QuestHelper_File["nag.lua"] = "4.0.1.$svnversion$" QuestHelper_Loadtime["nag.lua"] = GetTime() local function FindStaticQuest(faction, level, name, hash) local data = QuestHelper_StaticData[QuestHelper.locale] data = data and data = data and data[faction] data = data and data[level] data = data and data[name] if data and data.hash and data.hash ~= hash then data = data.alt and data.alt[hash] end return data end local function FindStaticObjective(cat, name) local data = QuestHelper_StaticData[QuestHelper.locale] data = data and data.objective data = data and data[cat] return data and data[name] end local function ListUpdated(list, static, compare, weight) if not list then return false end if not static then return true end local high = 0 if #static >= 5 then return false end for _, b in ipairs(static) do high = math.max(high, weight(b)) end for _, a in ipairs(list) do local found = false for _, b in ipairs(static) do if weight(a) < high*0.2 or compare(a, b) then found = true break end end if not found then return true end end return false end local function PositionWeight(a) return a[4] end local function PositionCompare(a, b) return a[1] == b[1] and (a[2]-b[2])*(a[2]-b[2])+(a[3]-b[3])*(a[3]-b[3]) < 0.05*0.05 end local function VendorCompare(a, b) return a == b end local function VendorWeight(a) return 1 end local function PositionListUpdated(list, static) return ListUpdated(list, static, PositionCompare, PositionWeight) end local function VendorListUpdated(list, static) return ListUpdated(list, static, VendorCompare, VendorWeight) end local function DropListUpdated(list, static) if not list then return false end if not static then return next(list, nil) ~= nil end local high = 0 for name in pairs(list) do local monster_obj = FindStaticObjective("monster", name) if monster_obj and monster_obj.looted and monster_obj.looted > 0 then high = math.max(high, (static[name] or 0)/monster_obj.looted) end end for name, v in pairs(list) do local monster_obj1 = QuestHelper:GetObjective("monster", name) local monster_obj2 = FindStaticObjective("monster", name) local looted = math.ceil((monster_obj1.o.looted or 0)+((monster_obj2 and monster_obj2.looted) or 0)) if looted > 0 then v = math.max(1, math.floor(v))/looted if v > high*0.2 and not static[name] then return true end end end return false end local function DropListMass(list) if not list then return 0 end local mass = 0 for item, count in pairs(list) do mass = mass + count end return mass end local function PositionListMass(list) if not list then return 0 end local mass = 0 for _, pos in ipairs(list) do mass = mass + pos[4] end return mass end local function CompareStaticQuest(info, faction, level, name, hash, data, verbose) local static = FindStaticQuest(faction, level, name, hash) if not static then if data.finish or data.pos then if verbose then QuestHelper:TextOut("Quest "..QuestHelper:HighlightText(name).." was missing.") end = ( or 0) + 1 end return end local updated = false if data.finish and data.finish ~= static.finish then if verbose then QuestHelper:TextOut("Quest "..QuestHelper:HighlightText(name).." was missing finish NPC "..QuestHelper:HighlightText(data.finish)..".") end updated = true elseif not static.finish and PositionListUpdated(data.pos, static.pos) then if verbose then QuestHelper:TextOut("Quest "..QuestHelper:HighlightText(name).." was missing finish location.") end updated = true elseif data.item then for item_name, item in pairs(data.item) do local static_item = (static.item and static.item[item_name]) or FindStaticObjective("item", item_name) if not static_item then if verbose then QuestHelper:TextOut("Quest "..QuestHelper:HighlightText(name).." was missing item "..QuestHelper:HighlightText(item_name)..".") end updated = true break elseif item.drop then if DropListUpdated(item.drop, static_item.drop) then if DropListMass(item.drop) > PositionListMass(static_item.pos) then if verbose then QuestHelper:TextOut("Quest "..QuestHelper:HighlightText(name).." was missing drop for item "..QuestHelper:HighlightText(item_name)..".") end updated = true break end end elseif item.pos and not static_item.drop and PositionListUpdated(item.pos, static_item.pos) then if verbose then QuestHelper:TextOut("Quest "..QuestHelper:HighlightText(name).." was missing position for item "..QuestHelper:HighlightText(item_name)..".") end updated = true break end end end if updated then = ( or 0)+1 end end local function CompareStaticObjective(info, cat, name, data, verbose) if then local static = FindStaticObjective(cat, name) if not static then if data.pos or data.drop or data.vendor then if verbose then QuestHelper:TextOut(string.gsub(cat, "^(.)", string.upper).." "..QuestHelper:HighlightText(name).." was missing.") end[cat.."_obj"] = ([cat.."_obj"] or 0)+1 end return end local updated = false if data.vendor then updated = VendorListUpdated(data.vendor, static.vendor) if updated and verbose then QuestHelper:TextOut(string.gsub(cat, "^(.)", string.upper).." "..QuestHelper:HighlightText(name).." was missing vendor.") end elseif data.drop and not static.vendor then updated = DropListUpdated(data.drop, static.drop) and DropListMass(data.drop) > PositionListMass(static.pos) if updated and verbose then QuestHelper:TextOut(string.gsub(cat, "^(.)", string.upper).." "..QuestHelper:HighlightText(name).." was missing monster drop.") end elseif data.pos and not static.vendor and not static.drop then if updated and verbose then QuestHelper:TextOut(Qstring.gsub(cat, "^(.)", string.upper).." "..QuestHelper:HighlightText(name).." was missing position.") end updated = PositionListUpdated(data.pos, static.pos) end if updated then info.update[cat.."_obj"] = (info.update[cat.."_obj"] or 0)+1 end end end function QuestHelper:Nag(cmd) do return end -- BZZT local verbose, local_only = false, true if QuestHelper_IsPolluted() then self:TextOut(QHFormat("NAG_POLLUTED")) return end if cmd then if string.find(cmd, "verbose") then verbose = true end if string.find(cmd, "all") then local_only = false end end local info = { new = {}, update = {} } for version, data in pairs(QuestHelper_Quests) do for faction, level_list in pairs(data) do if not local_only or faction == self.faction then for level, name_list in pairs(level_list) do for name, data in pairs(name_list) do CompareStaticQuest(info, faction, level, name, data.hash, data, verbose) if data.alt then for hash, data in pairs(data.alt) do CompareStaticQuest(info, faction, level, name, hash, data, verbose) end end end end end end end for version, data in pairs(QuestHelper_Objectives) do for cat, name_list in pairs(data) do for name, obj in pairs(name_list) do CompareStaticObjective(info, cat, name, obj, verbose) end end end for version, data in pairs(QuestHelper_FlightInstructors) do for faction, location_list in pairs(data) do if not local_only or faction == self.faction then for location, npc in pairs(location_list) do local data = QuestHelper_StaticData[self.locale] data = data and data.flight_instructors data = data and data[faction] data = data and data[location] if not data or data ~= npc then if verbose then self:TextOut(QuestHelper:HighlightText(faction).." flight master "..QuestHelper:HighlightText(npc).." was missing.") end["fp"] = (["fp"] or 0)+1 end end end end end for version, data in pairs(QuestHelper_FlightRoutes) do for faction, start_list in pairs(data) do if not local_only or faction == self.faction then for start, dest_list in pairs(start_list) do for dest, hash_list in pairs(dest_list) do for hash, data in pairs(hash_list) do if hash ~= "no_interrupt_count" and hash ~= "interrupt_count" then local static = QuestHelper_StaticData[self.locale] static = static and static.flight_routes static = static and static[faction] static = static and static[start] static = static and static[dest] static = static and static[hash] if not static or static == true and type(data) == "number" then if verbose then self:TextOut("Flight time from "..QuestHelper:HighlightText((select(3, string.find(start, "^(.*),")) or start)).." to "..QuestHelper:HighlightText((select(3, string.find(dest, "^(.*),")) or dest)).." was missing.") end["route"] = (["route"] or 0)+1 end end end end end end end end local total = 0 for what, count in pairs( do local what1 = count == 1 and QHText("NAG_SINGLE_"..string.upper(what)) or QHFormat("NAG_MULTIPLE_"..string.upper(what), count) total = total + count local count2 = info.update[what] if count2 then total = total + count2 local what2 = count2 == 1 and QHText("NAG_SINGLE_"..string.upper(what)) or QHFormat("NAG_MULTIPLE_"..string.upper(what), count2) self:TextOut(QHFormat("NAG_MULTIPLE_NEW", what1, what2)) else self:TextOut(QHFormat("NAG_SINGLE_NEW", what1)) end end for what, count in pairs(info.update) do if not[what] then local what = count == 1 and QHText("NAG_SINGLE_"..string.upper(what)) or QHFormat("NAG_MULTIPLE_"..string.upper(what), count) total = total + count self:TextOut(QHFormat("NAG_ADDITIONAL", what)) end end if total == 0 then self:TextOut(QHText("NAG_NOT_NEW")) else self:TextOut(QHText("NAG_NEW")) self:TextOut(QHText("NAG_INSTRUCTIONS")) end end local day = 24 * 60 * 60 function QHNagInit() if not QuestHelper_Pref.submit_nag_next_time then QuestHelper_Pref.submit_nag_next_time = time() + 7 * day + 7 * day * math.random() -- at least a week, at most 2 weeks QuestHelper_Pref.submit_nag_type = "OFF" end if QuestHelper_Pref.submit_nag_next_time < time() then if QuestHelper_Pref.submit_nag_type == "OFF" then -- we now begin nagging for 48 hours QuestHelper_Pref.submit_nag_next_time = time() + 2 * day QuestHelper_Pref.submit_nag_type = "ON" else -- we now stop nagging for 2-3 weeks QuestHelper_Pref.submit_nag_next_time = time() + 14 * day + 7 * day * math.random() QuestHelper_Pref.submit_nag_type = "OFF" end end if time() > 1248462000 and time() < 1248685200 then return true end -- 7/24/2009 11am PST to 7/27/2009 1am PST return QuestHelper_Pref.submit_nag_type == "ON" end local update_nag_yell_at = nil function QHUpdateNagInit() if not QuestHelper_Pref.update_nag_last_version or QuestHelper_Pref.update_nag_last_version ~= GetAddOnMetadata("QuestHelper", "Version") then QuestHelper_Pref.update_nag_last_version = GetAddOnMetadata("QuestHelper", "Version") QuestHelper_Pref.update_nag_next_notify = time() + 24 * day end if QuestHelper_Pref.update_nag_next_notify < time() then update_nag_yell_at = time() + 60 * 10 + 50 * 60 * math.random() -- 10 to 60 minutes from now end end function QHUpdateNagTick() if update_nag_yell_at and update_nag_yell_at < time() then --QuestHelper:TextOut(QHText("TIME_TO_UPDATE")) -- We're just disabling this, I think. QuestHelper_Pref.update_nag_next_notify = time() + day * 6 + day * 2 * math.random() update_nag_yell_at = nil end end