* Add a "Google Cache (text only)" option, using Google's "stripped" cache, which does not reference images, style sheets, etc. Waiting for translations to be released.
15 lignes
670 o
15 lignes
670 o
<!ENTITY resurrect.title "Resurrect">
<!ENTITY resurrect.accesskey "u">
<!ENTITY resurrect.this "Resurrect this">
<!ENTITY resurrect.thispage "Resurrect this page...">
<!ENTITY resurrect.thislink "Resurrect this link...">
<!ENTITY resurrect.fromMirror "From mirror">
<!ENTITY resurrect.coralcdn "CoralCDN">
<!ENTITY resurrect.google "Google Cache">
<!ENTITY resurrect.textonly " (text only)">
<!ENTITY resurrect.yahoo "Yahoo! Cache">
<!ENTITY resurrect.archive "The Internet Archive">
<!ENTITY resurrect.msn "MSN Cache">
<!ENTITY resurrect.inCurrTab "In the current tab/window">
<!ENTITY resurrect.inNewTab "In a new tab">
<!ENTITY resurrect.inNewWin "In a new window">