Updated to WebExtensions
Merged with WebExtensions version from Arrantius (#3 #10) Cleaned up host list (#2)
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ Or, the easier route, use this extension.
* Searches through seven page cache/mirrors:
* [Google Cache](http://www.google.com/) (plus text-only version)
* [The Internet Archive](http://web.archive.org/)
* [Bing Cache](http://bing.com/)
* [WebCite](http://www.webcitation.org/)
* [archive.is](https://archive.is/)
* [Down for everyone?](http://www.isup.me/)
@ -26,13 +25,12 @@ Hit back and try another one!
* In the context (right-click) menu for the current page, and for all links.
* In the toolbar, just customize it to drag the button in.
* With the keyboard: press `Ctrl-Shift-U`
* Directly in the net error ("Firefox could not load this page...") page.
* Complete rewrite to make addon restartless
* Make Bing search to show directly cached page
# Changelog
* Version 5
* Merged with WebExtensions version from Arrantius (#3 #10)
* Does not include netError page ([not currently possible](http://bugzil.la/1376793))
* Cleaned up host list (#2)
* Version 3.0.1
* Now open new tabs in background (#7)
* Fixed wayback.archive.org to web.archive.org
Fichier normal
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
"extensionName": {
"message": "Resurrect Pages IsUp Edition",
"description": "Name of the extension."
"extensionDescription": {
"message": "Resurrect dead pages, by finding their ghosts.",
"description": "Description of the add-on."
"resurrect_page": {
"message": "Resurrect this page",
"description": "Resurrect this page"
"resurrect_link": {
"message": "Resurrect this link",
"description": "Resurrect this link"
"resurrectGoogle": {
"message": "with Google",
"description": "with Google"
"resurrectGoogleText": {
"message": "with Google (text only)",
"description": "with Google (text only)"
"resurrectArchive": {
"message": "with The Internet Archive",
"description": "with The Internet Archive"
"resurrectArchiveIs": {
"message": "with archive.is",
"description": "with archive.is"
"resurrectWebcitation": {
"message": "with WebCite",
"description": "with WebCite"
"resurrectIsUp": {
"message": "check if really down",
"description": "with isup.me"
"resurrectConfigCurrentTab": {
"message": "in the current tab",
"description": "in the current tab"
"resurrectConfigNewTab": {
"message": "in a new tab (foreground)",
"description": "in a new tab (foreground)"
"resurrectConfigBgTab": {
"message": "in a new tab (background)",
"description": "in a new tab (background)"
"resurrectConfigNewWindow": {
"message": "in a new window",
"description": "in a new window"
Fichier normal
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
function onCreated(n) {
chrome.storage.local.get('openIn', item => {
if (item.openIn) {
openIn = item.openIn;
function addResurrectItem(context, i18n, id, icon) {
id: 'resurrect-' + id + '-' + context,
title: chrome.i18n.getMessage('resurrect' + i18n),
icons: {16: 'icons/cacheicons/' + icon + '.png'},
contexts: [context],
parentId: 'resurrect-' + context
}, onCreated);
function addConfigItem(context, i18n, where, checked) {
id: 'resurrect-' + where + '-' + context,
type: 'radio',
title: chrome.i18n.getMessage('resurrectConfig' + i18n),
contexts: [context],
checked: checked,
parentId: 'resurrect-' + context
}, onCreated);
['page', 'link'].forEach(context => {
id: 'resurrect-' + context,
title: chrome.i18n.getMessage('resurrect_' + context),
contexts: [context]
}, onCreated);
addResurrectItem(context, 'Google', 'google', 'google');
addResurrectItem(context, 'GoogleText', 'google-text', 'google');
addResurrectItem(context, 'Archive', 'archive', 'waybackmachine');
addResurrectItem(context, 'ArchiveIs', 'archiveis', 'archiveis');
addResurrectItem(context, 'Webcitation', 'webcitation', 'webcitation');
addResurrectItem(context, 'IsUp', 'isup', 'isup');
id: 'resurrect-separator-config-' + context,
type: 'separator',
contexts: [context],
parentId: 'resurrect-' + context
}, onCreated);
context, 'CurrentTab', 'current-tab', openIn == openInEnum.CURRENT_TAB);
context, 'NewTab', 'new-tab', openIn == openInEnum.NEW_TAB);
context, 'BgTab', 'bg-tab', openIn == openInEnum.BG_TAB);
context, 'NewWindow', 'new-window', openIn == openInEnum.NEW_WINDOW);
chrome.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener(function(info, tab) {
let id = info.menuItemId;
let url = null;
if (id.endsWith('-page')) {
url = info.pageUrl;
} else if (id.endsWith('-link')) {
url = info.linkUrl;
if (id.startsWith('resurrect-google-')) {
goToUrl(genGoogleUrl(url), openIn);
} else if (id.startsWith('resurrect-googletext-')) {
goToUrl(genGoogleTextUrl(url), openIn);
} else if (id.startsWith('resurrect-archive-')) {
goToUrl(genIaUrl(url), openIn);
} else if (id.startsWith('resurrect-archiveis-')) {
goToUrl(genArchiveIsUrl(url), openIn);
} else if (id.startsWith('resurrect-isup-')) {
goToUrl(genIsUpUrl(url), openIn);
} else if (id.startsWith('resurrect-webcitation-')) {
goToUrl(genWebCiteUrl(url), openIn);
} else if (id.startsWith('resurrect-current-tab-')) {
} else if (id.startsWith('resurrect-new-tab-')) {
} else if (id.startsWith('resurrect-bg-tab-')) {
} else if (id.startsWith('resurrect-new-window-')) {
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
content resurrect content/ contentaccessible=yes
skin resurrect classic/1.0 skin/
overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://resurrect/content/resurrect-overlay.xul
style chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://resurrect/skin/resurrect-overlay.css
locale resurrect ca-AD locale/ca-AD/
locale resurrect cs-CZ locale/cs-CZ/
locale resurrect da locale/da/
locale resurrect da-DK locale/da-DK/
locale resurrect de locale/de/
locale resurrect de-DE locale/de-DE/
locale resurrect el locale/el/
locale resurrect el-GR locale/el-GR/
locale resurrect en-US locale/en-US/
locale resurrect es-AR locale/es-AR/
locale resurrect es-CL locale/es-CL/
locale resurrect es-ES locale/es-ES/
locale resurrect fi-FI locale/fi-FI/
locale resurrect fr locale/fr/
locale resurrect fr-FR locale/fr-FR/
locale resurrect hr-HR locale/hr-HR/
locale resurrect it locale/it/
locale resurrect it-IT locale/it-IT/
locale resurrect ja-JP locale/ja-JP/
locale resurrect ko-KR locale/ko-KR/
locale resurrect nl locale/nl/
locale resurrect nl-NL locale/nl-NL/
locale resurrect pl locale/pl/
locale resurrect pl-PL locale/pl-PL/
locale resurrect pt-BR locale/pt-BR/
locale resurrect pt-PT locale/pt-PT/
locale resurrect ru-RU locale/ru-RU/
locale resurrect sl-SI locale/sl-SI/
locale resurrect sr locale/sr/
locale resurrect sv-SE locale/sv-SE/
locale resurrect tr-TR locale/tr-TR/
locale resurrect uk-UA locale/uk-UA/
locale resurrect zh-CN locale/zh-CN/
locale resurrect zh-TW locale/zh-TW/
Fichier normal
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
openInEnum = {
NEW_TAB : 1,
let openIn = openInEnum.CURRENT_TAB;
chrome.storage.local.get('openIn', item => {
if (item.openIn) {
openIn = item.openIn;
function onError(error) {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
console.error('Resurrect error: ', chrome.runtime.lastError);
function genGoogleUrl(url) {
return 'https://www.google.com/search?q=cache:'+encodeURIComponent(url);
function genGoogleTextUrl(url) {
return 'https://www.google.com/search?strip=1&q=cache:'+encodeURIComponent(url);
function genIaUrl(url) {
let dateStr =(new Date()).toISOString().replace(/-|T|:|\..*/g, '');
return 'https://web.archive.org/web/'+dateStr+'/'+url;
function genArchiveIsUrl(url) {
return 'https://archive.is/'+url;
function genWebCiteUrl(url) {
return 'http://webcitation.org/query.php?url='+encodeURIComponent(url);
function genIsUpUrl(url) {
return 'http://isup.me/'+url;
function setOpenIn(where) {
openIn = where;
chrome.storage.local.set({openIn: openIn}, onError);
function updateContextRadios() {
['page', 'link'].forEach(context => {
'resurrect-current-tab-' + context,
{checked: openIn == openInEnum.CURRENT_TAB});
'resurrect-new-tab-' + context,
{checked: openIn == openInEnum.NEW_TAB});
'resurrect-bg-tab-' + context,
{checked: openIn == openInEnum.NEW_BGTAB});
'resurrect-new-window-' + context,
{checked: openIn == openInEnum.NEW_WINDOW});
function goToUrl(url, where) {
switch(Number(where)) {
case openInEnum.CURRENT_TAB:
chrome.tabs.update({'url': url});
case openInEnum.NEW_TAB:
chrome.tabs.create({'url': url});
case openInEnum.NEW_BGTAB:
chrome.tabs.create({'url': url, 'active': false});
case openInEnum.NEW_WINDOW:
chrome.windows.create({'url': url});
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM "chrome://resurrect/locale/overlay.dtd">
<body class="resurrect">
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<button value='google'>
<img src='chrome://resurrect/skin/cacheicons/google.png' />
<button value='googletext'>
<img src='chrome://resurrect/skin/cacheicons/google.png' />
<button value='bing'>
<img src='chrome://resurrect/skin/cacheicons/bing.png' />
<button value='archive'>
<img src='chrome://resurrect/skin/cacheicons/archive.png' />
<button value='archiveall'>
<img src='chrome://resurrect/skin/cacheicons/archive.png' />
<button value='archiveis'>
<img src='chrome://resurrect/skin/cacheicons/archiveis.png' />
<button value='webcitation'>
<img src='chrome://resurrect/skin/cacheicons/webcitation.png' />
<button value='isup'>
<img src='chrome://resurrect/skin/cacheicons/isup.png' />
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
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<script type='application/x-javascript' src='chrome://resurrect/content/resurrect.js'></script>
<script type='application/x-javascript'>
window.addEventListener('load', resurrect.onLoad, false);
<toolbarpalette id='BrowserToolbarPalette'>
<toolbarbutton id='resurrect-page-tb'
<popup id="contentAreaContextMenu">
<menuitem id="resurrect-page-context" insertafter="context-bookmarkpage"
label="&resurrect.thispage;" accesskey="&resurrect.accesskey;"
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label="&resurrect.thislink;" accesskey="&resurrect.accesskey;"
<keyset id="mainKeyset">
<key id='resurrect-key-shortcut'
modifiers='control shift'
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE overlay SYSTEM "chrome://resurrect/locale/overlay.dtd">
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>
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<!-- "B" in the ID is to lose the (wrong) persisted height from old versions -->
<dialog id="resurrect-select-mirrorB"
persist="screenX screenY"
<script type='application/x-javascript' src='chrome://resurrect/content/resurrect.js'></script>
<script type='application/x-javascript'>
window.addEventListener('load', resurrect.loadTarget, false);
<caption label='&resurrect.this;' />
<radiogroup id='targetGroup'>
<radio id='targetCurr' label='&resurrect.inCurrTab;' />
<radio id='targetTab' label='&resurrect.inNewTab;' />
<radio id='targetWin' label='&resurrect.inNewWin;' />
<groupbox id='resurrect' oncommand='resurrect.clickedXul(event);'>
<caption label='&resurrect.fromMirror;' />
value='google' label=' &resurrect.google;'
value='googletext' label=' &resurrect.google;&resurrect.textonly;'
value='archive' label=' &resurrect.archive;'
value='archiveall' label=' &resurrect.archiveall;'
value='bing' label=' &resurrect.bing;'
value='webcitation' label=' &resurrect.webcitation;'
value='archiveis' label=' &resurrect.archiveis;'
value='isup' label=' &resurrect.isup;'
@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
var resurrect={
// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //
onLoad:function() {
window.removeEventListener('load', resurrect.onLoad, false);
.addEventListener('popupshowing', resurrect.toggleContextItems, false);
addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', resurrect.contentDomLoad, false);
toggleContextItems:function(event) {
resurrect.contextUrl = gContextMenu.linkURL;
var onDocument=!(
gContextMenu.isContentSelected || gContextMenu.onTextInput ||
gContextMenu.onLink || gContextMenu.onImage);
.setAttribute('hidden', !onDocument);
.setAttribute('hidden', !gContextMenu.onLink);
contentDomLoad:function(event) {
var contentDoc=event.target;
if (contentDoc.documentURI.indexOf('about:neterror') != 0) return;
// Inject our content...
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', 'chrome://resurrect/content/netError.xhtml', true);
xhr.onload = function() {
var fieldset = xhr.responseXML.getElementById('resurrect');
var xhtml = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(fieldset);
var container = contentDoc.getElementById('errorPageContainer');
container.innerHTML += xhtml;
// ...plus the CSS.
var link = contentDoc.createElement('link');
link.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
link.setAttribute('href', 'chrome://resurrect/skin/netError.css');
link.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
link.setAttribute('media', 'all');
// Add the className that enables it, only when appropriate.
contentDoc.location.href =
'javascript:if ("nssBadCert" != getErrorCode()) {'
+ 'document.body.className += " resurrect";'
+ '}; void(0)';
// Add event listener.
'click', resurrect.clickedHtml, false);
'keypress', resurrect.clickedHtml, false);
disableButtons:function(doc) {
var bs=doc.getElementById('resurrect')
for (var i=0, b=null; b=bs[i]; i++) {
b.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');
// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //
page:function(event) {
var doc=getBrowser().contentWindow.document;
link:function(event) {
// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //
loadTarget:function() {
var pref=Components.classes['@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1']
var target=pref.getCharPref('extensions.resurrect.target');
saveTarget:function(el) {
var target=document.getElementById('targetGroup').selectedItem.id;
var pref=Components.classes['@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1']
pref.setCharPref('extensions.resurrect.target', target);
// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //
showDialog:function(url) {
getBrowser().contentWindow.document, url);
clickedHtml:function(event) {
if ('true'==event.target.getAttribute('disabled')) {
if ('keypress' == event.type) {
if (event.target.parentNode.id != 'resurrect') return;
if (event.charCode != 32 && event.keyCode != 13) return;
return resurrect.clickHandler(
clickedXul:function(event) {
return resurrect.clickHandler(
clickHandler:function(event, contentDoc, rawUrl) {
// Run the actual code. After timeout for UI repaint.
resurrect.selectMirror, 1,
contentDoc, rawUrl);
selectMirror:function(mirror, ownerDoc, contentDoc, rawUrl) {
var gotoUrl=null;
var encUrl=encodeURIComponent(rawUrl);
var stripUrl=rawUrl.replace(/.*?:\/\//g, "");
switch (mirror) {
case 'google':
case 'googletext':
case 'archive':
case 'archiveall':
case 'bing':
var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest();
try {
var c=xhr.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('web:CacheUrl');
} catch (e) {
case 'webcitation':
case 'archiveis':
case 'isup':
return false;
if (gotoUrl) {
if (ownerDoc.getElementById('targetTab').getAttribute('selected')) {
window.opener.openUILinkIn(gotoUrl, 'tabshifted');
} else if (ownerDoc.getElementById('targetWin').getAttribute('selected')) {
// the setTimeout keeps focus from returning to the opener
window.opener.openNewWindowWith(gotoUrl, null, null);
}, 10);
} else {
if ('chrome://resurrect/content/resurrect-select-mirror.xul'==window.document.location) {
// setTimeout avoids errors because the window is gone
setTimeout(window.close, 0);
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
pref("extensions.resurrect-pages@albirew.fr.description", "chrome://resurrect/locale/overlay.properties");
pref("extensions.resurrect.target", "targetCurr");
Fichier normal
Après Largeur: | Hauteur: | Taille: 709 o |
Avant Largeur: | Hauteur: | Taille: 781 o Après Largeur: | Hauteur: | Taille: 781 o |
Avant Largeur: | Hauteur: | Taille: 437 o Après Largeur: | Hauteur: | Taille: 437 o |
Avant Largeur: | Hauteur: | Taille: 468 o Après Largeur: | Hauteur: | Taille: 468 o |
skin/cacheicons/webcitation.png → icons/cacheicons/webcitation.png
Fichier exécutable → Fichier normal
Avant Largeur: | Hauteur: | Taille: 537 o Après Largeur: | Hauteur: | Taille: 537 o |
Fichier normal
Après Largeur: | Hauteur: | Taille: 669 o |
Avant Largeur: | Hauteur: | Taille: 1,9 Kio Après Largeur: | Hauteur: | Taille: 1,9 Kio |
Avant Largeur: | Hauteur: | Taille: 1 011 o Après Largeur: | Hauteur: | Taille: 1 011 o |
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<RDF xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:em="http://www.mozilla.org/2004/em-rdf#">
<Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
<em:name>Resurrect Pages (isup edition)</em:name>
<em:description>Resurrect dead pages, by finding their ghosts.</em:description>
<em:contributor>Translators from BabelZilla.org</em:contributor>
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
<!ENTITY resurrect.title "Ressuscita">
<!ENTITY resurrect.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY resurrect.this "Ressuscita-la">
<!ENTITY resurrect.thispage "Ressuscita aquesta pàgina...">
<!ENTITY resurrect.thislink "Ressuscita aquest enllaç...">
<!ENTITY resurrect.fromMirror "De la rèplica">
<!ENTITY resurrect.google "Google Cache">
<!ENTITY resurrect.textonly "(només text)">
<!ENTITY resurrect.archive "The Internet Archive (latest)">
<!ENTITY resurrect.archiveall "The Internet Archive (list)">
<!ENTITY resurrect.bing "Bing">
<!ENTITY resurrect.webcitation "WebCite">
<!ENTITY resurrect.archiveis "Archive.is">
<!ENTITY resurrect.isup "Down for everyone?">
<!ENTITY resurrect.inCurrTab "En la pestanya/finestra actual">
<!ENTITY resurrect.inNewTab "En una nova pestanya">
<!ENTITY resurrect.inNewWin "En una nova finestra">
@ -1 +0,0 @@
extensions.resurrect-pages@albirew.fr.description=Ressuscita pàgines mortes trobant els seus fantasmes (copies)
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
<!ENTITY resurrect.title "Oživit">
<!ENTITY resurrect.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY resurrect.this "Oživit tuto stránku">
<!ENTITY resurrect.thispage "Oživit tuto stránku...">
<!ENTITY resurrect.thislink "Oživit tento odkaz">
<!ENTITY resurrect.fromMirror "Vybrat mirror:">
<!ENTITY resurrect.google "Google">
<!ENTITY resurrect.textonly "(prostý text)">
<!ENTITY resurrect.archive "Internet Archive (latest)">
<!ENTITY resurrect.archiveall "Internet Archive (list)">
<!ENTITY resurrect.bing "Bing">
<!ENTITY resurrect.webcitation "WebCite">
<!ENTITY resurrect.archiveis "Archive.is">
<!ENTITY resurrect.isup "Down for everyone?">
<!ENTITY resurrect.inCurrTab "V současném panelu/okně">
<!ENTITY resurrect.inNewTab "V novém panelu">
<!ENTITY resurrect.inNewWin "V novém okně">
@ -1 +0,0 @@
extensions.resurrect-pages@albirew.fr.description=Oživuje mrtvé webové stránky vyhledáváním jejich duchů v archivech.
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
<!ENTITY resurrect.title "Genopliv">
<!ENTITY resurrect.accesskey "d">
<!ENTITY resurrect.this "Genopliv denne">
<!ENTITY resurrect.thispage "Genopliv denne side...">
<!ENTITY resurrect.thislink "Genopliv dette link...">
<!ENTITY resurrect.fromMirror "Fra spejl">
<!ENTITY resurrect.google "Google Cache">
<!ENTITY resurrect.textonly "(kun tekst)">
<!ENTITY resurrect.archive "The Internet Archive (latest)">
<!ENTITY resurrect.archiveall "The Internet Archive (list)">
<!ENTITY resurrect.bing "Bing">
<!ENTITY resurrect.webcitation "WebCite">
<!ENTITY resurrect.archiveis "Archive.is">
<!ENTITY resurrect.isup "Down for everyone?">
<!ENTITY resurrect.inCurrTab "I nuværende faneblad/vindue">
<!ENTITY resurrect.inNewTab "I et nyt faneblad">
<!ENTITY resurrect.inNewWin "I et nyt vindue">
@ -1 +0,0 @@
extensions.resurrect-pages@albirew.fr.description=Genopliv døde sider, ved at finde deres spøgelser.
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
<!ENTITY resurrect.title "Genopliv">
<!ENTITY resurrect.accesskey "d">
<!ENTITY resurrect.this "Genopliv denne">
<!ENTITY resurrect.thispage "Genopliv denne side...">
<!ENTITY resurrect.thislink "Genopliv dette link...">
<!ENTITY resurrect.fromMirror "Fra spejl">
<!ENTITY resurrect.google "Google">
<!ENTITY resurrect.textonly "(kun tekst)">
<!ENTITY resurrect.archive "The Internet Archive (latest)">
<!ENTITY resurrect.archiveall "The Internet Archive (list)">
<!ENTITY resurrect.bing "Bing">
<!ENTITY resurrect.webcitation "WebCite">
<!ENTITY resurrect.archiveis "Archive.is">
<!ENTITY resurrect.isup "Down for everyone?">
<!ENTITY resurrect.inCurrTab "I nuværende faneblad/vindue">
<!ENTITY resurrect.inNewTab "I et nyt faneblad">
<!ENTITY resurrect.inNewWin "I et nyt vindue">
@ -1 +0,0 @@
extensions.resurrect-pages@albirew.fr.description=Genopliv døde sider, ved at finde deres spøgelser.
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
<!ENTITY resurrect.title "Wiederbeleben">
<!ENTITY resurrect.accesskey "l">
<!ENTITY resurrect.this "Dieses Element wiederbeleben">
<!ENTITY resurrect.thispage "Diese Seite wiederbeleben">
<!ENTITY resurrect.thislink "Diesen Verweis wiederbeleben">
<!ENTITY resurrect.fromMirror "Wiederbeleben von Spiegelserver">
<!ENTITY resurrect.google "Google">
<!ENTITY resurrect.textonly "(Nur Text)">
<!ENTITY resurrect.archive "The Internet Archive (latest)">
<!ENTITY resurrect.archiveall "The Internet Archive (list)">
<!ENTITY resurrect.bing "Bing">
<!ENTITY resurrect.webcitation "WebCite">
<!ENTITY resurrect.archiveis "Archive.is">
<!ENTITY resurrect.isup "Down for everyone?">
<!ENTITY resurrect.inCurrTab "In aktuellem Tab/Fenster">
<!ENTITY resurrect.inNewTab "In neuem Tab">
<!ENTITY resurrect.inNewWin "In neuem Fenster">
@ -1 +0,0 @@
extensions.resurrect-pages@albirew.fr.description=Wiederbeleben von toten Seiten, indem die Geister-Abbilder dieser Seiten gesucht werden.
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
<!ENTITY resurrect.title "Wiederbeleben">
<!ENTITY resurrect.accesskey "l">
<!ENTITY resurrect.this "Dieses Element wiederbeleben">
<!ENTITY resurrect.thispage "Diese Seite wiederbeleben">
<!ENTITY resurrect.thislink "Diesen Verweis wiederbeleben">
<!ENTITY resurrect.fromMirror "Wiederbeleben von Spiegelserver">
<!ENTITY resurrect.google "Google">
<!ENTITY resurrect.textonly "(Nur Text)">
<!ENTITY resurrect.archive "The Internet Archive (latest)">
<!ENTITY resurrect.archiveall "The Internet Archive (list)">
<!ENTITY resurrect.bing "Bing">
<!ENTITY resurrect.webcitation "WebCite">
<!ENTITY resurrect.archiveis "Archive.is">
<!ENTITY resurrect.isup "Down for everyone?">
<!ENTITY resurrect.inCurrTab "In aktuellem Tab/Fenster">
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extensions.resurrect-pages@albirew.fr.description=Ανασύσταση «εξαφάνισμένων» σελίδων.
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extensions.resurrect-pages@albirew.fr.description=Ανασύσταση «εξαφανισμένων» σελίδων.
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extensions.resurrect-pages@albirew.fr.description=Resucita páginas muertas, encontrando sus restos.
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extensions.resurrect-pages@albirew.fr.description=Resucita páginas que ya no existen, buscando en las cachés.
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extensions.resurrect-pages@albirew.fr.description=Ressuscite les pages mortes en récupérant leur fantôme dans les caches.
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extensions.resurrect-pages@albirew.fr.description=Ressuscite les pages mortes en récupérant leur fantôme dans les caches.
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extensions.resurrect-pages@albirew.fr.description=Uskrsava mrtve stranice pronalazeći njihove duhove.
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extensions.resurrect-pages@albirew.fr.description=Wek dode pagina's weer tot leven door hun geesten te vinden.
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extensions.resurrect-pages@albirew.fr.description=Wek dode pagina’s weer tot leven door hun geesten te vinden.
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extensions.resurrect-pages@albirew.fr.description=Odtwarzaj wygasłe strony odszukując ich cienie.
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extensions.resurrect-pages@albirew.fr.description=Odtwarzaj wygasłe strony odszukując ich cienie.
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extensions.resurrect-pages@albirew.fr.description=Ressuscita páginas mortas, ao encontrar os seus fantasmas.
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extensions.resurrect-pages@albirew.fr.description=Få webbsidor att återuppstå från de döda genom att hitta deras spöken.
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extensions.resurrect-pages@albirew.fr.description=Відновлює зниклі сторінки, знаходячи їх копії.
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Fichier normal
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Fichier normal
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Avant Largeur: | Hauteur: | Taille: 177 o |
Avant Largeur: | Hauteur: | Taille: 802 o |
Avant Largeur: | Hauteur: | Taille: 506 o |
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Avant Largeur: | Hauteur: | Taille: 719 o |