Bifurcation 0
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2018-05-12 02:23:16 +02:00
Author: Alternator (Massiner of Nathrezim)
Copyright 2010
local CustomAction = BFCustomAction;
local Const = BFConst;
local Util = BFUtil;
local UILib = BFUILib;
--If too many more custom actions are added here this will be a good candidate the turn into a table
function CustomAction.GetTexture(Action)
if (Action == "configuremode") then
return Const.ImagesDir.."Configure.tga";
elseif (Action == "createbarmode") then
return Const.ImagesDir.."CreateBar.tga";
elseif (Action == "createbonusbarmode") then
return Const.ImagesDir.."CreateBonusBar.tga";
elseif (Action == "destroybarmode") then
return Const.ImagesDir.."DestroyBar.tga";
elseif (Action == "advancedtoolsmode") then
return Const.ImagesDir.."AdvancedTools.tga";
elseif (Action == "rightclickselfcast") then
return Const.ImagesDir.."RightClickSelfCast.tga";
elseif (Action == "vehicleexit") then
return "Interface/Vehicles/UI-Vehicles-Button-Exit-Up", {0.171875, 0.84375, 0.140625, 0.84375};
elseif (Action == "possesscancel") then
local Texture = GetPossessInfo(2);
return Texture or "Interface/Icons/Spell_Shadow_SacrificialShield";
elseif (Action == "vehicleaimup") then
return "Interface/Vehicles/UI-Vehicles-Button-Pitch-Up", {0.234375, 0.765625, 0.25, 0.78125};
elseif (Action == "vehicleaimdown") then
return "Interface/Vehicles/UI-VEHICLES-BUTTON-PITCHDOWN-UP", {0.234375, 0.765625, 0.25, 0.78125};
elseif (Action == "possessspell") then
local Texture = GetPossessInfo(1);
return Texture or Const.ImagesDir.."AdvancedTools.tga";
function CustomAction.SetAttributes(Action, Widget)
if (Action == "configuremode") then
Widget:SetAttribute("type", "macro");
Widget:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/click BFToolbarToggle");
elseif (Action == "createbarmode") then
Widget:SetAttribute("type", "macro");
Widget:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/click BFToolbarCreateBar");
elseif (Action == "createbonusbarmode") then
Widget:SetAttribute("type", "macro");
Widget:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/click BFToolbarCreateBonusBar");
elseif (Action == "destroybarmode") then
Widget:SetAttribute("type", "macro");
Widget:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/click BFToolbarDestroyBar");
elseif (Action == "advancedtoolsmode") then
Widget:SetAttribute("type", "macro");
Widget:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/click BFToolbarAdvanced");
elseif (Action == "rightclickselfcast") then
Widget:SetAttribute("type", "macro");
Widget:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/click BFToolbarRightClickSelfCast");
elseif (Action == "vehicleexit") then
Widget:SetAttribute("type", "macro");
Widget:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/leavevehicle");
elseif (Action == "possesscancel") then
Widget:SetAttribute("type", "macro");
Widget:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/run CancelUnitBuff(\"player\", select(2, GetPossessInfo(2)) or \"\")");
elseif (Action == "vehicleaimup") then
Widget:SetAttribute("type", "macro");
Widget:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/click VehicleMenuBarPitchUpButton");
elseif (Action == "vehicleaimdown") then
Widget:SetAttribute("type", "macro");
Widget:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/click VehicleMenuBarPitchDownButton");
elseif (Action == "possessspell") then
Widget:SetAttribute("type", "macro");
Widget:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/do nothing");
function CustomAction.GetChecked(Action)
if (Action == 'configuremode') then
if (BFConfigureLayer:IsShown()) then
return true;
elseif (Action == 'createbarmode') then
if (UILib.CreateBarMode) then
return true;
elseif (Action == 'createbonusbarmode') then
if (UILib.CreateBonusBarMode) then
return true;
elseif (Action == 'destroybarmode') then
if (BFDestroyBarOverlay:IsShown()) then
return true;
elseif (Action == 'advancedtoolsmode') then
if (BFAdvancedToolsLayer:IsShown() and BFConfigureLayer:IsShown()) then
return true;
elseif (Action == "rightclickselfcast") then
if (ButtonForgeSave["RightClickSelfCast"]) then
return true;
return false;
function CustomAction.IsUsable(Action)
-- I could wire in a combat check for several of the actions here...
if (Action == 'createbonusbarmode') then
return BFConfigureLayer:IsShown(), nil;
elseif (Action == 'vehicleexit') then
return CanExitVehicle(), nil;
elseif (Action == 'possesscancel') then
--perhaps try the third param in getpossessinfo(2)??
return IsPossessBarVisible(), nil;
elseif (Action == 'vehicleaimup') then
return IsVehicleAimAngleAdjustable(), nil;
elseif (Action == 'vehicleaimdown') then
return IsVehicleAimAngleAdjustable(), nil;
elseif (Action == 'possessspell') then
return IsPossessBarVisible(), nil;
return 1, nil;
function CustomAction.UpdateTooltip(Action)
if (Action == 'configuremode') then
GameTooltip:SetText(Util.GetLocaleString("ConfigureModeTooltip"), nil, nil, nil, nil, 1);
elseif (Action == 'createbarmode') then
GameTooltip:SetText(Util.GetLocaleString("CreateBarTooltip"), nil, nil, nil, nil, 1);
elseif (Action == 'createbonusbarmode') then
GameTooltip:SetText(Util.GetLocaleString("CreateBonusBarTooltip"), nil, nil, nil, nil, 1);
elseif (Action == 'destroybarmode') then
GameTooltip:SetText(Util.GetLocaleString("DestroyBarTooltip"), nil, nil, nil, nil, 1);
elseif (Action == 'advancedtoolsmode') then
GameTooltip:SetText(Util.GetLocaleString("AdvancedToolsTooltip"), nil, nil, nil, nil, 1);
elseif (Action == "rightclickselfcast") then
GameTooltip:SetText(BFToolbarRightClickSelfCast.Tooltip, nil, nil, nil, nil, 1);
elseif (Action == 'vehicleexit') then
GameTooltip:SetText(LEAVE_VEHICLE, nil, nil, nil, nil, 1); --This prob needs a better tooltip (although is not as bad as the possesscancel)
elseif (Action == 'possesscancel') then
GameTooltip:SetText(Util.GetLocaleString("CancelPossessionTooltip")); --This needs a better tooltip than the default one (the default one has the advantage of context)
elseif (Action == 'vehicleaimup') then
GameTooltip:SetText(AIM_UP, nil, nil, nil, nil, 1);
elseif (Action == 'vehicleaimdown') then
GameTooltip:SetText(AIM_DOWN, nil, nil, nil, nil, 1);
elseif (Action == 'possessspell') then
function CustomAction.SetCursor(Action)
if (Action == 'configuremode') then
UILib.StartDraggingIcon(Const.ImagesDir.."Configure.tga", 23, 23, "customaction", Action);
elseif (Action == 'createbarmode') then
UILib.StartDraggingIcon(Const.ImagesDir.."CreateBar.tga", 23, 23, "customaction", Action);
elseif (Action == 'createbonusbarmode') then
UILib.StartDraggingIcon(Const.ImagesDir.."CreateBonusBar.tga", 23, 23, "customaction", Action);
elseif (Action == 'destroybarmode') then
UILib.StartDraggingIcon(Const.ImagesDir.."DestroyBar.tga", 23, 23, "customaction", Action);
elseif (Action == 'advancedtoolsmode') then
UILib.StartDraggingIcon(Const.ImagesDir.."AdvancedTools.tga", 23, 23, "customaction", Action);
elseif (Action == "rightclickselfcast") then
UILib.StartDraggingIcon(Const.ImagesDir.."RightClickSelfCast.tga", 23, 23, "customaction", Action);
elseif (Action == 'vehicleexit') then
UILib.StartDraggingIcon("Interface/Vehicles/UI-Vehicles-Button-Exit-Up", 23, 23, "customaction", Action, nil, {0.171875, 0.84375, 0.140625, 0.84375});
elseif (Action == 'possesscancel') then
UILib.StartDraggingIcon("Interface/Icons/Spell_Shadow_SacrificialShield", 23, 23, "customaction", Action);
elseif (Action == 'vehicleaimup') then
UILib.StartDraggingIcon("Interface/Vehicles/UI-Vehicles-Button-Pitch-Up", 23, 23, "customaction", Action, nil, {0.234375, 0.765625, 0.25, 0.78125});
elseif (Action == 'vehicleaimdown') then
UILib.StartDraggingIcon("Interface/Vehicles/UI-VEHICLES-BUTTON-PITCHDOWN-UP", 23, 23, "customaction", Action, nil, {0.234375, 0.765625, 0.25, 0.78125});
elseif (Action == 'possessspell') then
UILib.StartDraggingIcon("Interface/Vehicles/UI-VEHICLES-BUTTON-PITCHDOWN-UP", 23, 23, "customaction", Action, nil, {0.234375, 0.765625, 0.25, 0.78125});