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Nathanial.C.Jones 965e8589c9 Everything SEEMS to work, less of course the db. Something I did before screwed everything up.
I implemented a QuestHelper_GetTime function for the next time Blizzard decides to fiddle with the time functions. It returns debugprofilestop() / 1000, to exactly match the precision of GetTime().

I also re-removed references to Cartographer from the rollback.
2012-01-01 03:01:18 +00:00

110 lignes
4 Kio

local GetTime = QuestHelper_GetTime
QuestHelper_File["collect_object.lua"] = "4.0.1.$svnversion$"
QuestHelper_Loadtime["collect_object.lua"] = GetTime()
local debug_output = false
if QuestHelper_File["collect_object.lua"] == "Development Version" then debug_output = true end
local QHCO
local GetLoc
local Merger
local Patterns
local minetypes = {
local function Tooltipy(self)
-- objects are a bitch since they have no unique ID or any standard way to detect them (that I know of).
-- So we kind of guess at it.
if self:GetAnchorType() == "ANCHOR_NONE" then -- Theoretically this function no longer exists as of 2010-12-14.
if self:GetItem() or self:GetUnit() or self:GetSpell() then return end
-- rglrglrglrglrglrgl
local skintype = nil
local lines = GameTooltip:NumLines()
if not skintype then
local cline = 2
-- the painful process of checking to see if it might be a game object
-- first, look for a "requires" line
if not (_G["GameTooltipTextLeft" .. cline] and _G["GameTooltipTextLeft" .. cline]:IsShown()) then return end
local gt = _G["GameTooltipTextLeft" .. cline]:GetText()
if string.match(gt, Patterns.LOCKED_WITH_ITEM) or string.match(gt, Patterns.LOCKED_WITH_SPELL) or string.match(gt, Patterns.LOCKED_WITH_SPELL_KNOWN) then cline = cline + 1 end
if not (_G["GameTooltipTextLeft" .. cline] and _G["GameTooltipTextLeft" .. cline]:IsShown()) then return end
local r, g, b, a = _G["GameTooltipTextLeft" .. cline]:GetTextColor()
r, g, b, a = math.floor(r * 255 + 0.5), math.floor(g * 255 + 0.5), math.floor(b * 255 + 0.5), math.floor(a * 255 + 0.5)
if not (r == 255 and g == 210 and b == 0 and a == 255) then return end -- not a quest item, which I guess we care about
cline = cline + 1
if not (_G["GameTooltipTextLeft" .. cline] and _G["GameTooltipTextLeft" .. cline]:IsShown()) then return end
local r, g, b, a = _G["GameTooltipTextLeft" .. cline]:GetTextColor()
r, g, b, a = math.floor(r * 255 + 0.5), math.floor(g * 255 + 0.5), math.floor(b * 255 + 0.5), math.floor(a * 255 + 0.5)
if not (r == 255 and g == 255 and b == 255 and a == 255) or not _G["GameTooltipTextLeft" .. cline]:GetText():match("^ - ") then return end -- not a quest item, which I guess we care about
-- alright good enough
local name = _G["GameTooltipTextLeft1"]:GetText()
if string.match(name, Patterns.CORPSE_TOOLTIP) then return end -- no corpses plzkthx
if debug_output then QuestHelper:TextOut("Parsing " .. name) end
if not QHCO[name] then QHCO[name] = {} end
local qhci = QHCO[name]
-- We have no unique identifier, so I'm just going to record every position we see. That said, I wonder if it's a good idea to add a cooldown.
-- Obviously, we also have no possible range data, so, welp.
local loc = GetLoc()
local contained = false
for _, v in pairs(qhci) do
if v.delayed then
if v.delayed == loc.delayed and
v.c == loc.c and v.z == loc.z and
v.x == loc.x and v.y == loc.y then
contained = true
if not contained then table.insert(qhci, loc) end
--Merger.Add(qhci, "(" .. GetLoc() .. ")", true)
function QH_Collect_Object_Init(QHCData, API)
if not QHCData.object then QHCData.object = {} end
QHCO = QHCData.object
Patterns = API.Patterns
QuestHelper: Assert(Patterns)
API.Patterns_Register("CORPSE_TOOLTIP", "[^%s]+")
API.Patterns_Register("LOCKED_WITH_ITEM", "[^%s]+")
API.Patterns_Register("LOCKED_WITH_SPELL", "[^%s]+")
API.Patterns_Register("LOCKED_WITH_SPELL_KNOWN", "[^%s]+")
GetLoc = API.Callback_LocationBolusCurrent
QuestHelper: Assert(GetLoc)
Merger = API.Utility_Merger
QuestHelper: Assert(Merger)