QuestHelper_File["error.lua"] = "4.0.1.$svnversion$" QuestHelper_Loadtime["error.lua"] = GetTime() --[[ Much of this code is ganked wholesale from Swatter, and is Copyright (C) 2006 Norganna. Licensed under LGPL v3.0. ]] local debug_output = false if QuestHelper_File["error.lua"] == "Development Version" then debug_output = true end QuestHelper_local_version = QuestHelper_File["error.lua"] QuestHelper_toc_version = GetAddOnMetadata("QuestHelper", "Version") local origHandler = geterrorhandler() local QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher = { } local startup_errors = {} local completely_started = false local yelled_at_user = false local first_error = nil QuestHelper_Errors = {} function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.TextError(text) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(string.format("|cffff8080QuestHelper Error Handler: |r%s", text)) end -- ganked verbatim from Swatter function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.GetAddOns() local addlist = "" for i = 1, GetNumAddOns() do local name, title, notes, enabled, loadable, reason, security = GetAddOnInfo(i) local loaded = IsAddOnLoaded(i) if (loaded) then if not name then name = "Anonymous" end name = name:gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+", "") local version = GetAddOnMetadata(i, "Version") local class = getglobal(name) if not class or type(class)~='table' then class = getglobal(name:lower()) end if not class or type(class)~='table' then class = getglobal(name:sub(1,1):upper() end if not class or type(class)~='table' then class = getglobal(name:upper()) end if class and type(class)=='table' then if (class.version) then version = class.version elseif (class.Version) then version = class.Version elseif (class.VERSION) then version = class.VERSION end end local const = getglobal(name:upper().."_VERSION") if (const) then version = const end if type(version)=='table' then local allstr = true for k, v in pairs(version) do if type(v) ~= "string" then allstr = false end end if allstr then version = table.concat(version,":") end elseif type(version) == 'function' then local yay, v = pcall(version) if yay then version = v end end if (version) then addlist = addlist.." "", v"..tostring(version).."\n" else addlist = addlist.." ""\n" end end end return addlist end local error_uniqueness_whitelist = { ["count"] = true, ["timestamp"] = true, } -- here's the logic function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.CondenseErrors() if completely_started then while next(startup_errors) do _, err = next(startup_errors) table.remove(startup_errors) if not QuestHelper_Errors[err.type] then QuestHelper_Errors[err.type] = {} end local found = false for _, item in ipairs(QuestHelper_Errors[err.type]) do local match = true for k, v in pairs(err.dat) do if not error_uniqueness_whitelist[k] and item[k] ~= v then match = false break end end if match then for k, v in pairs(item) do if not error_uniqueness_whitelist[k] and err.dat[k] ~= v then match = false break end end end if match then found = true item.count = (item.count or 1) + 1 break end end if not found then table.insert(QuestHelper_Errors[err.type], err.dat) end end end end function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_RegisterError(typ, dat) table.insert(startup_errors, {type = typ, dat = dat}) QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.CondenseErrors() end function QuestHelper_ErrorPackage(depth) return { timestamp = date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), local_version = QuestHelper_local_version, toc_version = QuestHelper_toc_version, game_version = GetBuildInfo(), locale = GetLocale(), mutation_passes_exceeded = QuestHelper and QuestHelper.mutation_passes_exceeded, stack = debugstack(depth or 4, 20, 20), } end StaticPopupDialogs["QH_EXPLODEY"] = { text = "QuestHelper has broken. You may have to restart WoW. Type \"/qh error\" for a detailed error message.", button1 = OKAY, OnAccept = function(self) end, timeout = 0, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = 1 }; function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(loud, o_msg, o_frame, o_stack, ...) local msg = o_msg or "" -- We toss it into StartupErrors, and then if we're running properly, we'll merge it into the main DB. local terror = QuestHelper_ErrorPackage() terror.message = msg terror.addons = QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.GetAddOns() terror.stack = o_stack or terror.stack terror.silent = not loud QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_RegisterError("crash", terror) if first_error and first_error.silent and not first_error.next_loud and not terror.silent then first_error.next_loud = terror first_error.addons = "" end if not first_error or first_error.generated then first_error = terror end QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.CondenseErrors() if (--[[debug_output or]] loud) and not yelled_at_user then --print("qhbroken") StaticPopupDialogs["QH_EXPLODEY"] = { text = "QuestHelper has broken. You may have to restart WoW. Type \"/qh error\" for a detailed error message.", button1 = OKAY, OnAccept = function(self) end, timeout = 0, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = 1 } StaticPopup_Show("QH_EXPLODEY") yelled_at_user = true end end function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_GenerateReport() if first_error then return end -- don't need to generate one local terror = QuestHelper_ErrorPackage() terror.message = "(Full report)" terror.addons = QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.GetAddOns() terror.stack = "" terror.silent = "(Full report)" terror.generated = true first_error = terror end function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.OnError(o_msg, o_frame, o_stack, o_etype, ...) local errorize = false local loud = false if o_msg and string.find(o_msg, "QuestHelper") and not string.find(o_msg, "Cannot find a library with name") then loud = true end for lin in string.gmatch(debugstack(2, 20, 20), "([^\n]*)") do if string.find(lin, "QuestHelper") and not string.find(lin, "QuestHelper\\AstrolabeQH\\DongleStub.lua") then errorize = true end end if string.find(o_msg, "SavedVariables") then errorize, loud = false, false end if string.find(o_msg, "C stack overflow") then if loud then errorize = true end loud = false end if loud then errorize = true end if errorize then QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(loud, o_msg, o_frame, o_stack) end --[[ if o_msg and ( ( string.find(o_msg, "QuestHelper") -- Obviously we care about our bugs ) or ( string.find(debugstack(2, 20, 20), "QuestHelper") -- We're being a little overzealous and catching any bug with "QuestHelper" in the stack. This possibly should be removed, I'm not sure it's ever caught anything interesting. and not string.find(o_msg, "Cartographer_POI") -- Cartographer started throwing ridiculous numbers of errors on startup with QH in the stack, and since we caught stuff with QH in the stack, we decided these errors were ours. Urgh. Disabled. ) ) and not string.match(o_msg, "WTF\\Account\\.*") -- Sometimes the WTF file gets corrupted. This isn't our fault, since we weren't involved in writing it, and there's also nothing we can do about it - in fact we can't even retrieve the remnants of the old file. We may as well just ignore it. I suppose we could pop up a little dialog saying "clear some space on your hard drive, dufus" but, meh. and not (string.find(o_msg, "Cannot find a library with name") and string.find(debugstack(2, 20, 20), "QuestHelper\\AstrolabeQH\\DongleStub.lua")) -- We're catching errors caused by other people mucking up their dongles. Ughh. then QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(o_msg, o_frame, o_stack) end]] return origHandler(o_msg, o_frame, o_stack, o_etype, unpack(arg or {})) -- pass it on end seterrorhandler(QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.OnError) -- at this point we can catch errors function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.CompletelyStarted() completely_started = true -- Our old code generated a horrifying number of redundant items. My bad. I considered going and trying to collate them into one chunk, but I think I'm just going to wipe them - it's easier, faster, and should fix some performance issues. if not QuestHelper_Errors.version or QuestHelper_Errors.version ~= 1 then QuestHelper_Errors = {version = 1} end QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.CondenseErrors() end function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_CompletelyStarted() QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.CompletelyStarted() end -- and here is the GUI local QHE_Gui = {} function QHE_Gui.ErrorUpdate() QHE_Gui.ErrorTextinate() QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetText(QHE_Gui.Error.curError) QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll:UpdateScrollChildRect() QHE_Gui.Error.Box:ClearFocus() end function TextinateError(err) local tserr = string.format("msg: %s\ntoc: %s\nv: %s\ngame: %s\nlocale: %s\ntimestamp: %s\nmutation: %s\nsilent: %s\n\n%s\naddons:\n%s", err.message, err.toc_version, err.local_version, err.game_version, err.locale, err.timestamp, tostring(err.mutation_passes_exceeded), tostring(err.silent), err.stack, err.addons) if err.next_loud then tserr = tserr .. "\n\n---- Following loud error\n\n" .. TextinateError(err.next_loud) end return tserr end function QHE_Gui.ErrorTextinate() if first_error then QHE_Gui.Error.curError = TextinateError(first_error) else QHE_Gui.Error.curError = "None" end end function QHE_Gui.ErrorClicked() if (QHE_Gui.Error.selected) then return end QHE_Gui.Error.Box:HighlightText() QHE_Gui.Error.selected = true end function QHE_Gui.ErrorDone() QHE_Gui.Error:Hide() end -- Create our error message frame. Most of this is also ganked from Swatter. QHE_Gui.Error = CreateFrame("Frame", "QHE_GUIErrorFrame", UIParent) QHE_Gui.Error:Hide() QHE_Gui.Error:SetPoint("CENTER", "UIParent", "CENTER") QHE_Gui.Error:SetFrameStrata("TOOLTIP") QHE_Gui.Error:SetHeight(300) QHE_Gui.Error:SetWidth(600) QHE_Gui.Error:SetBackdrop({ bgFile = "Interface/Tooltips/ChatBubble-Background", edgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/ChatBubble-BackDrop", tile = true, tileSize = 32, edgeSize = 32, insets = { left = 32, right = 32, top = 32, bottom = 32 } }) QHE_Gui.Error:SetBackdropColor(0.2,0,0, 1) QHE_Gui.Error:SetScript("OnShow", QHE_Gui.ErrorShow) QHE_Gui.Error:SetMovable(true) QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", "QHE_GuiProxyFrame") QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame:SetParent(QHE_Gui.Error) QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame.IsShown = function() return QHE_Gui.Error:IsShown() end QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame.escCount = 0 QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame.timer = 0 QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame.Hide = ( function( self ) local numEscapes = QHE_Gui.numEscapes or 1 self.escCount = self.escCount + 1 if ( self.escCount >= numEscapes ) then self:GetParent():Hide() self.escCount = 0 end if ( self.escCount == 1 ) then self.timer = 0 end end ) QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function( self, elapsed ) local timer = self.timer + elapsed if ( timer >= 1 ) then self.escCount = 0 end self.timer = timer end ) table.insert(UISpecialFrames, "QHE_GuiProxyFrame") QHE_Gui.Drag = CreateFrame("Button", nil, QHE_Gui.Error) QHE_Gui.Drag:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", QHE_Gui.Error, "TOPLEFT", 10,-5) QHE_Gui.Drag:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", QHE_Gui.Error, "TOPRIGHT", -10,-5) QHE_Gui.Drag:SetHeight(8) QHE_Gui.Drag:SetHighlightTexture("Interface\\FriendsFrame\\UI-FriendsFrame-HighlightBar") QHE_Gui.Drag:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function() QHE_Gui.Error:StartMoving() end) QHE_Gui.Drag:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function() QHE_Gui.Error:StopMovingOrSizing() end) QHE_Gui.Error.Done = CreateFrame("Button", "", QHE_Gui.Error, "OptionsButtonTemplate") QHE_Gui.Error.Done:SetText("Close") QHE_Gui.Error.Done:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", QHE_Gui.Error, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -10, 10) QHE_Gui.Error.Done:SetScript("OnClick", QHE_Gui.ErrorDone) QHE_Gui.Error.Mesg = QHE_Gui.Error:CreateFontString("", "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormalSmall") QHE_Gui.Error.Mesg:SetJustifyH("LEFT") QHE_Gui.Error.Mesg:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", QHE_Gui.Error.Prev, "TOPLEFT", -10, 0) QHE_Gui.Error.Mesg:SetPoint("LEFT", QHE_Gui.Error, "LEFT", 15, 0) QHE_Gui.Error.Mesg:SetHeight(20) QHE_Gui.Error.Mesg:SetText("Select All and Copy the above error message to report this bug.") QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", "QHE_GUIErrorInputScroll", QHE_Gui.Error, "UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate") QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", QHE_Gui.Error, "TOPLEFT", 20, -20) QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll:SetPoint("RIGHT", QHE_Gui.Error, "RIGHT", -30, 0) QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll:SetPoint("BOTTOM", QHE_Gui.Error.Done, "TOP", 0, 10) QHE_Gui.Error.Box = CreateFrame("EditBox", "QHE_GUIErrorEditBox", QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll) QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetWidth(500) QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetHeight(85) QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetMultiLine(true) QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetAutoFocus(false) QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetFontObject(GameFontHighlight) QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetScript("OnEscapePressed", QHE_Gui.ErrorDone) QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetScript("OnTextChanged", QHE_Gui.ErrorUpdate) QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetScript("OnEditFocusGained", QHE_Gui.ErrorClicked) QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll:SetScrollChild(QHE_Gui.Error.Box) function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ReportError() QHE_Gui.Error.selected = false QHE_Gui.ErrorUpdate() QHE_Gui.Error:Show() end