Bifurcation 0
Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2020-03-15. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.
Nathanial.C.Jones 965e8589c9 Everything SEEMS to work, less of course the db. Something I did before screwed everything up.
I implemented a QuestHelper_GetTime function for the next time Blizzard decides to fiddle with the time functions. It returns debugprofilestop() / 1000, to exactly match the precision of GetTime().

I also re-removed references to Cartographer from the rollback.
2012-01-01 03:01:18 +00:00

312 lignes
9,4 Kio

local GetTime = QuestHelper_GetTime
QuestHelper_File["manager_achievement.lua"] = "4.0.1.$svnversion$"
QuestHelper_Loadtime["manager_achievement.lua"] = GetTime()
local AchievementDB
-- 0 is a monster kill, asset is the monster ID
--X 1 is winning PvP objectives in a thorough manner (holding all bases, controlling all flags)
--X 7 is weapon skill, asset is probably a skill ID of some sort
--X 8 is another achievement, asset is achievement ID
--X 9 is completing quests globally
--X 10 is completing a daily quest every day
--X 11 is completing quests in specific areas
--X 14 is completing daily quests
-- 27 is a quest, asset is quest ID
--X 28 is getting a spell cast on you, asset is a spell ID
--X 29 is casting a spell (often crafting), asset is a spell ID
--X 30 is PvP objectives (flags, assaulting, defending)
--X 31 is PvP kills in battleground PvP locations
--X 32 is winning ranked arena matches in specific locations (asset is probably a location ID)
--X 34 is the Squashling (owning a specific pet?), asset is the spell ID
--X 35 is PvP kills while under the influence of something
--X 36 is acquiring items (soulbound), asset is an item ID
--X 37 is winning arenas
--X 41 is eating or drinking a specific item, asset is item ID
--X 42 is fishing things up, asset is item ID
-- 43 is exploration, asset is a location ID?
--X 45 is purchasing 7 bank slots
--X 46 is exalted rep, asset is presumably some kind of faction ID
--X 47 is 5 reputations to exalted
--X 49 is equipping items, asset is a slot ID (quality is presumably encoded into flags)
--X 52 is killing specific classes of player
--X 53 is kill-a-given-race, asset is race ID?
-- 54 is using emotes on targets, asset ID is likely the emote ID
--X 56 is being a wrecking ball in Alterac Valley
--X 62 is getting gold from quest rewards
--X 67 is looting gold
-- 68 is reading books
-- 70 is killing players in world PvP locations
-- 72 is fishing things from schools or wreckage
--X 73 is killing Mal'Ganis on Heroic. Why? Who can say.
--X 75 is obtaining mounts
-- 109 is fishing, either in general or in specific locations
-- 110 is casting spells on specific targets, asset ID is the spell ID
--X 112 is learning cooking recipes
--X 113 is honorable kills
local achievement_type_blacklist = {}
for _, v in pairs({1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 46, 47, 49, 52, 53, 56, 62, 67, 73, 75, 112, 113}) do
achievement_type_blacklist[v] = true
local achievement_list = {}
--local crittypes = {}
--QuestHelper_ZorbaForgotToRemoveThis = {}
local qhdinfo = false
local qhdinfodump = {}
local function qhadumpy()
for k, v in pairs(qhdinfodump) do
local ct = 0
local some
for tk, tv in pairs(v) do
ct = ct + 1
some = tk
QuestHelper:TextOut(string.format("%d: %d, %s", k, ct, some))
local function registerAchievement(id)
--if db.achievements[id] then return end
QuestHelper: Assert(id)
if id < 0 then return end -- stupid underachiever
local _, title, _, complete = GetAchievementInfo(id)
--QuestHelper:TextOut(string.format("Registering %d (%s)", id, title))
local prev = GetPreviousAchievement(id)
local record = false
db.achievements[id] = {
previous = prev,
compete = complete,
name = title,
criterialist = {}
local dbi = db.achievements[id]
if prev then
local critcount = GetAchievementNumCriteria(id)
if critcount == 0 then record = true end
for i = 1, critcount do
local crit_name, crit_type, crit_complete, crit_quantity, crit_reqquantity, _, _, crit_asset, _, crit_id = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(id, i)
if qhdinfo and not achievement_type_blacklist[crit_type] then
if not qhdinfodump[crit_type] then qhdinfodump[crit_type] = {} end
qhdinfodump[crit_type][title .. " --- " .. crit_name] = true
table.insert(dbi.criterialist, crit_id)
ass ert (not db.criteria[crit_id])
crittypes[crit_type] = (crittypes[crit_type] or 0) + 1]]
if not achievement_type_blacklist[crit_type] then record = true end
db.criteria[crit_id] = {
name = crit_name,
type = crit_type,
complete = crit_complete,
progress = crit_quantity,
progress_total = crit_reqquantity,
asset = crit_asset,
if record then achievement_list[id] = true end
local function createAchievementList()
for _, catid in pairs(GetCategoryList()) do
for d = 1, GetCategoryNumAchievements(catid) do
--if GetAchievementInfo(catid, d) == 2557 then print("loading tffs") end
--if GetAchievementInfo(catid, d) == 1312 then print("loading otot") end
registerAchievement(GetAchievementInfo(catid, d), db)
----[[ assert(AchievementDB.achievements[2557]) ]]
----[[ assert(AchievementDB.achievements[1312]) ]] -- what what
qh_cal = createAchievementList
local achievement_stop_time = 0
local GetAchievementInfo = GetAchievementInfo
local GetAchievementNumCriteria = GetAchievementNumCriteria
local GetAchievementCriteriaInfo = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo
local function retrieveAchievement(id, db)
local _, _, _, complete = GetAchievementInfo(id)
--QuestHelper:TextOut(string.format("Registering %d (%s)", id, title))
db.achievements[id] = QuestHelper:CreateTable("collect_achievement achievement")
db.achievements[id].complete = complete
local dbi = db.achievements[id]
local critcount = GetAchievementNumCriteria(id)
QuestHelper: Assert(critcount, "critcount nil " .. tostring(id))
--QuestHelper:TextOut(string.format("%d criteria", crit))
for i = 1, critcount do
QuestHelper: Assert(not db.criteria[crit_id])
local _, _, crit_complete, crit_quantity, crit_reqquantity, _, _, _, _, crit_id = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(id, i)
db.criteria[crit_id] = QuestHelper:CreateTable("collect_achievement criteria")
db.criteria[crit_id].complete = crit_complete
db.criteria[crit_id].progress = crit_quantity
db.criteria[crit_id].parent = id
local function getAchievementDB()
local db = {}
db.achievements = {}
db.criteria = {}
local ct = 0
for k in pairs(achievement_list) do
retrieveAchievement(k, db)
ct = ct + 1
--QuestHelper: TextOut(tostring(ct))
return db
local registered = {}
local prescan = {}
function QH_AchievementManagerRegister(funky) -- I am imagining "funky" being said in the same tone of voice that "spicy" is in Puzzle Pirates
table.insert(registered, funky)
function QH_AchievementManagerRegister_Prescan(funky)
table.insert(prescan, funky)
local updating = false
local updating_continue = false
local function ScanAchievements()
while updating_continue do
updating_continue = false
for _, v in ipairs(prescan) do
local old = AchievementDB
local new = getAchievementDB()
for _, v in ipairs(registered) do
v(old, new)
AchievementDB = new
for k, v in pairs(old.achievements) do QuestHelper:ReleaseTable(v) end
for k, v in pairs(old.criteria) do QuestHelper:ReleaseTable(v) end
updating = false
local function OnEvent()
--print("oe", updating, AchievementDB)
if not updating and AchievementDB then
QH_Timeslice_Add(ScanAchievements, "criteria")
updating = true
updating_continue = true
--qhaach = OnEvent
function QH_AchievementManagerRegister_Poke()
function QH_AchievementManager_Init()
AchievementDB = getAchievementDB() -- 'coz we're lazy
----[[ assert(AchievementDB.achievements[2556]) ]]
----[[ assert(AchievementDB.achievements[2557]) ]]
----[[ assert(AchievementDB.achievements[1312]) ]] -- what what
for _, v in ipairs(registered) do -- basically initting everything linked to this
v(AchievementDB, AchievementDB)
if QuestHelper_File["manager_achievement.lua"] == "Development Version" then
-- woop woop woop
-- runnin' around like a headless chicken
-- collidin' with walls
-- fallin' over backwards, waving arms wildly
-- little bit of drool
-- you know how it goes
local the_data
local function eatAchievement(id)
local _, title, _, complete = GetAchievementInfo(id)
--QuestHelper:TextOut(string.format("Registering %d (%s)", id, title))
local prev = GetPreviousAchievement(id)
local record = false
if prev then
local critcount = GetAchievementNumCriteria(id)
the_data[id] = {name = title}
for i = 1, critcount do
local _, crit_type, _, _, _, _, _, crit_asset, _, crit_id = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(id, i)
table.insert(the_data[id], {cid = crit_id, type = crit_type, asset = crit_asset})
function dump_the_data_zorba_needs()
the_data = {}
QuestHelper_Errors.achievement_cruft = the_data
for _, catid in pairs(GetCategoryList()) do
for d = 1, GetCategoryNumAchievements(catid) do
eatAchievement(GetAchievementInfo(catid, d))
function dump_crits(id)
local critcount = GetAchievementNumCriteria(id)
print(string.format("%d criteria (%s)", critcount, tostring(achievement_list[id])))
for i = 1, critcount do
local _, crit_type = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(id, i)
print(string.format("%d: %d", i, crit_type))