local GetTime = QuestHelper_GetTime QuestHelper_File["upgrade.lua"] = "4.0.1.$svnversion$" local my_version = QuestHelper_File["upgrade.lua"] QuestHelper_Loadtime["upgrade.lua"] = GetTime() QuestHelper_Zones = { {[0]="Kalimdor", [1]="Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom", [2]="Ammen Vale", [3]="Ashenvale", [4]="Azshara", [5]="Azuremyst Isle", [6]="Bloodmyst Isle", [8]="Darkshore", [9]="Darnassus", [10]="Desolace", [11]="Durotar", [12]="Dustwallow Marsh", [14]="Felwood", [15]="Feralas", [16]="Moonglade", [17]="Mount Hyjal", [18]="Mulgore", [19]="Northern Barrens", [20]="Orgrimmar", [22]="Silithus", [23]="Southern Barrens", [24]="Stonetalon Mountains", [25]="Tanaris", [26]="Teldrassil", [27]="The Exodar", [28]="Thousand Needles", [29]="Thunder Bluff", [30]="Uldum", [31]="Un'Goro Crater", [33]="Winterspring" }, {[0]="Eastern Kingdoms", [1]="Abyssal Depths", [2]="Arathi Highlands", [3]="Badlands", [4]="Blasted Lands", [5]="Burning Steppes", [7]="Deadwind Pass", [9]="Dun Morogh", [10]="Duskwood", [11]="Eastern Plaguelands", [12]="Elwynn Forest", [13]="Eversong Woods", [14]="Ghostlands", [15]="Hillsbrad Foothills", [16]="Ironforge", [17]="Isle of Quel'Danas", [18]="Kelp'thar Forest", [19]="Loch Modan", [21]="Northern Stranglethorn", [23]="Redridge Mountains", [24]="Ruins of Gilneas", [25]="Gilneas", -- Actually "Ruins of Gilneas City", but this fixes issues with some non-English clients that have the two zones named the same. [26]="Searing Gorge", [27]="Shimmering Expanse", [28]="Silvermoon City", [29]="Silverpine Forest", [30]="Stormwind City", [31]="Stranglethorn Vale", [33]="Swamp of Sorrows", [34]="The Cape of Stranglethorn", [35]="The Hinterlands", [36]="Tirisfal Glades", [37]="Tol Barad", [38]="Tol Barad Peninsula", [39]="Twilight Highlands", [40]="Undercity", [41]="Vashj'ir", [42]="Western Plaguelands", [43]="Westfall", [44]="Wetlands" }, {[0]="Outland", [1]="Blade's Edge Mountains", [2]="Hellfire Peninsula", [3]="Nagrand", [4]="Netherstorm", [5]="Shadowmoon Valley", [6]="Shattrath City", [7]="Terokkar Forest", [8]="Zangarmarsh" }, {[0]="Northrend", [1]="Borean Tundra", [2]="Crystalsong Forest", [3]="Dalaran", [4]="Dragonblight", [5]="Grizzly Hills", [6]="Howling Fjord", [7]="Hrothgar's Landing", [8]="Icecrown", [9]="Sholazar Basin", [10]="The Storm Peaks", [11]="Wintergrasp", [12]="Zul'Drak", }, {[0]="The Maelstrom Continent", [1]="Deepholm", [2]="Kezan", [3]="The Lost Isles", [4]="The Maelstrom" }, [-77]={[0]="ScarletEnclave_Continent", [1]="ScarletEnclave"}, } -- This will be translated to [LOCALE_NAME] = INDEX by QuestHelper_BuildZoneLookup. -- Additionally, [CONT_INDEX][ZONE_INDEX] = INDEX will also be added. QuestHelper_IndexLookup = { ["Orgrimmar"] = {321, 1, 17}, ["Ashenvale"] = {43, 1, 2}, ["AzuremystIsle"] = {464, 1, 4}, ["Desolace"] = {101, 1, 8}, ["Silithus"] = {261, 1, 18}, ["StonetalonMountains"] = {81, 1, 20}, ["Durotar"] = {4, 1, 9}, ["Tanaris"] = {161, 1, 21}, ["BloodmystIsle"] = {476, 1, 5}, ["Dustwallow"] = {141, 1, 10}, ["Barrens"] = {11, 1, 16}, ["TheExodar"] = {471, 1, 23}, ["Felwood"] = {182, 1, 11}, ["ThousandNeedles"] = {61, 1, 24}, ["Aszhara"] = {181, 1, 3}, ["Darkshore"] = {42, 1, 6}, ["Feralas"] = {121, 1, 12}, ["UngoroCrater"] = {201, 1, 27}, ["Winterspring"] = {281, 1, 28}, ["Moonglade"] = {241, 1, 13}, ["Darnassus"] = {381, 1, 7}, ["Mulgore"] = {9, 1, 15}, ["ThunderBluff"] = {362, 1, 25}, ["Teldrassil"] = {41, 1, 22}, ["Ironforge"] = {341, 2, 14}, ["Badlands"] = {17, 2, 3}, ["DunMorogh"] = {27, 2, 7}, ["LochModan"] = {35, 2, 17}, ["Redridge"] = {36, 2, 19}, ["Duskwood"] = {34, 2, 8}, ["SearingGorge"] = {28, 2, 22}, ["BlastedLands"] = {19, 2, 4}, ["EasternPlaguelands"] = {23, 2, 9}, ["Silverpine"] = {21, 2, 25}, ["StormwindCity"] = {301, 2, 26}, ["Elwynn"] = {30, 2, 10}, ["StranglethornVale"] = {689, 2, 27}, ["Arathi"] = {16, 2, 2}, ["BurningSteppes"] = {29, 2, 5}, ["EversongWoods"] = {462, 2, 11}, ["Hinterlands"] = {26, 2, 30}, ["Tirisfal"] = {20, 2, 31}, ["Ghostlands"] = {463, 2, 12}, ["Undercity"] = {382, 2, 35}, ["SwampOfSorrows"] = {38, 2, 28}, ["DeadwindPass"] = {32, 2, 6}, ["HillsbradFoothills"] = {24, 2, 13}, ["Westfall"] = {39, 2, 38}, ["WesternPlaguelands"] = {22, 2, 37}, ["Wetlands"] = {40, 2, 39}, ["SilvermoonCity"] = {480, 2, 24}, ["ShadowmoonValley"] = {473, 3, 5}, ["BladesEdgeMountains"] = {475, 3, 1}, ["TerokkarForest"] = {478, 3, 7}, ["Hellfire"] = {465, 3, 2}, ["Zangarmarsh"] = {467, 3, 8}, ["Nagrand"] = {477, 3, 3}, ["Netherstorm"] = {479, 3, 4}, ["ShattrathCity"] = {481, 3, 6}, ["Kalimdor"] = {13, 1, 0}, ["Azeroth"] = {-1, 2, 0}, ["Expansion01"] = {466, 3, 0}, ["Sunwell"] = {499, 2, 15}, ["BoreanTundra"] = {486, 4, 1}, ["CrystalsongForest"] = {510, 4, 2}, ["Dalaran"] = {504, 4, 3}, ["Dragonblight"] = {488, 4, 4}, ["GrizzlyHills"] = {490, 4, 5}, ["HowlingFjord"] = {491, 4, 6}, ["IcecrownGlacier"] = {492, 4, 8}, ["SholazarBasin"] = {493, 4, 9}, ["TheStormPeaks"] = {495, 4, 10}, ["LakeWintergrasp"] = {501, 4, 11}, ["ZulDrak"] = {496, 4, 12}, ["Northrend"] = {485, 4, 0}, ["HrothgarsLanding"] = {541, 4, 7}, -- wooo consecutive numbering ["AhnQirajTheFallenKingdom"] = {772, 1, 1}, ["Hyjal"] = {606, 1, 14}, -- Check ["SouthernBarrens"] = {607, 1, 19}, ["Uldum"] = {720, 1, 26}, -- Check ["Uldum_terrain1"] = {720, 1, 26}, -- Check ["VashjirDepths"] = {614, 2, 1}, -- Check ["VashjirKelpForest"] = {610, 2, 16}, -- Check ["StranglethornJungle"] = {37, 2, 18}, ["RuinsofGilneas"] = {684, 2, 20}, ["RuinsofGilneasCity"] = {685, 2, 21}, ["VashjirRuins"] = {615, 2, 23}, -- Check ["TheCapeOfStranglethorn"] = {673, 2, 29}, ["TolBarad"] = {708, 2, 32}, ["TolBaradDailyArea"] = {709, 2, 33}, ["TwilightHighlands_terrain1"] = {700, 2, 34}, ["Vashjir"] = {613, 2, 36}, -- Check ["Deepholm"] = {640, 5, 1}, ["Kezan"] = {605, 5, 2}, ["TheLostIsles"] = {544, 5, 3}, ["TheLostIsles_terrain1"] = {544, 5, 3}, ["TheLostIsles_terrain2"] = {544, 5, 3}, ["TheMaelstrom"] = {737, 5, 4}, ["TheMaelstromContinent"] = {751, 5, 0}, ["TwilightHighlands"] = {700, 2, 34}, ["Hyjal_terrain1"] = {606, 1, 14}, ["ScarletEnclave_Continent"] = {-502, -77, 0}, ["ScarletEnclave"]={502,-77,1}, } QuestHelper_RestrictedZones = { -- Everything defaults to "nil" [78] = 1, [205] = 1, [207] = 1, } local next_index = 1 for i, j in pairs(QuestHelper_IndexLookup) do next_index = math.max(next_index, j[1]+1) end -- Maps zone names and indexes to a two element array, containing zone index a continent/zone QuestHelper_ZoneLookup = {} -- Maps indexes to zone names. QuestHelper_NameLookup = {} -- Maps plane indexes to the ultimate continent parents QuestHelper_ParentLookup = {} local built = false function QuestHelper_BuildZoneLookup() if built then return end built = true if GetMapContinents and GetMapZones then -- Called from inside the WoW client. local original_lookup, original_zones = QuestHelper_IndexLookup, QuestHelper_Zones QuestHelper_IndexLookup = {} QuestHelper_Zones = {} for c, cname in pairs(QuestHelper.Astrolabe:GetMapVirtualContinents()) do QuestHelper_Zones[c] = {} local tpx = QuestHelper.Astrolabe:GetMapVirtualZones(c) tpx[0] = cname for z, zname in pairs(tpx) do local base_name = QuestHelper.Astrolabe:GetMapTexture(c, z) local index = original_lookup[base_name] and original_lookup[base_name][1] local altered_index = "!!! QuestHelper_IndexLookup entry needs update: [%q] = {%s, %s, %s}" local altered_zone = "!!! QuestHelper_Zones entry needs update: [%s][%s] = %q -- was %s" if not index and my_version == "4.0.1.$svnversion\$" then --QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(false, altered_index:format(tostring(base_name), tostring(next_index), tostring(c), tostring(z))) QuestHelper:TextOut(false, altered_index:format(tostring(base_name), tostring(next_index), tostring(c), tostring(z))) next_index = next_index + 1 else if QuestHelper_Locale == "enUS" and my_version == "4.0.1.$svnversion$" then if original_lookup[base_name][2] ~= c or original_lookup[base_name][3] ~= z then --QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(false, altered_index:format(base_name, index, c, z)) QuestHelper:TextOut(false, altered_index:format(base_name, index, c, z)) end if not original_zones[c] or original_zones[c][z] ~= zname then QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(false, altered_zone:format(c, z, zname, original_zones[c] and original_zones[c][z] or "missing")) --QuestHelper:TextOut(altered_zone:format(c, z, zname, original_zones[c] and original_zones[c][z] or "missing")) end end local pair = {c, z} if not QuestHelper_IndexLookup[c] then QuestHelper_IndexLookup[c] = {} end QuestHelper_IndexLookup[c][z] = index QuestHelper_IndexLookup[zname] = index QuestHelper_NameLookup[index] = zname QuestHelper_ZoneLookup[zname] = pair QuestHelper_ZoneLookup[index] = pair QuestHelper_Zones[c][z] = zname end end end for name, index in pairs(original_lookup) do if index[2] == -1 then --assert(not QuestHelper_IndexLookup[name]) QuestHelper_IndexLookup[name] = index[1] end end for k, v in pairs(QuestHelper_ZoneLookup) do if type(k) == "number" then --QuestHelper:TextOut(tostring(k) .. " " .. tostring(v[1])) if v[1] == 1 or v[1] == 2 or v[1] == 4 or v[1] == 5 then -- weh QuestHelper_ParentLookup[k] = 0 else QuestHelper_ParentLookup[k] = v[1] end end end -- Sanity is failing BEFORE exiting the function... Duplicate indices... owa tagu siam. This is now true ONLY for non enUS version (grumble). QuestHelper:Assert(QuestHelper:ZoneSanity()) else -- Called from some lua script. local original_lookup = QuestHelper_IndexLookup QuestHelper_IndexLookup = {} for base_name, i in pairs(original_lookup) do local index = i[1] local pair = {i[2], i[3]} local name = QuestHelper_Zones[pair[1]][pair[2]] --assert(index and name) if not QuestHelper_IndexLookup[pair[1]] then QuestHelper_IndexLookup[pair[1]] = {} end QuestHelper_IndexLookup[pair[1]][pair[2]] = index QuestHelper_IndexLookup[name] = index QuestHelper_NameLookup[index] = name QuestHelper_ZoneLookup[name] = pair QuestHelper_ZoneLookup[index] = pair end QuestHelper:Assert(QuestHelper:ZoneSanity()) end -- We are broken by the time we get here. Time to turn these TextOut's to Errors. QuestHelper:Assert(QuestHelper:ZoneSanity()) end local convert_lookup = {{2, 15, 3, 9, 16, 21, 4, 7, 10, 13, 17, 20, 22, 1, 5, 6, 8, 24, 11, 12, 14, 23, 18, 19}, {26, 39, 27, 33, 40, 47, 28, 31, 34, 37, 41, 44, 48, 25, 29, 30, 32, 52, 35, 36, 38, 46, 42, 43, 45, 50, 49, 51}, {54, 56, 58, 59, 53, 60, 55, 57}} function QuestHelper_ValidPosition(c, z, x, y) return type(x) == "number" and type(y) == "number" and x > -0.1 and y > -0.1 and x < 1.1 and y < 1.1 and c and convert_lookup[c] and z and convert_lookup[c][z] and true end function QuestHelper_PrunePositionList(list) if type(list) ~= "table" then return nil end local i = 1 while i <= #list do local pos = list[i] if QuestHelper_ValidPosition(unpack(list[i])) and type(pos[5]) == "number" and pos[5] >= 1 then i = i + 1 else local rem = table.remove(list, i) end end return #list > 0 and list or nil end local function QuestHelper_ConvertPosition(pos) pos[2] = convert_lookup[pos[1]][pos[2]] table.remove(pos, 1) end local function QuestHelper_ConvertPositionList(list) if list then for i, pos in pairs(list) do QuestHelper_ConvertPosition(pos) end end end local function QuestHelper_ConvertFaction(faction) if faction == 1 or faction == "Alliance" or faction == FACTION_ALLIANCE then return 1 elseif faction == 2 or faction == "Horde" or faction == FACTION_HORDE then return 2 else --assert(false, "Unknown faction: "..faction.."'") end end function QuestHelper_UpgradeDatabase(data) if data.QuestHelper_SaveVersion == 1 then -- Reputation objectives weren't parsed correctly before. if data.QuestHelper_Objectives["reputation"] then for faction, objective in pairs(data.QuestHelper_Objectives["reputation"]) do local real_faction = string.find(faction, "%s*(.+)%s*:%s*") or faction if faction ~= real_faction then data.QuestHelper_Objectives["reputation"][real_faction] = data.QuestHelper_Objectives["reputation"][faction] data.QuestHelper_Objectives["reputation"][faction] = nil end end end -- Items that wern't in the local cache when I read the quest log ended up with empty names. if data.QuestHelper_Objectives["item"] then data.QuestHelper_Objectives["item"][" "] = nil end data.QuestHelper_SaveVersion = 2 end if data.QuestHelper_SaveVersion == 2 then -- The hashes for the quests were wrong. Damnit! for faction, level_list in pairs(data.QuestHelper_Quests) do for level, quest_list in pairs(level_list) do for quest_name, quest_data in pairs(quest_list) do quest_data.hash = nil quest_data.alt = nil end end end -- None of the information I collected about quest items previously can be trusted. -- I also didn't properly mark quest items as such, so I'll have to remove the information for non -- quest items also. if data.QuestHelper_Objectives["item"] then for item, item_data in pairs(data.QuestHelper_Objectives["item"]) do -- I'll remerge the bad data later if I find out its not used solely for quests. item_data.bad_pos = item_data.bad_pos or item_data.pos item_data.bad_drop = item_data.bad_drop or item_data.drop item_data.pos = nil item_data.drop = nil -- In the future i'll delete the bad_x data. -- When I do, either just delete it, or of all the monsters or positions match the monsters and positions of the -- quest, merge them into that. end end data.QuestHelper_SaveVersion = 3 end if data.QuestHelper_SaveVersion == 3 then -- We'll go through this and make sure all the position lists are correct. for faction, level_list in pairs(data.QuestHelper_Quests) do for level, quest_list in pairs(level_list) do for quest_name, quest_data in pairs(quest_list) do quest_data.pos = QuestHelper_PrunePositionList(quest_data.pos) if quest_data.item then for name, data in pairs(quest_data.item) do data.pos = QuestHelper_PrunePositionList(data.pos) end end if quest_data.alt then for hash, data in pairs(quest_data.alt) do data.pos = QuestHelper_PrunePositionList(data.pos) if data.item then for name, data in pairs(data.item) do data.pos = QuestHelper_PrunePositionList(data.pos) end end end end end end end for cat, list in pairs(data.QuestHelper_Objectives) do for name, data in pairs(list) do data.pos = QuestHelper_PrunePositionList(data.pos) end end if data.QuestHelper_ZoneTransition then for c, z1list in pairs(data.QuestHelper_ZoneTransition) do for z1, z2list in pairs(z1list) do for z2, poslist in pairs(z2list) do z2list[z2] = QuestHelper_PrunePositionList(poslist) end end end end data.QuestHelper_SaveVersion = 4 end if data.QuestHelper_SaveVersion == 4 then -- Zone transitions have been obsoleted by a bug. data.QuestHelper_ZoneTransition = nil data.QuestHelper_SaveVersion = 5 end if data.QuestHelper_SaveVersion == 5 then -- For version 6, I'm converting area positions from a continent/zone index pair to a single index. if data.QuestHelper_FlightRoutes then local old_routes = data.QuestHelper_FlightRoutes data.QuestHelper_FlightRoutes = {} for c, value in pairs(old_routes) do data.QuestHelper_FlightRoutes[QuestHelper_IndexLookup[c][0]] = value end end for faction, level_list in pairs(data.QuestHelper_Quests) do for level, quest_list in pairs(level_list) do for quest_name, quest_data in pairs(quest_list) do QuestHelper_ConvertPositionList(quest_data.pos) if quest_data.item then for name, data in pairs(quest_data.item) do QuestHelper_ConvertPositionList(data.pos) end end if quest_data.alt then for hash, data in pairs(quest_data.alt) do QuestHelper_ConvertPositionList(data.pos) if data.item then for name, data in pairs(data.item) do QuestHelper_ConvertPositionList(data.pos) end end end end end end end for cat, list in pairs(data.QuestHelper_Objectives) do for name, data in pairs(list) do QuestHelper_ConvertPositionList(data.pos) end end data.QuestHelper_SaveVersion = 6 end if data.QuestHelper_SaveVersion == 6 then -- Redoing how flightpaths work, previously collected flightpath data is now obsolete. data.QuestHelper_FlightRoutes = {} -- FlightInstructors table should be fine, will leave it. -- Upgrading per-character data is handled in main.lua. -- Also converting factions to numbers, 1 for Alliance, 2 for Horde. local replacement = {} for faction, dat in pairs(data.QuestHelper_Quests) do replacement[QuestHelper_ConvertFaction(faction)] = dat end data.QuestHelper_Quests = replacement replacement = {} if data.QuestHelper_FlightInstructors then for faction, dat in pairs(data.QuestHelper_FlightInstructors) do replacement[QuestHelper_ConvertFaction(faction)] = dat end end data.QuestHelper_FlightInstructors = replacement for cat, list in pairs(data.QuestHelper_Objectives) do for name, obj in pairs(list) do if obj.faction then obj.faction = QuestHelper_ConvertFaction(obj.faction) end end end data.QuestHelper_SaveVersion = 7 end if data.QuestHelper_SaveVersion == 7 then -- It sure took me long enough to discover that I broke vendor objectives. -- their factions were strings and didn't match the number value of QuestHelper.faction for cat, list in pairs(data.QuestHelper_Objectives) do for name, obj in pairs(list) do if type(obj.faction) == "string" then obj.faction = (obj.faction == "Alliance" and 1) or (obj.faction == "Horde" and 2) or nil end end end data.QuestHelper_SaveVersion = 8 end if data.QuestHelper_SaveVersion == 8 then -- Two things we're doing here -- First, wrath-ize Stormwind coordinates --[[ for cat, list in pairs(QuestHelper_Objectives) do for name, obj in pairs(list) do if obj.pos then for i, cpos in pairs(obj.pos) do QuestHelper_ConvertCoordsToWrath(cpos, true) end end end end]] -- okay we're not actually doing this, coordinates are staying native -- Second, split up the entire thing into versions local function versionize(item) --if not item or type(item) ~= "table" then return end -- blue magician doesn't know what the fuck local temp = {} local foundthings = false for k, v in pairs(item) do temp[k] = v foundthings = true end if not foundthings then return end -- just to avoid extra keys hanging around in people's tables for key in pairs(item) do item[key] = nil end item["unknown on unknown"] = temp end versionize(data.QuestHelper_Quests) versionize(data.QuestHelper_Objectives) versionize(data.QuestHelper_FlightInstructors) versionize(data.QuestHelper_FlightRoutes) data.QuestHelper_SaveVersion = 9 end if data.QuestHelper_SaveVersion == 9 then -- The only thing we're doing here is moving the QuestHelper_ErrorList into QuestHelper_Errors data.QuestHelper_Errors = {} data.QuestHelper_Errors.crashes = {} if data.QuestHelper_ErrorList then for k, v in pairs(data.QuestHelper_ErrorList) do data.QuestHelper_Errors.crashes[k] = v end end data.QuestHelper_ErrorList = nil data.QuestHelper_SaveVersion = 10 end end function QuestHelper_UpgradeComplete() -- This function deletes everything related to upgrading, as it isn't going to be needed again. built = nil next_index = nil convert_lookup = nil QuestHelper_BuildZoneLookup = nil QuestHelper_ValidPosition = nil QuestHelper_PrunePositionList = nil QuestHelper_ConvertPosition = nil QuestHelper_ConvertPositionList = nil QuestHelper_ConvertFaction = nil QuestHelper_UpgradeDatabase = nil QuestHelper_UpgradeComplete = nil end -- These are used to convert coordinates back and forth from "Wrath" to "Native". "Force" is used to convert back and forth from "Wrath" to "BC". -- Both changes the data in-place and returns the data. function QuestHelper_ConvertCoordsToWrath(data, force) if force then if data[1] == 36 then -- Stormwind data[2] = data[2] * 0.77324 + 0.197 data[3] = data[3] * 0.77324 + 0.245 elseif data[1] == 34 then -- EPL data[2] = data[2] * 0.960 - 0.0254 data[3] = data[3] * 0.960 - 0.03532 end end return data end function QuestHelper_ConvertCoordsFromWrath(data, force) if force then if data[1] == 36 then -- Stormwind data[2] = (data[2] - 0.197) / 0.77324 data[3] = (data[3] - 0.245) / 0.77324 elseif data[1] == 34 then -- EPL data[2] = (data[2] + 0.0254) / 0.960 data[3] = (data[3] + 0.03532) / 0.960 end end return data end local QuestHelper_PrivateServerBlacklist_Find = { "WoWFusion", "WoWgasm", "Egyéb", "Reagens/", } local QuestHelper_PrivateServerBlacklist_Exact = { "WarcraftMMO", "TAXI", "GeNiuS", "Columbian Drug Dealer", "PlayBoy Fun Vendor", "Gm Vendor", "Accessories Vendor", "General Goods Vendor", "Party Vendor", "Potion Vendor", "Totem Vendor", "Gm Vendor", "Misc", "Off-Hands Vendor", "Ore Vendor", "Enchanting Vendor", "Gem Vendor", "Fooooood and Drinks!", "I Sell Consumables", "Armor Raid Tier V", "world translate", "Bobby", -- I have no idea if this is an actual private server NPC "Nejeib", -- same "Shaman Set Vendor", "Warrior Set Vendor", "Priest Set Vendor", "Warlock Set Vendor", "Paladin Set Vendor", "Hunter Set Vendor", "Mage Set Vendor", -- yeah yeah this isn't everyone whatever } local matchstring = nil function QuestHelper_IsPolluted(input) if not input then input = _G end for version, data in pairs(input.QuestHelper_Objectives) do for cat, name_list in pairs(data) do for name, obj in pairs(name_list) do for k, v in pairs(QuestHelper_PrivateServerBlacklist_Find) do if string.find(name, v) then for _, __ in pairs(obj) do return true -- if there's nothing actually in the object, the player may not have contributed data, he may have just gotten smacked by old corrupted data. end end end for k, v in pairs(QuestHelper_PrivateServerBlacklist_Exact) do if name == v then for _, __ in pairs(obj) do return true -- if there's nothing actually in the object, the player may not have contributed data, he may have just gotten smacked by old corrupted data. end end end end end end end