Game crash when trying to add spell on buttonforge bar #5
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#4 Addon is not working in classic WoW}
Référence : Albirew/ButtonForge-classic#5
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Supprimer la branche "%!s()"
La suppression d’une branche est permanente. Bien qu’une branche supprimée puisse temporairement subsister, elle NE PEUT PAS être facilement restaurée. Continuer ?
Of course, wow client logs are as useless as ever
Good to see you track the bugs of the addon.
There seems to be an infinite loop in the code when you put a spell in the bar. I can not identify exactly where. I think that's why the logs are useless, the game can not even write.
On the other hand if it is a macro, it goes without problem.
I also got to the same conclusion but I couldn't find the loop either. I've tried to hard break from all while.. which could be dangerous but still can't figure it out. Not sure what else could cause infinite loops.
ok i think i fixed the probleme, the TalentSpellID is never nil, if it is not exists, the function return 0 and we don't care about pvp talent.
in Util.lua function Util.IsSpellIdTalent(SpellId) Replace by :
function Util.IsSpellIdTalent(SpellId)
local TalentInfoFuncs = GetTalentInfo;
-- Scan both normal and PvP talents
-- Note rather than assume number of talents, we just scan till the rows and columns till we hit a nil
Great! I've tested it and it works fine. Haven't tried a lot of spell since my Classic character is level 2, but if anyone finds spells that don't work, please open a new issue.
Thank you for that fix Tyr62!
FYI. I've pushed the fix to the repo so everyone could get the latest version.