local GetTime = QuestHelper_GetTime QuestHelper_File["tracker.lua"] = "4.0.1.$svnversion$" QuestHelper_Loadtime["tracker.lua"] = GetTime() local debug_output = false if QuestHelper_File["tracker.lua"] == "Development Version" then debug_output = true end --[[ NOTES TO SELF So here's what we want to do. We want a "refresh notification" where we send it the current route. If things aren't in the route, we don't care about them . . . unless they're pinned. So we have "refresh notification" and "pin toggles". In both cases, the objective and only the objective is passed in. Right now there's no concept of priority within the pins. We're also not bothering with the whole metaobjective tree, we're just going one step up. So, our algorithm: Note that "add" means "add iff it hasn't already been added." Iff we haven't loaded yet, add a loaded message and a gap. For each pinned objective, add the metaobjective and all objectives in its internal order. Iff we added things, add a gap. For each route objective, add the metaobjective and all objectives in route order. Later on we'll add an option for "splitting" metaobjectives, or possibly following the metaobjective tree all the way up. So, "add" is complicated, due to the two requirements. We have to both add everything, and not add everything *yet*. I think the goal here is to make an Add function for adding a metaobjective that takes a list of objectives to be children, then doublecheck inside the function that we have all objectives. We don't actually want "all objectives" long-term, note, we want only unfinished objectives. I sort of don't like the idea of keeping "finished objectives" around, however. Maybe we should only toss objectives in if they're in the routing system? Then how do I handle unknown objectives? (Simple - you pin them, and point out that we don't know how to do them.) Also, to handle the "moving things around", we need to be a little clever. One line might be either a metaobjective or an objective, but in either case, we need a counter for which case it is. If everything shuffles, and we had two copies of metaobjective, MO1 moves to MO1 and MO2 moves to MO2. Easy. ]] local tracker = CreateFrame("Frame", "QuestHelperQuestWatchFrame", UIParent) local minbutton = CreateFrame("Button", "QuestHelperQuestWatchFrameMinimizeButton", UIParent) QuestHelper.tracker = tracker local resizing = false tracker:SetWidth(200) tracker:SetHeight(100) tracker:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND") tracker.dw, tracker.dh = 200, 100 local in_tracker = 0 minbutton:SetFrameStrata("LOW") minbutton:Hide() minbutton:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", WatchFrame) -- We default to a different location to make it more likely to display the right item. minbutton:SetMovable(true) minbutton:SetUserPlaced(true) minbutton:SetWidth(24 / 1.6) minbutton:SetHeight(24) minbutton:SetFrameLevel(3) local minbutton_tex = minbutton:CreateTexture() minbutton_tex:SetAllPoints() minbutton_tex:SetTexture(.6, .6, .6) minbutton_tex:SetParent(minbutton) local sigargh = CreateFrame("Frame", minbutton) sigargh:SetFrameStrata("LOW") sigargh:SetFrameLevel(4) local sigil = sigargh:CreateTexture("BACKGROUND") sigil:SetHeight(24) sigil:SetWidth(24) --sigil:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, 0) sigil:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\QuestHelper\\sigil") sigil:SetPoint("CENTER", minbutton_tex, "CENTER") tracker:SetPoint("CENTER", minbutton) function minbutton:moved() local x, y = self:GetCenter() local w, h = UIParent:GetWidth(), UIParent:GetHeight() local anchor = (y < h*.45 and "BOTTOM" or y > h*.55 and "TOP" or "")..(x < w*.45 and "LEFT" or x > w*.55 and "RIGHT" or "") tracker:ClearAllPoints() tracker:SetPoint("CENTER", self) if anchor ~= "" then tracker:SetPoint(anchor, self) end end function QuestHelper:ResetTrackerPosition(cmd) minbutton:ClearAllPoints() if cmd and string.find(cmd, "center") then minbutton:SetPoint("CENTER", nil, "CENTER", 100, 100) else minbutton:SetPoint("RIGHT", nil, "RIGHT", -20, 230) end minbutton:moved() QuestHelper_Pref.track_minimized = false tracker:Show() self:TextOut("Quest tracker postion reset.") end QH_Event({"DISPLAY_SIZE_CHANGED", "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD"}, function () minbutton:moved() end) QH_Hook(minbutton, "OnClick", function () QuestHelper_Pref.track_minimized = not QuestHelper_Pref.track_minimized if QuestHelper_Pref.track_minimized then tracker:Hide() else tracker:Show() end end) minbutton:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton") QH_Hook(minbutton, "OnDragStart", function(self) if self:IsVisible() then self:StartMoving() QH_Hook(self, "OnUpdate", self.moved) end end) QH_Hook(minbutton, "OnDragStop", function(self) QH_Hook(self, "OnUpdate", nil) self:StopMovingOrSizing() self:moved() end) local entered_main = false local entered_tracker = false local function RefreshColor() if entered_main then minbutton:SetAlpha(1) sigargh:SetAlpha(1) elseif entered_tracker then minbutton:SetAlpha(.3) sigargh:SetAlpha(.3) elseif QuestHelper_Pref.track_minimized then minbutton:SetAlpha(.3) sigargh:SetAlpha(.3) else minbutton:SetAlpha(0) sigargh:SetAlpha(0) end end local function SetEnteredMain(x) entered_main = x RefreshColor() end local function SetEnteredTracker(x) entered_tracker = x RefreshColor() end QH_Hook(minbutton, "OnEnter", function (self) SetEnteredMain(true) end) QH_Hook(minbutton, "OnLeave", function (self) SetEnteredMain(false) end) -- used_items[objective][index] -- used_count[objective] is incremented as the last valid index -- so, therefore, used_items[objective][used_count[objective]] is not nil local used_items = {} local used_count = {} -- it's possible for an item to be in neither used_items nor recycled_items, if it's in the process of fading out local recycled_items = {} -- These two functions are basically identical. Combine them. local function itemupdate(item, delta) local done = true local a = item:GetAlpha() a = a + delta if a < 1 then item:SetAlpha(a) done = false else item:SetAlpha(1) end local t = item.t + delta if t < 1 then item.t = t local it = 1-t local sp = math.sqrt(t-t*t) item.x, item.y = item.sx*it+item.ex*t+(item.sy-item.ey)*sp, item.sy*it+item.ey*t+(item.ex-item.sx)*sp done = false else item.t = 1 item.x, item.y = item.ex, item.ey end item:ClearAllPoints() item:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", tracker, "TOPLEFT", item.x, -item.y) if done then QH_Hook(item, "OnUpdate", nil) end end local function itemfadeout(item, delta) local a = item:GetAlpha() a = a - delta if a > 0 then item:SetAlpha(a) else item:SetAlpha(1) item:Hide() QH_Hook(item, "OnUpdate", nil) table.insert(recycled_items, item) return end local t = item.t + delta if t < 1 then item.t = t local it = 1-t local sp = math.sqrt(t-t*t) item.x, item.y = item.sx*it+item.ex*t+(item.sy-item.ey)*sp, item.sy*it+item.ey*t+(item.ex-item.sx)*sp else item.t = 1 item.x, item.y = item.ex, item.ey end item:ClearAllPoints() item:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", tracker, "TOPLEFT", item.x, -item.y) end --[[function QH_ToggleQuestLog() -- This seems to be gone in 3.0, so I'm adding it here. if (QuestLogFrame:IsShown()) then HideUIPanel(QuestLogFrame); else ShowUIPanel(QuestLogFrame); end end -- Grim stuff with uberquest, I need a better way to handle this local function itemclick(item, button) if button == "RightButton" then local quest = item.quest local index = 1 while true do local title = GetQuestLogTitle(index) if not title then break end if title == quest then if UberQuest then -- UberQuest needs a little extra effort to work properly. if UberQuest_List:IsShown() and GetQuestLogSelection() == index then QH_ToggleQuestLog() else QuestLog_SetSelection(index) -- By hiding the list, the replaced ToggleQuestLog function should try to reshow it -- and in the process update the frames to reflect the selected quest. UberQuest_List:Hide() UberQuest_Details:Show() QH_ToggleQuestLog() end else -- This code seems to work properly with the builtin questlog, as well as bEQL and DoubleWide. if QuestLogFrame:IsShown() and GetQuestLogSelection() == index then -- If the selected quest is already being shown, hide it. QH_ToggleQuestLog() else -- Otherwise, select it and show it. QuestLog_SetSelection(index) if not QuestLogFrame:IsShown() then QH_ToggleQuestLog() end end end return end index = index + 1 end end end]] local function allocateItem() local item item = table.remove(recycled_items) if item then return item end item = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, tracker) item.text = item:CreateFontString() item.text:SetShadowColor(0, 0, 0, .8) item.text:SetShadowOffset(1, -1) item.text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", item) return item end local specitem_max = 1 local specitem_unused = {} -- This is adding a *single item*. This won't be called by the main parsing loop, but it does need some serious hackery. Let's see now local function addItem(objective, y, meta) -- THIS IS WHERE WE START IN THE MORNING! local obj_key = objective if obj_key.cluster then obj_key = obj_key.cluster end used_count[obj_key] = (used_count[obj_key] or 0) + 1 if not used_items[obj_key] then used_items[obj_key] = QuestHelper:CreateTable("additem used_items") end local item = used_items[obj_key][used_count[obj_key]] local x = meta and 4 or 20 if not item then used_items[obj_key][used_count[obj_key]] = allocateItem() item = used_items[obj_key][used_count[obj_key]] if meta then item.text:SetFont(QuestHelper.font.serif, 12) item.text:SetTextColor(.82, .65, 0) else item.text:SetFont(QuestHelper.font.sans, 12) item.text:SetTextColor(.82, .82, .82) end item.obj = objective item.sx, item.sy, item.x, item.y, item.ex, item.ey, item.t = x+30, y, x, y, x, y, 0 QH_Hook(item, "OnUpdate", itemupdate) item:SetAlpha(0) item:Show() end item.text:SetText(item.obj.tracker_desc or "(no description)") local w, h = item.text:GetWidth(), item.text:GetHeight() item:SetWidth(w) item:SetHeight(h) if objective.tracker_clicked then QH_Hook(item, "OnMouseDown", function (self, button) if button == "RightButton" then objective.tracker_clicked() end end) item:EnableMouse(true) end if item.ex ~= x or item.ey ~= y then item.sx, item.sy, item.ex, item.ey = item.x, item.y, x, y item.t = 0 QH_Hook(item, "OnUpdate", itemupdate) end -- we're just going to recycle this each time if item.specitem then item.specitem:Hide() table.insert(specitem_unused, item.specitem) item.specitem = nil end local spacer = 0 -- hacky - progress only shows up if we're not on a metaobjective. wheee if objective.type_quest and objective.type_quest.index and not objective.progress and GetQuestLogSpecialItemInfo(objective.type_quest.index) then if not objective.type_quest.done then item.specitem = table.remove(specitem_unused) if not item.specitem then item.specitem = CreateFrame("BUTTON", "QH_SpecItem_" .. tostring(specitem_max), item, "WatchFrameItemButtonTemplate") QuestHelper: Assert(item.specitem) local rangey = _G["QH_SpecItem_" .. tostring(specitem_max) .. "HotKey"] QuestHelper: Assert(rangey) local fn, fh, ff = rangey:GetFont() rangey:SetFont("Fonts\\ARIALN.TTF", fh, ff) rangey:SetText(RANGE_INDICATOR) rangey:ClearAllPoints() rangey:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", item.specitem, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 2) specitem_max = specitem_max + 1 end item.specitem:SetScale(0.9) item.specitem:ClearAllPoints() item.specitem:SetParent(item) item.specitem:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", item, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0) local _, tex, charges = GetQuestLogSpecialItemInfo(objective.type_quest.index) item.specitem:SetID(objective.type_quest.index) SetItemButtonTexture(item.specitem, tex) item.specitem.rangeTimer = -1 -- This makes the little dot go away. Why does it do that? item.specitem.charges = charges item.specitem:Show() spacer = h else -- Make the item go away. if item.specitem then item.specitem:Hide() table.insert(specitem_unused, item.specitem) item.specitem = nil end end end return w+x+4, y+h, y+h+spacer end local function addMetaObjective(metaobj, items, y, depth) local seen_texts = QuestHelper:CreateTable("amo_seen_texts") local x, spacer x, y, spacer = addItem(metaobj, y, true) for _, v in ipairs(items) do if not v.tracker_hide_dupes or not seen_texts[v.tracker_desc] then x, y = addItem(v, y, false) seen_texts[v.tracker_desc] = true end end return math.max(y, spacer), depth + #items + 1 end local function removeUnusedItem(item) item.t = 0 item.sx, item.sy, item.dx, item.dy = item.x, item.y, item.x+30, item.y QH_Hook(item, "OnMouseDown", nil) item:EnableMouse(false) QH_Hook(item, "OnUpdate", itemfadeout) if item.specitem then item.specitem:Hide() table.insert(specitem_unused, item.specitem) item.specitem = nil end end local loading_vquest = {tracker_desc = QHFormat("QH_LOADING", "0")} local flightpath_vquest = {tracker_desc = QHFormat("QH_FLIGHTPATH", "0")} local recalculating_vquest = {tracker_desc = QHFormat("QH_RECALCULATING", "0")} local recalculating_start = nil local hidden_vquest1 = { tracker_desc = QHText("QUESTS_HIDDEN_1"), tracker_clicked = QH_Hidden_Menu } local hidden_vquest2 = { tracker_desc = " " .. QHText("QUESTS_HIDDEN_2"), tracker_clicked = QH_Hidden_Menu } local route = {} local pinned = {} -- This is actually called surprisingly often. function QH_Tracker_Rescan() used_count = QuestHelper:CreateTable("tracker rescan used_count") local mo_done = QuestHelper:CreateTable("tracker rescan mo_done") local obj_done = QuestHelper:CreateTable("tracker rescan obj_done") local y, depth = 0, 0 do local had_pinned = false local objs = QuestHelper:CreateTable("tracker objs") for k, v in pairs(pinned) do if not objs[k.why] then objs[k.why] = QuestHelper:CreateTable("tracker objs sub") end if not k.ignore and not k.tracker_hidden then table.insert(objs[k.why], k) end obj_done[k.cluster] = true end local sort_objs = QuestHelper:CreateTable("tracker sobjs") for k, v in pairs(objs) do v.cluster = k v.trackkey = k table.insert(sort_objs, v) end table.sort(sort_objs, function (a, b) return tostring(a.trackkey) < tostring(b.trackkey) end) for _, v in ipairs(sort_objs) do y, depth = addMetaObjective(v.cluster, v, y, depth) had_pinned = true QuestHelper:ReleaseTable(v) end QuestHelper:ReleaseTable(sort_objs) QuestHelper:ReleaseTable(objs) if had_pinned then y = y + 10 end end if QuestHelper.loading_main then loading_vquest.tracker_desc = QHFormat("QH_LOADING", string.format("%d", QuestHelper.loading_main:GetPercentage() * 100)) local x, ty = addItem(loading_vquest, y) y = ty + 10 end if QuestHelper.flightpathing then flightpath_vquest.tracker_desc = QHFormat("QH_FLIGHTPATH", string.format("%d", QuestHelper.flightpathing:GetPercentage() * 100)) local x, ty = addItem(flightpath_vquest, y) y = ty + 10 end if not QuestHelper.loading_main and not QuestHelper.flightpathing and QuestHelper.route_change_progress then if recalculating_start then if recalculating_start + 5 < GetTime() then recalculating_vquest.tracker_desc = QHFormat("QH_RECALCULATING", string.format("%d", QuestHelper.route_change_progress:GetPercentage() * 100)) local x, ty = addItem(recalculating_vquest, y) y = ty + 10 end else recalculating_start = GetTime() end else recalculating_start = nil end local metalookup = QuestHelper:CreateTable("tracker rescan metalookup") for k, v in ipairs(route) do if not v.ignore then if not metalookup[v.why] then metalookup[v.why] = QuestHelper:CreateTable("tracker rescan metalookup item") end if not v.tracker_hidden then table.insert(metalookup[v.why], v) end end end do local current_mo local current_mo_cluster for k, v in ipairs(route) do if depth > QuestHelper_Pref.track_size and not debug_output then break end if not v.ignore and not v.why.tracker_hidden and not obj_done[v.cluster] then if current_mo and v.why ~= current_mo and (v.why.tracker_split or not mo_done[v.why]) then y, depth = addMetaObjective(current_mo, current_mo_cluster, y, depth) QuestHelper:ReleaseTable(current_mo_cluster) current_mo, current_mo_cluster = nil, nil end if not v.why.tracker_split then if not mo_done[v.why] then y, depth = addMetaObjective(v.why, metalookup[v.why], y, depth) mo_done[v.why] = true end else if not current_mo then current_mo = v.why current_mo_cluster = QuestHelper:CreateTable("tracker current cluster") end if not v.tracker_hidden then table.insert(current_mo_cluster, v) end end obj_done[v] = true end end if current_mo and not (depth > QuestHelper_Pref.track_size and not debug_output) then y, depth = addMetaObjective(current_mo, current_mo_cluster, y, depth) end if current_mo_cluster then QuestHelper:ReleaseTable(current_mo_cluster) end end -- now we check to see if we need a hidden display if (debug_output or depth < QuestHelper_Pref.track_size) and not QuestHelper.loading_main and not QuestHelper_Pref.filter_done and not QuestHelper_Pref.filter_zone and not QuestHelper_Pref.filter_watched then local show = false QH_Route_TraverseClusters( function (clust) if not show then QH_Route_IgnoredReasons_Cluster(clust, function (reason) show = true end) for _, v in ipairs(clust) do QH_Route_IgnoredReasons_Node(v, function (reason) show = true end) end end end ) if show then y = y + 10 _, y = addItem(hidden_vquest1, y) _, y = addItem(hidden_vquest2, y) end end -- any manipulations of the tracker should be done by now, everything after this is bookkeeping for k, v in pairs(used_items) do if not used_count[k] or used_count[k] < #v then local ttp = QuestHelper:CreateTable("used_items ttp") for m = 1, (used_count[k] or 0) do table.insert(ttp, v[m]) end for m = (used_count[k] or 0) + 1, #v do removeUnusedItem(v[m]) end if used_items[k] then QuestHelper:ReleaseTable(used_items[k]) end if #ttp > 0 then used_items[k] = ttp else used_items[k] = nil QuestHelper:ReleaseTable(ttp) end end end QuestHelper:ReleaseTable(mo_done) QuestHelper:ReleaseTable(obj_done) for k, v in pairs(metalookup) do QuestHelper:ReleaseTable(v) end QuestHelper:ReleaseTable(metalookup) QuestHelper:ReleaseTable(used_count) used_count = nil if y ~= tracker.dh then tracker.t = 0 tracker.sh = tracker:GetHeight() tracker.dh = y tracker.sw = tracker.dw resizing = true end end function QH_Tracker_UpdateRoute(new_route) route = new_route QH_Tracker_Rescan() end function QH_Tracker_Pin(metaobjective, suppress) if not pinned[metaobjective] then pinned[metaobjective] = true if not suppress then QH_Tracker_Rescan() end end end function QH_Tracker_Unpin(metaobjective, suppress) if pinned[metaobjective] then pinned[metaobjective] = nil -- nil, not false, so it'll be garbage-collected appropriately if not suppress then QH_Tracker_Rescan() end end end function QH_Tracker_SetPin(metaobjective, flag, suppress) if flag then QH_Tracker_Pin(metaobjective, suppress) else QH_Tracker_Unpin(metaobjective, suppress) end end local check_delay = 4 -- This function does the grunt work of cursor positioning and rescaling. It does not actually reorganize items. function tracker:update(delta) if not delta then -- This is called without a value when the questlog is updated. -- We'll make sure we update the display on the next update. check_delay = 1e99 return end if resizing then local t = self.t+delta if t > 1 then self:SetWidth(self.dw) self:SetHeight(self.dh) resizing = false else self.t = t local it = 1-t self:SetWidth(self.sw*it+self.dw*t) self:SetHeight(self.sh*it+self.dh*t) end end -- Manually checking if the mouse is in the frame, because if I used on OnEnter, i'd have to enable mouse input, -- and if I did that, it would prevent the player from using the mouse to change the view if they clicked inside -- the tracker. local x, y = GetCursorPosition() local s = 1/self:GetEffectiveScale() x, y = x*s, y*s QuestHelper: Assert(x) QuestHelper: Assert(y) --[[ QuestHelper: Assert(self:GetLeft()) QuestHelper: Assert(self:GetBottom()) QuestHelper: Assert(self:GetRight()) QuestHelper: Assert(self:GetTop())]] -- Sometimes it just doesn't know its own coordinates. Not sure why. Maybe this will fix it. local inside = (self:GetLeft() and (x >= self:GetLeft() and y >= self:GetBottom() and x < self:GetRight() and y < self:GetTop())) if inside ~= was_inside then was_inside = inside if inside then SetEnteredTracker(true) else SetEnteredTracker(false) end end check_delay = check_delay + delta if check_delay > 1 then check_delay = 0 QH_Tracker_Rescan() end end QH_Hook(tracker, "OnUpdate", tracker.update) -- Some hooks to update the tracker when quests are added or removed. These should be moved into the quest director. --[[ local orig_AddQuestWatch, orig_RemoveQuestWatch = AddQuestWatch, RemoveQuestWatch function AddQuestWatch(...) tracker:update() return orig_AddQuestWatch(...) end function RemoveQuestWatch(...) tracker:update() return orig_RemoveQuestWatch(...) end]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This batch of stuff is to make sure the original tracker (and any modifications) stay hidden local orig_TrackerBackdropOnShow -- bEQL (and perhaps other mods) add a backdrop to the tracker local TrackerBackdropFound = false local function TrackerBackdropOnShow(self, ...) if QuestHelper_Pref.track and not QuestHelper_Pref.hide then TrackerBackdropFound:Hide() end if orig_TrackerBackdropOnShow then return orig_TrackerBackdropOnShow(self, ...) end end function tracker:HideDefaultTracker() -- The easy part: hide the original tracker WatchFrame_RemoveObjectiveHandler(WatchFrame_DisplayTrackedQuests) WatchFrame_ClearDisplay() WatchFrame_Update() -- The harder part: hide all those little buttons do local index = 1 while true do local orig = _G["WatchFrameItem" .. tostring(index)] if orig then orig:Hide() else break end index = index + 1 end end -- The harder part: check if a known backdrop is present (but we don't already know about it). -- If it is, make sure it's hidden, and hook its OnShow to make sure it stays that way. -- Unfortunately, I can't figure out a good time to check for this once, so we'll just have -- to keep checking. Hopefully, this won't happen too often. if not TrackerBackdropFound then if QuestWatchFrameBackdrop then -- Found bEQL's QuestWatchFrameBackdrop... TrackerBackdropFound = QuestWatchFrameBackdrop end if TrackerBackdropFound then -- OK, we found something - so hide it, and make sure it doesn't rear its ugly head again TrackerBackdropFound:Hide() orig_TrackerBackdropOnShow = TrackerBackdropFound:GetScript("OnShow") QH_Hook(TrackerBackdropFound, "OnShow", TrackerBackdropOnShow) end end end function tracker:ShowDefaultTracker() -- I like how there's code explicitly to allow us to do this without checking if it's already added WatchFrame_AddObjectiveHandler(WatchFrame_DisplayTrackedQuests) -- Make sure the default tracker is up to date on what what's being watched and what isn't. WatchFrame_Update() if TrackerBackdropFound then TrackerBackdropFound:Show() end end function QuestHelper:ShowTracker() tracker:HideDefaultTracker() minbutton:Show() RefreshColor() if not QuestHelper_Pref.track_minimized then tracker:Show() end end function QuestHelper:HideTracker() tracker:ShowDefaultTracker() tracker:Hide() minbutton:Hide() end