'openIn', item => { if (item.openIn) { openIn = item.openIn; } ['page', 'link'].forEach(context => { chrome.contextMenus.create({ contexts: [context], id: 'resurrect-' + context, title: 'Resurrect this ' + context, }, logLastError); chrome.contextMenus.create({ enabled: false, id: 'resurrect-with-' + context, parentId: 'resurrect-' + context, title: 'With:', }); for (let [name, id, icon] of [ ['Google', 'google', 'google'], ['Google (text only)', 'googletext', 'google'], ['The Internet Archive', 'archive', 'waybackmachine'], ['The Internet Archive (list all)', 'archivelist', 'waybackmachine'], ['', 'archiveis', 'archiveis'], ['WebCite', 'webcitation', 'webcitation'], ['Memento Timetravel', 'mementoweb', 'mementoweb'], ]) { chrome.contextMenus.create({ contexts: [context], icons: {16: 'icons/cacheicons/' + icon + '.png'}, id: 'resurrect-' + id + '-' + context, parentId: 'resurrect-' + context, title: name, }, logLastError); } chrome.contextMenus.create({ id: 'resurrect-separator-config-' + context, type: 'separator', contexts: [context], parentId: 'resurrect-' + context }, logLastError); chrome.contextMenus.create({ enabled: false, id: 'resurrect-in-' + context, parentId: 'resurrect-' + context, title: 'In:', }); for (let [name, where, checked] of [ ['the current tab', 'current-tab', openIn == openInEnum.CURRENT_TAB], ['a new tab (foreground)', 'new-tab', openIn == openInEnum.NEW_TAB], ['a new tab (background)', 'bg-tab', openIn == openInEnum.NEW_BGTAB], ['a new window', 'new-window', openIn == openInEnum.NEW_WINDOW], ]) { chrome.contextMenus.create({ id: 'resurrect-' + where + '-' + context, type: 'radio', title: name, contexts: [context], checked: checked, parentId: 'resurrect-' + context }, logLastError); } }); }); chrome.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener(function(info, tab) { let id = info.menuItemId; let url = null; if (id.endsWith('-page')) { url = info.pageUrl; } else if (id.endsWith('-link')) { url = info.linkUrl; } if (id.startsWith('resurrect-google-')) { goToUrl(genGoogleUrl(url), openIn); } else if (id.startsWith('resurrect-googletext-')) { goToUrl(genGoogleTextUrl(url), openIn); } else if (id.startsWith('resurrect-archive-')) { goToUrl(genIaUrl(url), openIn); } else if (id.startsWith('resurrect-archivelist-')) { goToUrl(genIaListUrl(url), openIn); } else if (id.startsWith('resurrect-archiveis-')) { goToUrl(genArchiveIsUrl(url), openIn); } else if (id.startsWith('resurrect-webcitation-')) { goToUrl(genWebCiteUrl(url), openIn); } else if (id.startsWith('resurrect-mementoweb-')) { goToUrl(genMementoUrl(url), openIn); } else if (id.startsWith('resurrect-current-tab-')) { setOpenIn(openInEnum.CURRENT_TAB); } else if (id.startsWith('resurrect-new-tab-')) { setOpenIn(openInEnum.NEW_TAB); } else if (id.startsWith('resurrect-bg-tab-')) { setOpenIn(openInEnum.NEW_BGTAB); } else if (id.startsWith('resurrect-new-window-')) { setOpenIn(openInEnum.NEW_WINDOW); } });