/* Copyright (c) 2012 HyeonJe Jun (http://github.com/noraesae) * Licensed under the MIT License */ (function (factory) { 'use strict'; if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // Node/CommonJS factory(require('jquery')); } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery); } }(function ($) { 'use strict'; // The default settings for the plugin var defaultSettings = { wheelSpeed: 80, wheelPropagation: false, minScrollbarLength: null, useBothWheelAxes: false, useKeyboard: true, suppressScrollX: true, suppressScrollY: false, scrollXMarginOffset: 0, scrollYMarginOffset: 0, includePadding: true }; var getEventClassName = (function () { var incrementingId = 0; return function () { var id = incrementingId; incrementingId += 1; return '.perfect-scrollbar-' + id; }; }()); $.fn.perfectScrollbar = function (suppliedSettings, option) { return this.each(function () { // Use the default settings var settings = $.extend(true, {}, defaultSettings), $this = $(this); if (typeof suppliedSettings === "object") { // But over-ride any supplied $.extend(true, settings, suppliedSettings); } else { // If no settings were supplied, then the first param must be the option option = suppliedSettings; } // Catch options if (option === 'update') { if ($this.data('perfect-scrollbar-update')) { $this.data('perfect-scrollbar-update')(); } return $this; } else if (option === 'destroy') { if ($this.data('perfect-scrollbar-destroy')) { $this.data('perfect-scrollbar-destroy')(); } return $this; } if ($this.data('perfect-scrollbar')) { // if there's already perfect-scrollbar return $this.data('perfect-scrollbar'); } // Or generate new perfectScrollbar // Set class to the container $this.addClass('ps-container'); var $scrollbarXRail = $("
").appendTo($this), $scrollbarYRail = $("
").appendTo($this), $scrollbarX = $("
").appendTo($scrollbarXRail), $scrollbarY = $("
").appendTo($scrollbarYRail), scrollbarXActive, scrollbarYActive, containerWidth, containerHeight, contentWidth, contentHeight, scrollbarXWidth, scrollbarXLeft, scrollbarXBottom = parseInt($scrollbarXRail.css('bottom'), 10), scrollbarYHeight, scrollbarYTop, scrollbarYRight = parseInt($scrollbarYRail.css('right'), 10), eventClassName = getEventClassName(); var updateContentScrollTop = function (currentTop, deltaY) { var newTop = currentTop + deltaY, maxTop = containerHeight - scrollbarYHeight-10; if (newTop < 0) { scrollbarYTop = 0; } else if (newTop > maxTop) { scrollbarYTop = maxTop; } else { scrollbarYTop = newTop; } var scrollTop = parseInt(scrollbarYTop * (contentHeight - containerHeight) / (containerHeight - scrollbarYHeight), 10); $this.scrollTop(scrollTop); $scrollbarXRail.css({bottom: scrollbarXBottom - scrollTop}); }; var updateContentScrollLeft = function (currentLeft, deltaX) { var newLeft = currentLeft + deltaX, maxLeft = containerWidth - scrollbarXWidth; if (newLeft < 0) { scrollbarXLeft = 0; } else if (newLeft > maxLeft) { scrollbarXLeft = maxLeft; } else { scrollbarXLeft = newLeft; } var scrollLeft = parseInt(scrollbarXLeft * (contentWidth - containerWidth) / (containerWidth - scrollbarXWidth), 10); $this.scrollLeft(scrollLeft); $scrollbarYRail.css({right: scrollbarYRight - scrollLeft}); }; var getSettingsAdjustedThumbSize = function (thumbSize) { if (settings.minScrollbarLength) { thumbSize = Math.max(thumbSize, settings.minScrollbarLength); } return thumbSize; }; var updateScrollbarCss = function () { $scrollbarXRail.css({left: $this.scrollLeft(), bottom: scrollbarXBottom - $this.scrollTop(), width: containerWidth, display: scrollbarXActive ? "inherit": "none"}); $scrollbarYRail.css({top: $this.scrollTop(), right: scrollbarYRight - $this.scrollLeft(), height: containerHeight, display: scrollbarYActive ? "inherit": "none"}); $scrollbarX.css({left: scrollbarXLeft, width: scrollbarXWidth}); $scrollbarY.css({top: scrollbarYTop, height: scrollbarYHeight}); }; var updateBarSizeAndPosition = function () { var paddingdifferencewidth=($this.outerWidth()-$this.width())/2; var paddingdifferenceheight=($this.outerHeight()-$this.height())/2; containerWidth = settings.includePadding ? $this.outerWidth()-paddingdifferencewidth : $this.width(); containerHeight = settings.includePadding ? $this.outerHeight()-paddingdifferenceheight : $this.height(); contentWidth = $this.prop('scrollWidth')-paddingdifferencewidth; contentHeight = $this.prop('scrollHeight')-paddingdifferenceheight; if (!settings.suppressScrollX && containerWidth + settings.scrollXMarginOffset < contentWidth) { scrollbarXActive = true; scrollbarXWidth = getSettingsAdjustedThumbSize(parseInt(containerWidth * containerWidth / contentWidth, 10)); scrollbarXLeft = parseInt($this.scrollLeft() * (containerWidth - scrollbarXWidth) / (contentWidth - containerWidth), 10); } else { scrollbarXActive = false; scrollbarXWidth = 0; scrollbarXLeft = 0; $this.scrollLeft(0); } if (!settings.suppressScrollY && containerHeight + settings.scrollYMarginOffset < contentHeight) { scrollbarYActive = true; scrollbarYHeight = getSettingsAdjustedThumbSize(parseInt(containerHeight * containerHeight / contentHeight, 10)); scrollbarYTop = parseInt($this.scrollTop() * (containerHeight - scrollbarYHeight) / (contentHeight - containerHeight), 10); } else { scrollbarYActive = false; scrollbarYHeight = 0; scrollbarYTop = 0; $this.scrollTop(0); } if (scrollbarYTop >= containerHeight - scrollbarYHeight) { scrollbarYTop = containerHeight - scrollbarYHeight; } if (scrollbarXLeft >= containerWidth - scrollbarXWidth) { scrollbarXLeft = containerWidth - scrollbarXWidth; } updateScrollbarCss(); }; var bindMouseScrollXHandler = function () { var currentLeft, currentPageX; $scrollbarX.bind('mousedown' + eventClassName, function (e) { currentPageX = e.pageX; currentLeft = $scrollbarX.position().left; $scrollbarXRail.addClass('in-scrolling'); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $(document).bind('mousemove' + eventClassName, function (e) { if ($scrollbarXRail.hasClass('in-scrolling')) { updateContentScrollLeft(currentLeft, e.pageX - currentPageX); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } }); $(document).bind('mouseup' + eventClassName, function (e) { if ($scrollbarXRail.hasClass('in-scrolling')) { $scrollbarXRail.removeClass('in-scrolling'); } }); currentLeft = currentPageX = null; }; var bindMouseScrollYHandler = function () { var currentTop, currentPageY; $scrollbarY.bind('mousedown' + eventClassName, function (e) { currentPageY = e.pageY; currentTop = $scrollbarY.position().top; $scrollbarYRail.addClass('in-scrolling'); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $(document).bind('mousemove' + eventClassName, function (e) { if ($scrollbarYRail.hasClass('in-scrolling')) { updateContentScrollTop(currentTop, e.pageY - currentPageY); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } }); $(document).bind('mouseup' + eventClassName, function (e) { if ($scrollbarYRail.hasClass('in-scrolling')) { $scrollbarYRail.removeClass('in-scrolling'); } }); currentTop = currentPageY = null; }; // check if the default scrolling should be prevented. var shouldPreventDefault = function (deltaX, deltaY) { var scrollTop = $this.scrollTop(); if (deltaX === 0) { if (!scrollbarYActive) { return false; } if ((scrollTop === 0 && deltaY > 0) || (scrollTop >= contentHeight - containerHeight && deltaY < 0)) { return !settings.wheelPropagation; } } var scrollLeft = $this.scrollLeft(); if (deltaY === 0) { if (!scrollbarXActive) { return false; } if ((scrollLeft === 0 && deltaX < 0) || (scrollLeft >= contentWidth - containerWidth && deltaX > 0)) { return !settings.wheelPropagation; } } return true; }; // bind handlers var bindMouseWheelHandler = function () { var shouldPrevent = false; $this.bind('mousewheel' + eventClassName, function (e, deprecatedDelta, deprecatedDeltaX, deprecatedDeltaY) { var deltaX = e.deltaX || deprecatedDeltaX, deltaY = e.deltaY || deprecatedDeltaY; if (!settings.useBothWheelAxes) { // deltaX will only be used for horizontal scrolling and deltaY will // only be used for vertical scrolling - this is the default $this.scrollTop($this.scrollTop() - (deltaY * settings.wheelSpeed)); $this.scrollLeft($this.scrollLeft() + (deltaX * settings.wheelSpeed)); } else if (scrollbarYActive && !scrollbarXActive) { // only vertical scrollbar is active and useBothWheelAxes option is // active, so let's scroll vertical bar using both mouse wheel axes if (deltaY) { $this.scrollTop($this.scrollTop() - (deltaY * settings.wheelSpeed)); } else { $this.scrollTop($this.scrollTop() + (deltaX * settings.wheelSpeed)); } } else if (scrollbarXActive && !scrollbarYActive) { // useBothWheelAxes and only horizontal bar is active, so use both // wheel axes for horizontal bar if (deltaX) { $this.scrollLeft($this.scrollLeft() + (deltaX * settings.wheelSpeed)); } else { $this.scrollLeft($this.scrollLeft() - (deltaY * settings.wheelSpeed)); } } // update bar position updateBarSizeAndPosition(); shouldPrevent = shouldPreventDefault(deltaX, deltaY); if (shouldPrevent) { e.preventDefault(); } }); // fix Firefox scroll problem $this.bind('MozMousePixelScroll' + eventClassName, function (e) { if (shouldPrevent) { e.preventDefault(); } }); }; var bindKeyboardHandler = function () { var hovered = false; $this.bind('mouseenter' + eventClassName, function (e) { hovered = true; }); $this.bind('mouseleave' + eventClassName, function (e) { hovered = false; }); var shouldPrevent = false; $(document).bind('keydown' + eventClassName, function (e) { if (!hovered || $(document.activeElement).is(":input,[contenteditable]")) { return; } var deltaX = 0, deltaY = 0; switch (e.which) { case 37: // left deltaX = -3; break; case 38: // up deltaY = 3; break; case 39: // right deltaX = 3; break; case 40: // down deltaY = -3; break; case 33: // page up deltaY = 9; break; case 32: // space bar case 34: // page down deltaY = -9; break; case 35: // end deltaY = -containerHeight; break; case 36: // home deltaY = containerHeight; break; default: return; } $this.scrollTop($this.scrollTop() - (deltaY * settings.wheelSpeed)); $this.scrollLeft($this.scrollLeft() + (deltaX * settings.wheelSpeed)); shouldPrevent = shouldPreventDefault(deltaX, deltaY); if (shouldPrevent) { e.preventDefault(); } }); }; var bindRailClickHandler = function () { var stopPropagation = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }; $scrollbarY.bind('click' + eventClassName, stopPropagation); $scrollbarYRail.bind('click' + eventClassName, function (e) { var halfOfScrollbarLength = parseInt(scrollbarYHeight / 2, 10), positionTop = e.pageY - $scrollbarYRail.offset().top - halfOfScrollbarLength, maxPositionTop = containerHeight - scrollbarYHeight, positionRatio = positionTop / maxPositionTop; if (positionRatio < 0) { positionRatio = 0; } else if (positionRatio > 1) { positionRatio = 1; } $this.scrollTop((contentHeight - containerHeight) * positionRatio); }); $scrollbarX.bind('click' + eventClassName, stopPropagation); $scrollbarXRail.bind('click' + eventClassName, function (e) { var halfOfScrollbarLength = parseInt(scrollbarXWidth / 2, 10), positionLeft = e.pageX - $scrollbarXRail.offset().left - halfOfScrollbarLength, maxPositionLeft = containerWidth - scrollbarXWidth, positionRatio = positionLeft / maxPositionLeft; if (positionRatio < 0) { positionRatio = 0; } else if (positionRatio > 1) { positionRatio = 1; } $this.scrollLeft((contentWidth - containerWidth) * positionRatio); }); }; // bind mobile touch handler var bindMobileTouchHandler = function () { var applyTouchMove = function (differenceX, differenceY) { $this.scrollTop($this.scrollTop() - differenceY); $this.scrollLeft($this.scrollLeft() - differenceX); // update bar position updateBarSizeAndPosition(); }; var startCoords = {}, startTime = 0, speed = {}, breakingProcess = null, inGlobalTouch = false; $(window).bind("touchstart" + eventClassName, function (e) { inGlobalTouch = true; }); $(window).bind("touchend" + eventClassName, function (e) { inGlobalTouch = false; }); $this.bind("touchstart" + eventClassName, function (e) { var touch = e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0]; startCoords.pageX = touch.pageX; startCoords.pageY = touch.pageY; startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); if (breakingProcess !== null) { clearInterval(breakingProcess); } e.stopPropagation(); }); $this.bind("touchmove" + eventClassName, function (e) { if (!inGlobalTouch && e.originalEvent.targetTouches.length === 1) { var touch = e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0]; var currentCoords = {}; currentCoords.pageX = touch.pageX; currentCoords.pageY = touch.pageY; var differenceX = currentCoords.pageX - startCoords.pageX, differenceY = currentCoords.pageY - startCoords.pageY; applyTouchMove(differenceX, differenceY); startCoords = currentCoords; var currentTime = (new Date()).getTime(); var timeGap = currentTime - startTime; if (timeGap > 0) { speed.x = differenceX / timeGap; speed.y = differenceY / timeGap; startTime = currentTime; } e.preventDefault(); } }); $this.bind("touchend" + eventClassName, function (e) { clearInterval(breakingProcess); breakingProcess = setInterval(function () { if (Math.abs(speed.x) < 0.01 && Math.abs(speed.y) < 0.01) { clearInterval(breakingProcess); return; } applyTouchMove(speed.x * 30, speed.y * 30); speed.x *= 0.8; speed.y *= 0.8; }, 10); }); }; var bindScrollHandler = function () { $this.bind('scroll' + eventClassName, function (e) { updateBarSizeAndPosition(); }); }; var destroy = function () { $this.unbind(eventClassName); $(window).unbind(eventClassName); $(document).unbind(eventClassName); $this.data('perfect-scrollbar', null); $this.data('perfect-scrollbar-update', null); $this.data('perfect-scrollbar-destroy', null); $scrollbarX.remove(); $scrollbarY.remove(); $scrollbarXRail.remove(); $scrollbarYRail.remove(); // clean all variables $scrollbarX = $scrollbarY = containerWidth = containerHeight = contentWidth = contentHeight = scrollbarXWidth = scrollbarXLeft = scrollbarXBottom = scrollbarYHeight = scrollbarYTop = scrollbarYRight = null; }; var ieSupport = function (version) { $this.addClass('ie').addClass('ie' + version); var bindHoverHandlers = function () { var mouseenter = function () { $(this).addClass('hover'); }; var mouseleave = function () { $(this).removeClass('hover'); }; $this.bind('mouseenter' + eventClassName, mouseenter).bind('mouseleave' + eventClassName, mouseleave); $scrollbarXRail.bind('mouseenter' + eventClassName, mouseenter).bind('mouseleave' + eventClassName, mouseleave); $scrollbarYRail.bind('mouseenter' + eventClassName, mouseenter).bind('mouseleave' + eventClassName, mouseleave); $scrollbarX.bind('mouseenter' + eventClassName, mouseenter).bind('mouseleave' + eventClassName, mouseleave); $scrollbarY.bind('mouseenter' + eventClassName, mouseenter).bind('mouseleave' + eventClassName, mouseleave); }; var fixIe6ScrollbarPosition = function () { updateScrollbarCss = function () { $scrollbarX.css({left: scrollbarXLeft + $this.scrollLeft(), bottom: scrollbarXBottom, width: scrollbarXWidth}); $scrollbarY.css({top: scrollbarYTop + $this.scrollTop(), right: scrollbarYRight, height: scrollbarYHeight}); $scrollbarX.hide().show(); $scrollbarY.hide().show(); }; }; if (version === 6) { bindHoverHandlers(); fixIe6ScrollbarPosition(); } }; var supportsTouch = (('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch); var initialize = function () { var ieMatch = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/(msie) ([\w.]+)/); if (ieMatch && ieMatch[1] === 'msie') { // must be executed at first, because 'ieSupport' may addClass to the container ieSupport(parseInt(ieMatch[2], 10)); } updateBarSizeAndPosition(); bindScrollHandler(); bindMouseScrollXHandler(); bindMouseScrollYHandler(); bindRailClickHandler(); if (supportsTouch) { bindMobileTouchHandler(); } if ($this.mousewheel) { bindMouseWheelHandler(); } if (settings.useKeyboard) { bindKeyboardHandler(); } $this.data('perfect-scrollbar', $this); $this.data('perfect-scrollbar-update', updateBarSizeAndPosition); $this.data('perfect-scrollbar-destroy', destroy); }; // initialize initialize(); return $this; }); }; }));