local GetTime = QuestHelper_GetTime QuestHelper_File["collect_monster.lua"] = "4.0.1.$svnversion$" QuestHelper_Loadtime["collect_monster.lua"] = GetTime() local debug_output = false if QuestHelper_File["collect_monster.lua"] == "Development Version" then debug_output = true end local QHCM local GetLoc local Merger local Patterns local IsMonsterGUID local GetMonsterUID local GetMonsterType local logon = GetTime() -- Because I'm incredibly paranoid, I'm waiting fifteen minutes after logon to assume they're not drunk. local drunk_logon = true local drunk_message = false local function SystemMessage(arg, arg2, arg3) if strfind(arg, Patterns["DRUNK_MESSAGE_SELF2"]) or strfind(arg, Patterns["DRUNK_MESSAGE_SELF3"]) or strfind(arg, Patterns["DRUNK_MESSAGE_SELF4"]) or strfind(arg, Patterns["DRUNK_MESSAGE_ITEM_SELF2"]) or strfind(arg, Patterns["DRUNK_MESSAGE_ITEM_SELF3"]) or strfind(arg, Patterns["DRUNK_MESSAGE_ITEM_SELF4"]) then drunk_message = true elseif strfind(arg, Patterns["DRUNK_MESSAGE_SELF1"]) or strfind(arg, Patterns["DRUNK_MESSAGE_ITEM_SELF1"]) then drunk_message = false end end local InteractDistances = {28, 11, 10, 0} -- There's actually a 4, but it's also 28 and it's kind of handy to be able to do it this way. local recentlySeenCritters = {} -- We try not to repeatedly record critters frequently. -- Kind of a nasty system here, built for efficiency and simplicity. All newly-seen critters go into Recent. When Recent reaches a certain size (100?) everything in NextTrash is deleted and NextTrash is replaced with Recent. Badabing, badaboom. local recentlySeenCritters_NextTrash = {} local recentlySeenCritters_Recent = {} local function AccumulateFrequency(target, name, data) if not target[name] then target[name] = {} end target[name][data] = (target[name][data] or 0) + 1 --local key = name .. "_" .. tostring(data) --target[key] = (target[key] or 0) + 1 end local function MouseoverUnit() if logon and logon + 60 * 15 < GetTime() then logon = nil drunk_logon = false end -- First off, we see if it's "interesting". -- The original code for this filtered out critters. I don't, because critters are cute, and rare. if UnitExists("mouseover") and UnitIsVisible("mouseover") and not UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") and not UnitPlayerControlled("mouseover") then local guid = UnitGUID("mouseover") if not IsMonsterGUID(guid) then return end -- pet that isn't controlled by a player? NPC pet? It's kind of unclear, but I'm getting some, so, FIXED local creatureid = GetMonsterUID(guid) if not recentlySeenCritters[creatureid] then recentlySeenCritters_Recent[creatureid] = true recentlySeenCritters[creatureid] = true -- register the critter here local cid = GetMonsterType(guid) if not QHCM[cid] then QHCM[cid] = {} end local critter = QHCM[cid] if cid < 30621 or cid > 30625 then AccumulateFrequency(critter, "name", UnitName("mouseover")) end -- The exceptions are for Herald Volasj's minions, which are named after your partymembers. AccumulateFrequency(critter, "reaction", UnitReaction("mouseover", "player")) if not drunk_logon and not drunk_message then AccumulateFrequency(critter, "level", UnitLevel("mouseover")) end local minrange = InteractDistances[1] local maxrange = 255 -- Now we try to derive a bound for how far away it is for i = #InteractDistances - 1, 1, -1 do if CheckInteractDistance("mouseover", i) then minrange = InteractDistances[i + 1] maxrange = InteractDistances[i] break end end QuestHelper: Assert(minrange >= 0 and minrange < 256 and maxrange >= 0 and maxrange < 256) local data = {} data.loc = GetLoc() data.minrange = minrange data.maxrange = maxrange if not critter.encounters then critter.encounters = {} end table.insert(critter.encounters, data) --Merger.Add(critter, string.format("(%s %s %s),", GetLoc(), tostring(minrange), tostring(maxrange))) --strchar(minrange, maxrange)) if #recentlySeenCritters_Recent >= 100 then for k, v in recentlySeenCritters_NextTrash do recentlySeenCritters[v] = nil end recentlySeenCritters_NextTrash = recentlySeenCritters_Recent recentlySeenCritters_Recent = {} -- BAM, garbage collection! end end end end function QH_Collect_Monster_FactionChange(QHCData) if not QHCData.monster then QHCData.monster = {} end QHCM = QHCData.monster end function QH_Collect_Monster_Init(QHCData, API) QH_Collect_Monster_FactionChange(QHCData) QH_Event("UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT", MouseoverUnit) QH_Event("CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM", SystemMessage) Patterns = API.Patterns QuestHelper: Assert(Patterns) API.Patterns_Register("DRUNK_MESSAGE_SELF1", "|c.*|r") API.Patterns_Register("DRUNK_MESSAGE_SELF2", "|c.*|r") API.Patterns_Register("DRUNK_MESSAGE_SELF3", "|c.*|r") API.Patterns_Register("DRUNK_MESSAGE_SELF4", "|c.*|r") API.Patterns_Register("DRUNK_MESSAGE_ITEM_SELF1", "|c.*|r") API.Patterns_Register("DRUNK_MESSAGE_ITEM_SELF2", "|c.*|r") API.Patterns_Register("DRUNK_MESSAGE_ITEM_SELF3", "|c.*|r") API.Patterns_Register("DRUNK_MESSAGE_ITEM_SELF4", "|c.*|r") GetLoc = API.Callback_LocationBolusCurrent QuestHelper: Assert(GetLoc) Merger = API.Utility_Merger QuestHelper: Assert(Merger) IsMonsterGUID = API.Utility_IsMonsterGUID GetMonsterUID = API.Utility_GetMonsterUID GetMonsterType = API.Utility_GetMonsterType QuestHelper: Assert(IsMonsterGUID) QuestHelper: Assert(GetMonsterUID) QuestHelper: Assert(GetMonsterType) end