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Nathanial.C.Jones d417d5bc1a Initial import.
2010-10-24 21:17:33 +00:00

57 lignes
2,2 Kio

--- AceConfig-3.0 wrapper library.
-- Provides an API to register an options table with the config registry,
-- as well as associate it with a slash command.
-- @class file
-- @name AceConfig-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceConfig-3.0.lua 969 2010-10-07 02:11:48Z shefki $
Very light wrapper library that combines all the AceConfig subcomponents into one more easily used whole.
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfig-3.0", 2
local AceConfig = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not AceConfig then return end
local cfgreg = LibStub("AceConfigRegistry-3.0")
local cfgcmd = LibStub("AceConfigCmd-3.0")
--TODO: local cfgdlg = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0", true)
--TODO: local cfgdrp = LibStub("AceConfigDropdown-3.0", true)
-- Lua APIs
local pcall, error, type, pairs = pcall, error, type, pairs
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- :RegisterOptionsTable(appName, options, slashcmd, persist)
-- - appName - (string) application name
-- - options - table or function ref, see AceConfigRegistry
-- - slashcmd - slash command (string) or table with commands, or nil to NOT create a slash command
--- Register a option table with the AceConfig registry.
-- You can supply a slash command (or a table of slash commands) to register with AceConfigCmd directly.
-- @paramsig appName, options [, slashcmd]
-- @param appName The application name for the config table.
-- @param options The option table (or a function to generate one on demand). http://www.wowace.com/addons/ace3/pages/ace-config-3-0-options-tables/
-- @param slashcmd A slash command to register for the option table, or a table of slash commands.
-- @usage
-- local AceConfig = LibStub("AceConfig-3.0")
-- AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("MyAddon", myOptions, {"/myslash", "/my"})
function AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable(appName, options, slashcmd)
local ok,msg = pcall(cfgreg.RegisterOptionsTable, self, appName, options)
if not ok then error(msg, 2) end
if slashcmd then
if type(slashcmd) == "table" then
for _,cmd in pairs(slashcmd) do
cfgcmd:CreateChatCommand(cmd, appName)
cfgcmd:CreateChatCommand(slashcmd, appName)