
144 lignes
6.8 KiB

Author: Alternator (Massiner of Nathrezim)
Copyright 2010
local Const = BFConst;
Const.Version = 1.0;
Const.VersionMinor = 0.2;
Const.ButtonNaming = "ButtonForge"
Const.ButtonSeq = 1; --This value will increment (so not technically a const...)
Const.BarNaming = "ButtonForge"
Const.BarSeq = 1;
Const.DefaultCols = 4;
Const.DefaultRows = 1;
Const.BarInset = 21; --I
Const.BarEdge = 3.5;
Const.ButtonGap = 6; --BG --Don't mess with the ButtonSize/Gap
Const.ButtonSize = 36; --BS
Const.MinScale = 0.2;
Const.MiniIconSize = 16;
Const.MiniIconGap = 2;
Const.DoubleClickSpeed = 0.3;
Const.MaxButtonsPerBar = 1500;
Const.MaxButtonsTotal = 5000;
Const.CreateBarOverlayColor = {0.02, 0.03, 0.8, 0.4};
Const.DestroyBarOverlayColor = {1, 0.03, 0.8, 0.4};
Const.KeyBindOverlayColor = {0.3, 0.7, 0.1, 0.4};
Const.BarBackdrop = {0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.85};
Const.BonusBarBackdrop = {0.1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.85};
Const.IconDragOverlayColor = {0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.0};
Const.ImagesDir = "Interface\\AddOns\\ButtonForge\\Images\\";
Const.SlashNumLines = 4; --Num of lines to show before breaking the message up
Const.DisableAutoAlignAgainstDefaultBars = false; --Set to true and reload UI in order to not check the Blizzard bars when performing auto-alignment, this probably isn't needed but just in case
Const.VLineThickness = 1;
Const.HLineThickness = 1;
--Or if you want pixel perfect alignment lines and feel adventurous put your screen resolution in below (Note: WoW is not designed to give pixel level control, so it may not work perfectly)
--E.g. 1920x1200 would be:
--Const.VLineThickness = (768.0 / 1920) * GetMonitorAspectRatio();
--Const.HLineThickness = (768.0 / 1200);
Const.ThresholdVSnapSq = 6 * 6;
Const.ThresholdVPressureSq = 12 * 12;
Const.ThresholdHSnapSq = 10 * 10;
Const.ThresholdHPressureSq = 20 * 20;
Const.StealthSpellIds = {};
Const.StealthSpellIds[1784] = 1; -- Stealth
Const.StealthSpellIds[5215] = 1; -- Prowl
Const.WispSpellIds = {};
Const.WispSpellIds[19746] = 1; --Concentration Aura
Const.WispSpellIds[32223] = 1; --Crusader Aura
Const.WispSpellIds[465] = 1; --Devotion Aura
Const.WispSpellIds[19891] = 1; --Resistance Aura
Const.WispSpellIds[7294] = 1; --Retribution Aura
Const.WispSpellIds[5118] = 1; --Aspect of the Cheetah
Const.WispSpellIds[82661] = 1; --Aspect of the Fox
Const.WispSpellIds[13165] = 1; --Aspect of the Hawk
Const.WispSpellIds[13159] = 1; --Aspect of the Pack
Const.WispSpellIds[20043] = 1; --Aspect of the Wild
Const.WispSpellIds[45438] = 1; --Ice Block
Const.WispSpellIds[1066] = 1; --Aquatic Form
Const.WispSpellIds[5487] = 1; --Bear Form
Const.WispSpellIds[768] = 1; --Cat Form
Const.WispSpellIds[33943] = 1; --Flight Form
Const.WispSpellIds[40120] = 1; --Swift Flight Form
Const.WispSpellIds[783] = 1 --Travel Form
--[[ These next Consts are calculated from the previous consts ]]
Const.I = Const.BarInset;
Const.I2 = Const.I * 2;
Const.BG = Const.ButtonGap;
Const.BS = Const.ButtonSize;
Const.BSize = Const.BS + Const.BG;
Const.GFrac = Const.BG / Const.BSize;
Const.LightBlue = "ff0099DD";
Const.DarkBlue = "ff2233DD";
Const.DarkOrange = "ffEE5500";
Const.SlashCommands = {};
Const.SlashCommands["-bar"] = {params = "^%s*(..-)%s*$", group = "bar"};
Const.SlashCommands["-list"] = {params = "^()$", incompat = {"ALL"}};
Const.SlashCommands["-macrotext"] = {params = "bool", group = "bar"};
Const.SlashCommands["-keybindtext"] = {params = "bool", group = "bar"};
Const.SlashCommands["-tooltips"] = {params = "bool", group = "bar"};
Const.SlashCommands["-emptybuttons"] = {params = "bool", group = "bar"};
Const.SlashCommands["-lockbuttons"] = {params = "bool", group = "bar"};
Const.SlashCommands["-flyout"] = {params = "^%s*(..-)%s*$", group = "bar"};
Const.SlashCommands["-scale"] = {params = "^%s*(%d*%.?%d+)%s*$", group = "bar"};
Const.SlashCommands["-rows"] = {params = "^%s*(%d+)%s*$", group = "bar", requires = {"-createbar", "-bar"}};
Const.SlashCommands["-cols"] = {params = "^%s*(%d+)%s*$", group = "bar", requires = {"-createbar", "-bar"}};
Const.SlashCommands["-coords"] = {params = "^%s*(%d*%.?%d+)%s*,?%s*(%d*%.?%d+)%s*$", group = "bar", requires = {"-createbar", "-bar"}};
Const.SlashCommands["-gap"] = {params = "^%s*(%d*%.?%d+)%s*$", group = "bar"};
Const.SlashCommands["-enabled"] = {params = "bool", group = "bar"};
Const.SlashCommands["-info"] = {params = "^()$", group = "bar", requires = {"-bar"}};
Const.SlashCommands["-technicalinfo"] = {params = "^()$", group = "bar", requires = {"-bar"}};
Const.SlashCommands["-rename"] = {params = "^%s*(..-)%s*$", group = "bar", requires = {"-bar"}};
Const.SlashCommands["-hidespec1"] = {params = "bool", group = "bar"};
Const.SlashCommands["-hidespec2"] = {params = "bool", group = "bar"};
Const.SlashCommands["-hidespec3"] = {params = "bool", group = "bar"};
Const.SlashCommands["-hidespec4"] = {params = "bool", group = "bar"};
Const.SlashCommands["-hidevehicle"] = {params = "bool", group = "bar"};
Const.SlashCommands["-hideoverridebar"] = {params = "bool", group = "bar"};
Const.SlashCommands["-vismacro"] = {params = "^%s*(.-)%s*$", group = "bar"}; -- I'm tempted to make this one require a bar, but to some degree it is player beware until/if I implement an undo stack
Const.SlashCommands["-gui"] = {params = "bool", group = "bar"};
Const.SlashCommands["-alpha"] = {params = "^%s*(%d*%.?%d+)%s*$", group = "bar", validate = function (p) return tonumber(p) <= 1; end};
Const.SlashCommands["-createbar"] = {params = "^%s*(..-)%s*$", group = "bar", incompat = {"-bar"}};
Const.SlashCommands["-destroybar"] = {params = "^%s*(..-)%s*$", group = "bar", incompat = {"ALL"}};
Const.SlashCommands["-saveprofile"] = {params = "^%s*(..-)%s*$", group = "profile", incompat = {"ALL"}};
Const.SlashCommands["-loadprofile"] = {params = "^%s*(..-)%s*$", group = "profile", incompat = {"ALL"}};
Const.SlashCommands["-loadprofiletemplate"] = {params = "^%s*(..-)%s*$", group = "profile", incompat = {"ALL"}};
Const.SlashCommands["-undoprofile"] = {params = "^()$", group = "profile", incompat = {"ALL"}};
Const.SlashCommands["-listprofiles"] = {params = "^()$", group = "profile", incompat = {"ALL"}};
Const.SlashCommands["-deleteprofile"] = {params = "^%s*(..-)%s*$", group = "profile", incompat = {"ALL"}};
Const.SlashCommands["-macrocheckdelay"] = {params = "^%s*(%d+)%s*$", group = "globalsettings"};
Const.SlashCommands["-removemissingmacros"] = {params = "bool", group = "globalsettings"};
Const.SlashCommands["-forceoffcastonkeydown"] = {params = "bool", group = "globalsettings"};
Const.SlashCommands["-usecollectionsfavoritemountbutton"] = {params = "bool", group = "globalsettings"};
Const.SlashCommands["-globalsettings"] = {params = "^()$", group = "globalsettings"};