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Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2024-03-02. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.

36 lignes
1,7 Kio
Brut Vue normale Historique

Looking to report an issue/bug or make a feature request? Please refer to the [README file](
Thanks for your interest in contributing to Tachiyomi!
# Code contributions
2016-01-30 17:44:22 +01:00
Pull requests are welcome!
2016-01-30 17:44:22 +01:00
If you're interested in taking on [an open issue](, please comment on it so others are aware.
You do not need to ask for permission nor an assignment.
2016-01-30 17:44:22 +01:00
# Translations
2016-01-30 17:44:22 +01:00
Translations are done externally via Weblate. See [our website]( for more details.
# Forks
Forks are allowed so long as they abide by [the project's LICENSE](
When creating a fork, remember to:
2021-01-17 20:39:21 +01:00
- To avoid confusion with the main app:
- Change the app name
- Change the app icon
- Change or disable the [app update checker](
2021-01-17 20:39:21 +01:00
- To avoid installation conflicts:
- Change the `applicationId` in [`build.gradle.kts`](
- To avoid having your data polluting the main app's analytics and crash report services:
- If you want to use Firebase analytics, replace [`google-services.json`]( with your own
- If you want to use ACRA crash reporting, replace the `ACRA_URI` endpoint in [`build.gradle.kts`]( with your own