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2010-10-25 01:54:08 +00:00

63 lignes
6,6 Kio

|cffffff00 Version 10/25/2010|r\
• Handled case of ltype having a nil value in function collect_quest.Loot, by simply returning. Seems to only occur on item rolls. We continue to throw an error if ltype is not nil and has a non-number type.\
• Added an error to determine what we're receiving when ltype is not nil and is not a number in collect_quest.Looted. The error will tell us the lua type and the value of ltype.\
|cffffff00 Version 10/24/2010|r\
• Fixed achievement system to deal with changes to the achievement frame's xml.\
|cffffff00 Version 10/23/2010|r\
• Fixed quest tracker system to deal with invalid quest objective data (basically ignore these).\
|cffffff00 Version 1.4.0 5/5/2010|r\
• Added a configuration system (okay, the excellent configuration from the UI mod QuestHelperConfig)\
• GPL'ed the source\
• Included the build tools in the git repo\
• Updated the DB for old time's sake\
• Everything in the bottom section is still accurate, so go re-read it\
• come check out my current projects! They include free video games.]\
|cffffff00 Version 1.3.11 2/26/2010|r\
• Database update\
• The following enormous wall of words\
Okay, clearly it's time for a State of QuestHelper.\
Short version: QuestHelper isn't being updated much anymore, for a variety of reasons. I'm going to keep it working, but aside from a few interface improvements that I've been meaning to put in for months, you're probably not going to see many big changes.\
Long version:\
QuestHelper's always been kind of an odd project for me. I picked it up because it looked like a challenge, because I wanted it to work better for my own purposes, and because I saw a lot of potential for what it could become. Since then, we've seen a lot of changes in WoW. I started back in the days of 2.4.0, when we were eagerly awaiting Wrath, and today we're largely finished with Wrath and eagerly awaiting Cataclysm.\
As WoW has changed, so has my situation.\
• I don't quest anymore. I always enjoyed dungeons more, and with the 3.3 LFD changes, pretty much all of my playtime is now spent in dungeons. I imagine I'll level up a Worgen through quests once Cataclysm comes out, just to see the new quests, but that's about it.\
• On top of that, I don't really play much anymore. I've got other huge projects on my plate (come visit http://www.mandible.net). I originally picked up WoW to play with friends and to learn from Blizzard's design expertise. All the friends I originally joined have quit, I started raiding and then stopped again, and, minus the changes coming up in Cataclysm, I feel like I've learned everything I'm going to from Blizzard, and learned quite a few things that Blizzard could stand to learn.\
(Hey, Blizzard. Hire me to balance your classes. You want me. Trust me on this. I'll make your game sing.)\
• QuestHelper was actively worked on as long as it was, largely thanks to the donations. Without those, I would have had to dump it much earlier - your generous donations literally kept QuestHelper running. With the 3.3 quest map changes, QuestHelper doesn't have nearly as many users, and those who still use it don't donate as much. I simply can't afford to put a lot of time into it anymore.\
Note: This isn't an attempt to throw blame on people or anything of that sort, I don't want you to feel guilty for not donating, I'm not trying to make a last snatch of cash off this thing. It's just what happened. Sometimes the economic truths change.\
• Along with that, QuestHelper doesn't have as many users as it used to. QH was partially useful as a vehicle for learning how to deal with large userbases (done, mostly) and, I'll admit, for advertising my other projects. Both of those, obviously, aren't as useful anymore.\
• Along with *that*, I had a bunch of neat ideas on how to turn QuestHelper into something truly huge and spectacular. Unfortunately, Blizzard's addon development rules, coupled with the 3.3 changes, pretty much killed that project. If I were to do that - and I'd still like to do that - I'd need a level of funding that I simply don't have potentially available anymore. If you're sitting out there with a few million bucks burning a hole in your pocket, lemme know - I might have a good way to spend it - but without that person showing up, my ultra-long-term plans are pretty infeasible, and I already burned a month trying to come up with alternatives. Turns out not all business plans work out :)\
• Most importantly, though: QuestHelper is done. It works. It's got a few glitches, it's got a few missing features. Fundamentally, it accomplishes what I wanted it to accomplish. I'm proud of what I've built, but I don't see anything to add that seems worth the time.\
I don't yet know what the future of QuestHelper brings. Obviously, there's some question about whether it will continue working in Cataclysm. I really couldn't say - the Cataclysm conversion might be simple, it might be a major redesign of QuestHelper's interface. I'll let you know when I find out. This will happen once I get my hands on a Cataclysm beta code. :)\
If someone would like to take it over, they're absolutely welcome to. I don't *really* expect this to happen - QuestHelper is a beast of a UI mod, and I firmly believe it is the most complex UI mod in WoW. But if someone would like to try, take a look at the sourcecode and go add something moderately major.\
But beyond that: it's been a good ride, thanks for coming along. I've had a lot of fun working on this thing, and that's largely thanks to the people who donated, the people who encouraged me, and the people who helped out with tech support. You're all awesome.\
Go kill Arthas for me.\
|cffffff00 Version 1.3.10 1/26/2010|r\
• More instrumentation, more DB update. I'm hoping to get some of these bugs squashed but I still need more debug reports, so keep 'em coming.\
Let's have it for another game! McDougal's Marvelous Upside-Down Electrotree] took far longer than I'd really expected, but //it is here now// and so you should play it.\
|cffffff00 Version 1.3.9 1/20/2010|r\
• More instrumentation for a few more weird bugs I'm seeing. Keep reporting 'em, I'm not quite sure what's going on yet\
• Standard DB update\
• Been slacking off waaaay too long on updating translations, so I updated 'em. Sorry 'bout that.\
|cffffff00 Version 1.3.8 1/12/2010|r\
• Fixed a bug caused by slightly odd out-of-order loading\
• Add some debug instrumentation for a consistency failure in data collection\
• Trying to track down the missing-tooltip glitch\
• DB update, I'm just doin' one of these every week now clearly\