuestHelper_File["main.lua"] = "4.0.1.$svnversion$" QuestHelper_Loadtime["main.lua"] = GetTime() local GetTime = QuestHelper_GetTime local version_string = QuestHelper_File["main.lua"] -- we pretty much save this only so we can inform the user that they're using a beta version function QuestHelper:GetFontPath(list_string, font) if list_string then for name in string.gmatch(list_string, "[^;]+") do if font:SetFont(name, 10) then return name elseif font:SetFont("Interface\\AddOns\\QuestHelper\\Fonts\\", 10) then return "Interface\\AddOns\\QuestHelper\\Fonts\\" end end end end function QuestHelper:SetLocaleFonts() self.font.sans = nil self.font.serif = nil self.font.fancy = nil local font = self:CreateText(self) if QuestHelper_Locale ~= QuestHelper_Pref.locale then -- Only use alternate fonts if using a language the client wasn't intended for. local replacements = QuestHelper_SubstituteFonts[QuestHelper_Pref.locale] if replacements then self.font.sans = self:GetFontPath(replacements.sans, font) self.font.serif = self:GetFontPath(replacements.serif, font) self.font.fancy = self:GetFontPath(replacements.fancy, font) end end self.font.sans = self.font.sans or self:GetFontPath(QuestHelper_Pref.locale.."_sans.ttf", font) self.font.serif = self.font.serif or self:GetFontPath(QuestHelper_Pref.locale.."_serif.ttf", font) or self.font.sans self.font.fancy = self.font.fancy or self:GetFontPath(QuestHelper_Pref.locale.."_fancy.ttf", font) or self.font.serif self:ReleaseText(font) self.font.sans = self.font.sans or ChatFontNormal:GetFont() self.font.serif = self.font.serif or GameFontNormal:GetFont() self.font.fancy = self.font.fancy or QuestTitleFont:GetFont() -- Need to change the font of the chat frame, for any messages that QuestHelper displays. -- This should do nothing if not using an alternate font. --DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:SetFont(self.font.sans, select(2, DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:GetFont())) -- what why did we ever do this end function QuestHelper.tooltip:GetPrevLines() -- Just a helper to make life easier. local last = self:NumLines() local name = self:GetName() return _G[name.."TextLeft"..last], _G[name.."TextRight"..last] end local continentMapIDs = { -- [c] = id [1] = 13, [2] = 14, [3] = 466, [4] = 485, [5] = 751, [6] = 862 } function QuestHelper:SetTargetLocation(M, F, x, y, toffset) -- Informs QuestHelper that you're going to be at some location in toffset seconds. --local c, z = unpack(QuestHelper_ZoneLookup[i]) = self:CreateTable()[2] = self:CreateTable() self.target_time = time()+(toffset or 0) local pM, pF = self.Astrolabe:GetCurrentPlayerPosition() x, y = self.Astrolabe:TranslateWorldMapPosition(M, F, x, y, pM, pF) error("HAVE NOT FIGURED OUT THE TABLE")[1] = self.zone_nodes[i][3] = x -- * self.continent_scales_x[c][4] = y -- * self.continent_scales_y[c] self:SetTargetLocationRecalculate() end function QuestHelper:SetTargetLocationRecalculate() if then for i, n in ipairs([1]) do local a, b =[3],[4][2][i] = math.sqrt(a*a+b*b) end end end function QuestHelper:UnsetTargetLocation() -- Unsets the target set above. if then self:ReleaseTable([2]) self:ReleaseTable( = nil self.target_time = nil end end local interruptcount = 0 -- counts how many "played gained control" messages we recieve, used for flight paths local startup_time local please_submit_enabled = true local please_submit_initted = false local spawned = false local function QH_QueryQuestsCompletedHandler() QHQuestsCompleted = GetQuestsCompleted() end local function QH_QueryQuestsCompleted() --[[ QH_Event("QUEST_QUERY_COMPLETE", QH_QueryQuestsCompletedHandler) QueryQuestsCompleted() --]] end local function ShouldTrackingBeEnabled(yn) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Tracking not currently available.") if yn then -- QuestHelper:ShowTracker() -- to respect the minimized setting else -- QuestHelper:HideTracker() end end local function FileCheck() local file_problem_version = false -- Why are we checking to make sure these files load? -- Most if not all are named in the toc file. -- Duh... There's a lot of files, ergo a method to make sure all expected files have been named in the toc file and check for files that are unexpected too. local expected_files = { ["bst_pre.lua"] = true, ["manager_event.lua"] = true, ["manager_achievement.lua"] = true, ["manager_completed.lua"] = true, -- ["upgrade.lua"] = true, ["pref.lua"] = true, ["vars.lua"] = true, ["init_timeslice.lua"] = true, ["main.lua"] = true, ["recycle.lua"] = true, ["objective.lua"] = true, ["quest.lua"] = true, ["utility.lua"] = true, ["dodads.lua"] = true, ["dodads_triangles.lua"] = true, ["teleport.lua"] = true, -- ["pathfinding.lua"] = true, ["routing.lua"] = true, ["custom.lua"] = true, ["menu.lua"] = true, ["nag.lua"] = true, ["comm.lua"] = true, -- ["mapbutton.lua"] = true, ["help.lua"] = true, ["pattern.lua"] = true, -- ["flightpath.lua"] = true, -- ["tracker.lua"] = true, ["objtips.lua"] = true, ["tomtom.lua"] = true, ["textviewer.lua"] = true, ["error.lua"] = true, ["timeslice.lua"] = true, -- ["lang.lua"] = true, ["core.lua"] = true, -- ["tooltip.lua"] = true, ["arrow.lua"] = true, -- ["radar.lua"] = true, ["config.lua"] = true, ["collect.lua"] = true, ["collect_achievement.lua"] = true, ["collect_lzw.lua"] = true, ["collect_traveled.lua"] = true, ["collect_zone.lua"] = true, ["collect_hearth.lua"] = true, ["collect_location.lua"] = true, ["collect_merger.lua"] = true, ["collect_monster.lua"] = true, ["collect_item.lua"] = true, ["collect_object.lua"] = true, ["collect_loot.lua"] = true, ["collect_patterns.lua"] = true, ["collect_flight.lua"] = true, ["collect_util.lua"] = true, ["collect_quest.lua"] = true, ["collect_equip.lua"] = true, ["collect_notifier.lua"] = true, ["collect_bitstream.lua"] = true, ["collect_spec.lua"] = true, ["collect_upgrade.lua"] = true, ["collect_merchant.lua"] = true, ["collect_warp.lua"] = true, -- ["filter_core.lua"] = true, -- ["filter_base.lua"] = true, -- ["routing_debug.lua"] = true, -- ["routing_loc.lua"] = true, -- ["routing_route.lua"] = true, -- ["routing_core.lua"] = true, -- ["routing_controller.lua"] = true, -- ["routing_hidden.lua"] = true, -- ["director_quest.lua"] = true, -- ["director_achievement.lua"] = true, -- ["director_find.lua"] = true, -- ["db_get.lua"] = true, -- ["graph_core.lua"] = true, -- ["graph_flightpath.lua"] = true, --* ["AstrolabeQH/Astrolabe.lua"] = true, --* ["AstrolabeQH/AstrolabeMapMonitor.lua"] = true, } local uninstallederr = "" for file, version in pairs(QuestHelper_File) do if not expected_files[file] then local errmsg = "Unexpected QuestHelper file: "..file DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(errmsg) uninstallederr = uninstallederr .. " " .. errmsg .. "\n" file_problem_version = true elseif version ~= expected_version then local errmsg = "Wrong version of QuestHelper file: "..file.." (found '"..version.."', should be '"..expected_version.."')" DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(errmsg) uninstallederr = uninstallederr .. " " .. errmsg .. "\n" --[[ Nope, no one is allowed to do this. We've got a number of people doing just that... And they're not developers. Though this check always fails because I don't use "Development Version" to tell QH that it is a dev version. if version ~= "Development Version" and expected_version ~= "Development Version" then -- Developers are allowed to mix dev versions with release versions file_problem_version = true end --]] end end for file in pairs(expected_files) do if not QuestHelper_File[file] then local errmsg = "Missing QuestHelper file: "..file DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(errmsg) uninstallederr = uninstallederr .. " " .. errmsg .. "\n" if not (expected_version == "Development Version" and file:match("static.*")) then file_problem_version = true end end end -- Don't need this table anymore. QuestHelper_File = nil return uninstallederr, file_problem_version end local function FinalProblemChecks(uninstallederr, file_problem_version) if QuestHelper_StaticData and not QuestHelper_StaticData[GetLocale()] then local errmsg = "Static data does not seem to exist" DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(errmsg) uninstallederr = uninstallederr .. " " .. errmsg .. "\n" file_problem_version = true end if file_problem_version then QH_fixedmessage(QHText("PLEASE_RESTART")) QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(false, "not-installed-properly" .. "\n" .. uninstallederr) QuestHelper = nil -- Just in case anybody else is checking for us, we're not home return end if not GetCategoryList or not GetQuestLogSpecialItemInfo or not WatchFrame_RemoveObjectiveHandler then QH_fixedmessage(QHText("PRIVATE_SERVER")) QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(false, "error id cakbep ten T") QuestHelper = nil return end if not DongleStub then QH_fixedmessage("NOT_UNZIPPED_CORRECTLY") QuestHelber_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(false, "no DongleStub") QuestHelper = nil return end if not QuestHelper.Astrolabe then QH_fixedmessage(QHText("NOT_UNZIPPED_CORRECTLY")) QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(false, "no QH_Astrolabe_Ready") QuestHelper = nil -- Just in case anybody else is checking for us, we're not home return end return true end function QuestHelper_AddonLoadedHandler(addonid) if addonid ~= "QuestHelper" then return end -- ONLY FAST STUFF ALLOWED IN HERE QH_QueryQuestsCompleted() -- Use DefaultPref as fallback for unset preference keys. setmetatable(QuestHelper_Pref, {__index=QuestHelper_DefaultPref}) QuestHelper: Assert(QuestHelper_Pref.perfload_scale) -- if this fails, something is very botched ShouldTrackingBeEnabled(QuestHelper_Pref.track and not QuestHelper_Pref.hide) local self = QuestHelper -- whee hack hack hack QuestHelper_Loadtime["init2_start"] = GetTime() -- File Check local uninstallederr, file_problem_version = FileCheck() if not FinalProblemChecks(uninstallederr, file_problem_version) then return end -- Something is borked. QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_CompletelyStarted() if not QuestHelper_StaticData then -- If there is no static data for some mysterious reason, create an empty table so that -- other parts of the code can carry on as usual, using locally collected data if it exists. QuestHelper_StaticData = {} end QHFormatSetLocale(QuestHelper_Pref.locale or GetLocale()) if not QuestHelper_UID and not QuestHelper_Collector.UID then QuestHelper_Collector.UID = self:CreateUID() elseif QuestHelper_UID then QuestHelper_Collector.UID = QuestHelper_UID QuestHelper_UID = nil -- We are moving this into Collector. end QuestHelper_SaveDate = time() QH_Timeslice_Add(QH_Init_Timeslice, "preinit") QuestHelper_Loadtime["init2_end"] = GetTime() end QH_Event("ADDON_LOADED", QuestHelper_AddonLoadedHandler) --[==[ function QuestHelper:OnEvent(event) local tstart = GetTime() --[[ if event == "GOSSIP_SHOW" then local name, id = UnitName("npc"), self:GetUnitID("npc") if name and id then self:GetObjective("monster", name) = id --self:TextOut("NPC: "" = " end end]] --[[if event == "PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED" then local name, id = UnitName("target"), self:GetUnitID("target") if name and id then self:GetObjective("monster", name) = id --self:TextOut("Target: "" = " end if UnitExists("target") and UnitIsVisible("target") and UnitCreatureType("target") ~= "Critter" and not UnitIsPlayer("target") and not UnitPlayerControlled("target") then local index, x, y = self:UnitPosition("target") if index then -- Might not have a position if inside an instance. local w = 0.1 -- Modify the weight based on how far they are from us. -- We don't know the exact location (using our own location), so the farther, the less sure we are that it's correct. if CheckInteractDistance("target", 3) then w = 1 elseif CheckInteractDistance("target", 2) then w = 0.89 elseif CheckInteractDistance("target", 1) or CheckInteractDistance("target", 4) then w = 0.33 end local monster_objective = self:GetObjective("monster", UnitName("target")) self:AppendObjectivePosition(monster_objective, index, x, y, w) monster_objective.o.faction = (UnitFactionGroup("target") == "Alliance" and 1) or (UnitFactionGroup("target") == "Horde" and 2) or nil local level = UnitLevel("target") if level and level >= 1 then local w = monster_objective.o.levelw or 0 monster_objective.o.level = ((monster_objective.o.level or 0)*w+level)/(w+1) monster_objective.o.levelw = w+1 end end end end]] --[[if event == "LOOT_OPENED" then local target = UnitName("target") if target and UnitIsDead("target") and UnitCreatureType("target") ~= "Critter" and not UnitIsPlayer("target") and not UnitPlayerControlled("target") then local index, x, y = self:UnitPosition("target") local monster_objective = self:GetObjective("monster", target) monster_objective.o.looted = (monster_objective.o.looted or 0) + 1 if index then -- Might not have a position if inside an instance. self:AppendObjectivePosition(monster_objective, index, x, y) end for i = 1, GetNumLootItems() do local icon, name, number, rarity = GetLootSlotInfo(i) if name then if number and number >= 1 then self:AppendItemObjectiveDrop(self:GetObjective("item", name), name, target, number) else local total = (name:match(COPPER_AMOUNT:gsub("%%d", "%(%%d+%)")) or 0) + (name:match(SILVER_AMOUNT:gsub("%%d", "%(%%d+%)")) or 0) * 100 + (name:match(GOLD_AMOUNT:gsub("%%d", "%(%%d+%)")) or 0) * 10000 if total > 0 then self:AppendObjectiveDrop(self:GetObjective("item", "money"), target, total) end end end end else local container = nil -- Go through the players inventory and look for a locked item, we're probably looting it. for bag = 0,NUM_BAG_SLOTS do for slot = 1,GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do local link = GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot) if link and select(3, GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot)) then if container == nil then -- Found a locked item and haven't previously assigned to container, assign its name, or false if we fail to parse it. container = select(3, string.find(link, "|h%[(.+)%]|h|r")) or false else -- Already tried to assign to a container. If there are multiple locked items, we give up. container = false end end end end if container then local container_objective = self:GetObjective("item", container) container_objective.o.opened = (container_objective.o.opened or 0) + 1 for i = 1, GetNumLootItems() do local icon, name, number, rarity = GetLootSlotInfo(i) if name and number >= 1 then self:AppendItemObjectiveContainer(self:GetObjective("item", name), container, number) end end else -- No idea where the items came from. local index, x, y = self:PlayerPosition() if index then for i = 1, GetNumLootItems() do local icon, name, number, rarity = GetLootSlotInfo(i) if name and number >= 1 then self:AppendItemObjectivePosition(self:GetObjective("item", name), name, index, x, y) end end end end end end]] --[[if event == "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM" then local home_name = self:convertPattern(ERR_DEATHBIND_SUCCESS_S)(arg1) if home_name then if self.i then self:TextOut(QHText("HOME_CHANGED")) self:TextOut(QHText("WILL_RESET_PATH")) local home = QuestHelper_Home if not home then home = {} QuestHelper_Home = home end home[1], home[2], home[3], home[4] = self.i, self.x, self.y, home_name self.defered_graph_reset = true end end end]] --[[if event == "QUEST_DETAIL" then if not self.quest_giver then self.quest_giver = {} end local npc = UnitName("npc") if npc then -- Some NPCs aren't actually creatures, and so their positions might not be marked by PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED. local index, x, y = self:UnitPosition("npc") if index then -- Might not have a position if inside an instance. local npc_objective = self:GetObjective("monster", npc) self:AppendObjectivePosition(npc_objective, index, x, y) self.quest_giver[GetTitleText()] = npc end end end]] --[[if event == "QUEST_COMPLETE" or event == "QUEST_PROGRESS" then local quest = GetTitleText() if quest then local level, hash = self:GetQuestLevel(quest) if not level or level < 1 then --self:TextOut("Don't know quest level for ".. quest.."!") return end local q = self:GetQuest(quest, level, hash) if q.need_hash then q.o.hash = hash end local unit = UnitName("npc") if unit then q.o.finish = unit q.o.pos = nil -- Some NPCs aren't actually creatures, and so their positions might not be marked by PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED. local index, x, y = self:UnitPosition("npc") if index then -- Might not have a position if inside an instance. local npc_objective = self:GetObjective("monster", unit) self:AppendObjectivePosition(npc_objective, index, x, y) end elseif not q.o.finish then local index, x, y = self:PlayerPosition() if index then -- Might not have a position if inside an instance. self:AppendObjectivePosition(q, index, x, y) end end end end]] --[[if event == "MERCHANT_SHOW" then local npc_name = UnitName("npc") if npc_name then local npc_objective = self:GetObjective("monster", npc_name) local index = 1 while true do local item_name = GetMerchantItemInfo(index) if item_name then index = index + 1 local item_objective = self:GetObjective("item", item_name) if not item_objective.o.vendor then item_objective.o.vendor = {npc_name} else local known = false for i, vendor in ipairs(item_objective.o.vendor) do if npc_name == vendor then known = true break end end if not known then table.insert(item_objective.o.vendor, npc_name) end end else break end end end end]] --[[ if event == "TAXIMAP_OPENED" then self:taxiMapOpened() end ]] --[[if event == "PLAYER_CONTROL_GAINED" then interruptcount = interruptcount + 1 end]] --[[if event == "BAG_UPDATE" then for slot = 1,GetContainerNumSlots(arg1) do local link = GetContainerItemLink(arg1, slot) if link then local id, name = select(3, string.find(link, "|Hitem:(%d+):.-|h%[(.-)%]|h")) if name then self:GetObjective("item", name) = tonumber(id) end end end end]] if event == "ZONE_CHANGED" or event == "ZONE_CHANGED_INDOORS" or event == "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA" then QH_Route_Filter_Rescan() end QH_Timeslice_Increment(GetTime() - tstart, "event") end]==] local map_shown_decay = 0 local delayed_action = 100 --local update_count = 0 local ontaxi = false local frams = 0 QH_OnUpdate_High(function () local self = QuestHelper -- hoorj local tstart = GetTime() frams = frams + 1 if not QuestHelper_Loadtime["onupdate"] then QuestHelper_Loadtime["onupdate"] = GetTime() end if false and frams == 60 then self:ShowText([[ This is a |cffff8000beta of QuestHelper|r. Be warned: It may crash. It may lock up. It may give bad advice. It may spew errors. It shouldn't spam people, delete your hard-won epics, or make your computer catch on fire, but technically I'm giving no guarantees. |cffff8000If you want a polished, functioning product, close WoW, download the official QH release from, and use that.|r Known bugs and issues include: |cff40bbffNo support for "/qh find"|r |cff40bbffNo support for in-party quest synchronization|r These may not be fixed before the official 1.0 release - I'm hoping to get them all finished up in time for 1.1. If you encounter any issue besides the ones listed here, please please please report it, if you're reading this you know how to get in contact with me anyway. Thanks for testing!]], "QuestHelper " .. version_string, 500, 20, 10) end --if frams == 5000 then please_submit_enabled = false end -- TOOK TOO LONG >:( if please_submit_enabled and startup_time and startup_time + 10 < GetTime() then QuestHelper:TextOut(QHText("PLEASE_SUBMIT")) startup_time = nil please_submit_enabled = false end QHUpdateNagTick() -- These probably shouldn't be in OnUpdate. Eventually I'll move them somewhere cleaner. --[[ if not ontaxi and UnitOnTaxi("player") then self:flightBegan() interruptcount = 0 elseif ontaxi and not UnitOnTaxi("player") then self:flightEnded(interruptcount > 1) end ontaxi = UnitOnTaxi("player") ]] -- For now I'm ripping out the update_count code --update_count = update_count - 1 --if update_count <= 0 then -- Reset the update count for next time around; this will make sure the body executes every time -- when perf_scale_2 >= 1, and down to 1 in 10 iterations when perf_scale_2 < 1, or when hidden. --update_count = update_count + (QuestHelper_Pref.hide and 10 or 1/QuestHelper_Pref.perf_scale_2) --if update_count < 0 then -- Make sure the count doesn't go perpetually negative; don't know what will happen if it underflows. --update_count = 0 --end if self.Astrolabe.WorldMapVisible then -- We won't trust that the zone returned by Astrolabe is correct until map_shown_decay is 0. map_shown_decay = 2 elseif map_shown_decay > 0 then map_shown_decay = map_shown_decay - 1 else --SetMapToCurrentZone() -- not sure why this existed end --[[delayed_action = delayed_action - 1 if delayed_action <= 0 then delayed_action = 100 self:HandlePartyChange() end]] local nm, nf, nx, ny = self.Astrolabe:GetCurrentPlayerPosition() if nm and nf and nx and ny then self.collect_rm, self.collect_rf, self.collect_rx, self.collect_ry = nm, nf, nx, ny self.minimap_marker:OnUpdate(0) -- poke end if not UnitOnTaxi("player") and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("player") then QuestHelper.routing_x, QuestHelper.routing_y, QuestHelper.routing_m, QuestHelper.routing_f = QuestHelper.collect_rx, QuestHelper.collect_ry, QuestHelper.rm, QuestHelper.rf end QH_Timeslice_Toggle("routing", not not self.m) self:PumpCommMessages() --end end) -- Some or all of these may be nil. c,x,y should be enough for a location - c is the pure continent (currently either 0 or 3 for Azeroth or Outland, or -77 for the DK starting zone) and x,y are the coordinates within that continent. -- rc and rz are the continent and zone that Questhelper thinks it's within. For various reasons, this isn't perfect. TODO: Base it off the map zone name identifiers instead of the map itself? function QuestHelper:Location_RawRetrieve() return self.collect_rm, self.collect_rf, self.collect_rx, self.collect_ry end --[[ function QuestHelper:Location_AbsoluteRetrieve() return self.collect_delayed, self.collect_ac, self.collect_ax, self.collect_ay end --]] --QH_Hook(QuestHelper, "OnEvent", QuestHelper.OnEvent)