73 lignes
1,9 Kio
73 lignes
1,9 Kio
"extensionName": {
"message": "Resurrect Pages",
"description": "Name of the extension."
"extensionDescription": {
"message": "Wiederbeleben von toten Seiten, indem die Geister-Abbilder dieser Seiten gesucht werden.",
"description": "Description of the add-on."
"contextMenuItemResurrectPage": {
"message": "diese Seite wiederbeleben",
"description": "Resurrect this page"
"contextMenuItemResurrectLink": {
"message": "diesen Verweis wiederbeleben",
"description": "Resurrect this link"
"contextMenuItemResurrectSelection": {
"message": "diese Markierung wiederbeleben",
"description": "Resurrect this selection, TODO: only if its a link, no translation"
"contextMenuItemResurrectGoogle": {
"message": "mit Google",
"description": "with Google"
"contextMenuItemResurrectGoogleText": {
"message": "mit Google (Nur Text)",
"description": "with Google (text only)"
"contextMenuItemResurrectArchive": {
"message": "mit The Internet Archive",
"description": "with The Internet Archive"
"contextMenuItemResurrectArchiveIs": {
"message": "mit archive.is",
"description": "with archive.is"
"contextMenuItemResurrectWebcitation": {
"message": "mit WebCite",
"description": "with WebCite"
"contextMenuItemResurrectConfigCurrentTab": {
"message": "in aktuellem Tab/Fenster",
"description": "in the current tab"
"contextMenuItemResurrectConfigNewTab": {
"message": "in neuem Tab (Vordergrund)",
"description": "in a new tab (foreground)"
"contextMenuItemResurrectConfigNewBackgroundTab": {
"message": "in neuem Tab (Hintergrund)",
"description": "in a new tab (background)"
"contextMenuItemResurrectConfigNewWindow": {
"message": "in neuem Fenster",
"description": "in a new window"