// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2024 yuzu Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include "core/core.h" #include "core/hle/service/am/am_results.h" #include "core/hle/service/am/applet.h" #include "core/hle/service/am/applet_manager.h" #include "core/hle/service/am/event_observer.h" #include "core/hle/service/am/window_system.h" namespace Service::AM { WindowSystem::WindowSystem(Core::System& system) : m_system(system) {} WindowSystem::~WindowSystem() { m_system.GetAppletManager().SetWindowSystem(nullptr); } void WindowSystem::SetEventObserver(EventObserver* observer) { m_event_observer = observer; m_system.GetAppletManager().SetWindowSystem(this); } void WindowSystem::Update() { std::scoped_lock lk{m_lock}; // Loop through all applets and remove terminated applets. this->PruneTerminatedAppletsLocked(); // If the home menu is being locked into the foreground, handle that. if (this->LockHomeMenuIntoForegroundLocked()) { return; } // Recursively update each applet root. this->UpdateAppletStateLocked(m_home_menu, m_foreground_requested_applet == m_home_menu); this->UpdateAppletStateLocked(m_application, m_foreground_requested_applet == m_application); } void WindowSystem::TrackApplet(std::shared_ptr applet, bool is_application) { std::scoped_lock lk{m_lock}; if (applet->applet_id == AppletId::QLaunch) { ASSERT(m_home_menu == nullptr); m_home_menu = applet.get(); } else if (is_application) { ASSERT(m_application == nullptr); m_application = applet.get(); } m_event_observer->TrackAppletProcess(*applet); m_applets.emplace(applet->aruid.pid, std::move(applet)); } std::shared_ptr WindowSystem::GetByAppletResourceUserId(u64 aruid) { std::scoped_lock lk{m_lock}; const auto it = m_applets.find(aruid); if (it == m_applets.end()) { return nullptr; } return it->second; } std::shared_ptr WindowSystem::GetMainApplet() { std::scoped_lock lk{m_lock}; if (m_application) { return m_applets.at(m_application->aruid.pid); } return nullptr; } void WindowSystem::RequestHomeMenuToGetForeground() { { std::scoped_lock lk{m_lock}; m_foreground_requested_applet = m_home_menu; } m_event_observer->RequestUpdate(); } void WindowSystem::RequestApplicationToGetForeground() { { std::scoped_lock lk{m_lock}; m_foreground_requested_applet = m_application; } m_event_observer->RequestUpdate(); } void WindowSystem::RequestLockHomeMenuIntoForeground() { { std::scoped_lock lk{m_lock}; m_home_menu_foreground_locked = true; } m_event_observer->RequestUpdate(); } void WindowSystem::RequestUnlockHomeMenuIntoForeground() { { std::scoped_lock lk{m_lock}; m_home_menu_foreground_locked = false; } m_event_observer->RequestUpdate(); } void WindowSystem::RequestAppletVisibilityState(Applet& applet, bool visible) { { std::scoped_lock lk{applet.lock}; applet.window_visible = visible; } m_event_observer->RequestUpdate(); } void WindowSystem::OnOperationModeChanged() { std::scoped_lock lk{m_lock}; for (const auto& [_, applet] : m_applets) { std::scoped_lock lk2{applet->lock}; applet->lifecycle_manager.OnOperationAndPerformanceModeChanged(); } } void WindowSystem::OnExitRequested() { std::scoped_lock lk{m_lock}; for (const auto& [_, applet] : m_applets) { std::scoped_lock lk2{applet->lock}; applet->lifecycle_manager.RequestExit(); } } void WindowSystem::OnHomeButtonPressed(ButtonPressDuration type) { std::scoped_lock lk{m_lock}; // If we don't have a home menu, nothing to do. if (!m_home_menu) { return; } // Lock. std::scoped_lock lk2{m_home_menu->lock}; // Send home button press event to home menu. if (type == ButtonPressDuration::ShortPressing) { m_home_menu->lifecycle_manager.PushUnorderedMessage( AppletMessage::DetectShortPressingHomeButton); } } void WindowSystem::PruneTerminatedAppletsLocked() { for (auto it = m_applets.begin(); it != m_applets.end(); /* ... */) { const auto& [_, applet] = *it; std::scoped_lock lk{applet->lock}; if (!applet->process->IsTerminated()) { // Not terminated. it = std::next(it); continue; } // Terminated, so ensure all child applets are terminated. if (!applet->child_applets.empty()) { this->TerminateChildAppletsLocked(applet.get()); // Not ready to unlink until all child applets are terminated. it = std::next(it); continue; } // Erase from caller applet's list of children. if (auto caller_applet = applet->caller_applet.lock(); caller_applet) { std::scoped_lock lk2{caller_applet->lock}; std::erase(caller_applet->child_applets, applet); applet->caller_applet.reset(); // We don't need to update the activity state of the caller applet yet. // It will be recalculated once we fall out of the termination handling path. } // If this applet was foreground, it no longer is. if (applet.get() == m_foreground_requested_applet) { m_foreground_requested_applet = nullptr; } // If this was the home menu, we should clean up. if (applet.get() == m_home_menu) { m_home_menu = nullptr; m_foreground_requested_applet = m_application; } // If this was the application, we should try to switch to the home menu. if (applet.get() == m_application) { m_application = nullptr; m_foreground_requested_applet = m_home_menu; // If we have a home menu, send it the application exited message. if (m_home_menu) { m_home_menu->lifecycle_manager.PushUnorderedMessage( AppletMessage::ApplicationExited); } } // Finalize applet. applet->OnProcessTerminatedLocked(); // Request update to ensure quiescence. m_event_observer->RequestUpdate(); // Unlink and advance. it = m_applets.erase(it); } // If the last applet has exited, exit the system. if (m_applets.empty()) { m_system.Exit(); } } bool WindowSystem::LockHomeMenuIntoForegroundLocked() { // If the home menu is not locked into foreground, then there's nothing to do. if (m_home_menu == nullptr || !m_home_menu_foreground_locked) { m_home_menu_foreground_locked = false; return false; } // Terminate any direct child applets of the home menu. std::scoped_lock lk{m_home_menu->lock}; this->TerminateChildAppletsLocked(m_home_menu); // When there are zero child applets left, we can proceed with the update. if (m_home_menu->child_applets.empty()) { m_home_menu->window_visible = true; m_foreground_requested_applet = m_home_menu; return false; } return true; } void WindowSystem::TerminateChildAppletsLocked(Applet* applet) { auto child_applets = applet->child_applets; applet->lock.unlock(); for (const auto& child_applet : child_applets) { std::scoped_lock lk{child_applet->lock}; child_applet->process->Terminate(); child_applet->terminate_result = AM::ResultLibraryAppletTerminated; } applet->lock.lock(); } void WindowSystem::UpdateAppletStateLocked(Applet* applet, bool is_foreground) { // With no applet, we don't have anything to do. if (!applet) { return; } std::scoped_lock lk{applet->lock}; const bool inherited_foreground = applet->is_process_running && is_foreground; const auto visible_state = inherited_foreground ? ActivityState::ForegroundVisible : ActivityState::BackgroundVisible; const auto obscured_state = inherited_foreground ? ActivityState::ForegroundObscured : ActivityState::BackgroundObscured; const bool has_obscuring_child_applets = [&] { for (const auto& child_applet : applet->child_applets) { std::scoped_lock lk2{child_applet->lock}; const auto mode = child_applet->library_applet_mode; if (child_applet->is_process_running && child_applet->window_visible && (mode == LibraryAppletMode::AllForeground || mode == LibraryAppletMode::AllForegroundInitiallyHidden)) { return true; } } return false; }(); // Update visibility state. applet->display_layer_manager.SetWindowVisibility(is_foreground && applet->window_visible); // Update interactibility state. applet->SetInteractibleLocked(is_foreground && applet->window_visible); // Update focus state and suspension. const bool is_obscured = has_obscuring_child_applets || !applet->window_visible; const auto state = applet->lifecycle_manager.GetActivityState(); if (is_obscured && state != obscured_state) { // Set obscured state. applet->lifecycle_manager.SetActivityState(obscured_state); applet->UpdateSuspensionStateLocked(true); } else if (!is_obscured && state != visible_state) { // Set visible state. applet->lifecycle_manager.SetActivityState(visible_state); applet->UpdateSuspensionStateLocked(true); } // Recurse into child applets. for (const auto& child_applet : applet->child_applets) { this->UpdateAppletStateLocked(child_applet.get(), is_foreground); } } } // namespace Service::AM