QuestHelper_File["manager_event.lua"] = "4.0.1.$svnversion$" QuestHelper_Loadtime["manager_event.lua"] = GetTime() -- zorba why does this file exist, are you a terrible person? you are a terrible person aren't you -- yep, I'm a terrible person -- File exists to centralize all the event hooks in one place. QH should never (rarely) eat CPU without going through this file. As a nice side effect, I can use this to measure when QH is using CPU. yaaaaay local next_started = false local time_used = 0 local EventRegistrar = {} local OnUpdate_Keyed = {} local qh_event_frame = CreateFrame("Frame") function QH_Hook_NotMyFault(func, ...) return func(...) end local function wraptime(ident, func, ...) if QuestHelper then QuestHelper: Assert(ident) end local st, qhh_nmf local qhh_adj = 0 if qh_loud_and_annoying then qhh_nmf = QH_Hook_NotMyFault QH_Hook_NotMyFault = function(func, ...) local zst = GetTime() --print("a", GetTime()) return (function(...) --print("c", GetTime(), GetTime() - zst, qhh_adj) qhh_adj = qhh_adj + (GetTime() - zst) --print(qhh_adj) return ... end)(func(...)) end st = GetTime() end func(...) if qh_loud_and_annoying then if GetTime() - st - qhh_adj > 0.0025 then QuestHelper: TextOut(string.format("Took way too long, %4f, at %s (adjusted by %4f)", (GetTime() - st - qhh_adj) * 1000, ident, qhh_adj * 1000)) end QH_Hook_NotMyFault = qhh_nmf end end local function OnEvent(_, event, ...) if not next_started then next_started, time_used = true, 0 end if not qh_hackery_eventless and EventRegistrar[event] then local tstart = GetTime() for _, v in pairs(EventRegistrar[event]) do wraptime(, v.func, ...) end time_used = time_used + (GetTime() - tstart) end end qh_event_frame:UnregisterAllEvents() qh_event_frame:RegisterAllEvents() -- I wonder what the performance penalty of this actually is qh_event_frame:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEvent) function QH_Event(event, func, identifier) QuestHelper: Assert(func) if type(event) == "table" then for _, v in ipairs(event) do QH_Event(v, func, identifier) end else if not identifier then identifier = "(unknown event " .. event .. ")" end if not EventRegistrar[event] then --qh_event_frame:RegisterEvent(event) EventRegistrar[event] = {} end table.insert(EventRegistrar[event], {func = func, id = identifier}) end end local tls = GetTime() -- I'm just putting this here so I can stop rewriting it --[[ Try "/script qh_hackery_no_work = true". See if that fixes things. Whether it does or not, log out, log back in, then do "/qh hackery_event_timing = true". Wait a few seconds, then take a screenshot. Post that here. ]] local last_frame = GetTime() local time_per_frame = 0.01 -- Assume 100fps so we don't fuck with people's framerate local OnUpdate = {} local OnUpdateHigh = {} local function OnUpdateTrigger(_, ...) if not QuestHelper then return end if not next_started then next_started, time_used = true, 0 end do local tstart = GetTime() for _, v in pairs(OnUpdateHigh) do wraptime(, v.func, ...) end for _, v in pairs(OnUpdate) do if v.func then wraptime(, v.func, ...) end end time_used = time_used + (GetTime() - tstart) end local tframe = GetTime() local tplf = tframe - last_frame tplf = math.min(time_per_frame + 0.1, tplf) local tplf_weight = tplf * 20 time_per_frame = (time_per_frame * (1 / (tplf_weight + 0.0005)) + tplf) / (1 + 1 / (tplf_weight + 0.0005)) QuestHelper: Assert(time_per_frame > 0 and time_per_frame < 10000) -- hmmm local verbose = false if qh_hackery_event_timing and tls < GetTime() - 1 then tls = GetTime() print(string.format("Avg TPF %f, current TPLF %f, time_used %f, this adjustment %f, bonus time %f", time_per_frame, tplf, time_used, time_per_frame - tplf - time_used, math.min(time_per_frame - tplf, (time_per_frame - tplf) * 0.8, 0.05))) verbose = true end if not qh_hackery_no_work then QH_Timeslice_Work(time_used, time_per_frame, math.min(time_per_frame - tplf, (time_per_frame - tplf) * 0.8, 0.05), verbose) end last_frame = GetTime() next_started = false end function QH_OnUpdate(func, identifier) if not identifier then identifier = "(unknown onupdate)" end table.insert(OnUpdate, {func = func, id = identifier}) end function QH_OnUpdate_High(func, identifier) if not identifier then identifier = "(unknown high-onupdate)" end table.insert(OnUpdateHigh, {func = func, id = identifier}) end qh_event_frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", OnUpdateTrigger) function QH_Hook(target, hookname, func, identifier) if not identifier then identifier = string.format("(unknown hook %s/%s)", hookname, tostring(target)) end if hookname == "OnUpdate" then if not func then OnUpdate[target] = nil else OnUpdate[target] = {func = function (...) func(target, ...) end, id = identifier} end else if not func then target:SetScript(hookname, nil) else target:SetScript(hookname, function (...) wraptime(identifier, func, ...) end) end end end