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3544 Révisions

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
Albirew 8ca4196d8a moved res locally, updated readme content, added screenshot
2022-05-07 21:13:56 +02:00
Albirew 92aeb979a2 ebin - removed useless spaces 2022-05-07 20:32:27 +02:00
akuma06 ee808dc7a1 Fix for Travis and update to Go mod (#1771)
* Removing Vendor folder and go dep files
Adding support to Go mod

* Fixing message format for boolean argument (%t)

* Updating depency versions
Fixing go-i18n to latest v1 release (v1.10.0)
Repairing a test due to golang text update
Fixing logging information messages
Update to latest changes for anacrolix torrent API

* Update .travis.yml

Go dep is not needed anymore

* Update .travis.yml

* Go modules env variable

Adding support for go modules inside travis script

* Moving env variable

* Fixing test issue

* Fixing a format error in previous code
2019-06-17 21:16:31 +00:00
ted423 b0fc3ff5e3 translating zh-cn & make some fix (#1770)
* 中文繁体翻译更新

* 中文简体900行以内条目数跟英文保持一致


* translation user_unbanned fix

* translation id remove "language_not_mandatory"

* translation remove id old

* translation id delay change to duration

* translition delete repeat id ”upload_to_other"

* translating zh-cn

* translating zh-cn

* translate zh-cn done

* translate zh-tw done
2019-06-16 10:33:31 +00:00
kilo 603005ef9b Allow class "new" to be applied to header text (#1753)
* Allow class "new" to be applied to header

* Fix new line that didnt work

* Fix misplaced brackets
2018-01-30 23:44:19 +10:00
MMP0 9b7af2d504 Update translation (#1755)
* Update upload.jet.html

"Upload to" → "Upload to %s"

* "Upload to" → "Upload to %s"

* "Uploader vers" → "Uploader vers %s"

* Update

* Update ja-jp.all.json
2018-01-11 15:27:24 +01:00
kilo 860f9c8eb1 Fix parseAllDates() that could break dates (in listing) (#1749)
* Fix parseAllDates() that could break dates (in listing)

Fix parseAllDates() that would break torrent list dates if it had already been executed before

* check if date value is NaN before applying it
2018-01-09 09:24:08 +10:00
Myrmece 1eecbfecd0 Updated translation. (#1752) 2018-01-08 20:16:31 +01:00
kilo d5c2c6b676 Upload to, anidex & TokyoTosho [done] (#1633)
* Update upload.go

* Update helpers.go

* Update template_test.go

* Update upload_multiple.jet.html

* change variable names

* wrong copypaste

* change variable name

* ditto

* Fix travis

* Update main.css

* Update upload.go

* Update upload.jet.html

* Update main.css

* Update upload.go

* More compact form

* CSS changes to go along

* Update main.css

* Update upload.jet.html

* Slightly lower bottom margin

* Update upload_multiple.jet.html

* tomorrow color adjustements

* small css adjustements

* Update upload.go

* Update default_config.yml

* Update default_config.yml

* Update structs.go

* Update user.go

* Update structs.go

* Update upload.go

* Update default_config.yml

* Update upload_multiple.jet.html

* Update upload.go

* Update upload.jet.html

* Update template_test.go

* this one is optional for anidex

* Update default_config.yml

* Possible improvement
As mentionned in my comment, it seems that having a checkbox already checked and disabled for logged in user + having the input text for apikey is a bit tedious.
Moreover, asking to check and fill the input text to upload in anidex when you are not logged is doing things twice. If you don't want to upload to anidex, don't fill the input.

So this commit push a new behaviour:
* If you are logged in and you have filled your anidex/nyaasi api key : the form should only show the checkbox asking if you want to upload to nyaasi.
* If you're not logged in or you don't have filled your api key in your profile settings: you only show the input text for the api key and not the checkbox. If someone wants to upload to nyaasi/anidex, he will just need to fill the input.

* This adds back the support of anonymous upload when logged in or not.
This works simply by checking if the user wants to upload as anon (when he checks the checkbox "upload as anonymous") or by checking the emptyness of apikey.
+ reverts the condition statements since it was needed to have apikey empty

* Forgot to save this file

* This commit adds the go routines for each upload service (anidex, nyaasi, tosho).
New controller and url to check the upload status (/upload/status/:id).
If you add ?json at the end, it outputs a json format of the multi upload status.
To prevent memory overload, we only keep in memory the multiupload status for 5 minutes.
Moved multipleform struct from templates to upload utils.

* fix form display on classic theme

* This commit adds:
* Javascript refreshing of the upload status
* Localization of the pages
* Fixed some bugs

This works, only need to get torrent file now.

* Added a new function to get the Path to the torrent file.

* Added a function to check that a torrent file exists and if not generate it on multiupload

* Enabled file upload through http post request to anidex

* Fixed bugs

* Modified the behaviour to generate torrent preivously. It is a synchrone function now. So we need to make it asynchronous in download.go

Now torrents file are always generated at upload time in a background processus with the correct trackers (needed ones + the ones provided by the user).
I made the anidex tracker as a needed one to allow multiupload even if the user hasn't included in his torrent file/magnet url.

* Moving deadtrackers list to default config
Support torrent file creation when upload without scraping
* Fix possible bug where no one is seeding a torrent yet (first time upload)
Add primary tracker in torrent file

* Fixing issue with boolean pointer for private torrent

* fixing index out of range for announcelist filtering
Fixing anidex tracker not found

* Fixing lang id error

* Anidex upload works

* Fix for multiupload with magnet

* This adds TokyoTosho support. Since TokyoTosho API only support upload by URL (and not torrent file upload). We need to make the download url available without ddos protection.

Also TokyoTosho doesn't need a category select. Since it does have limited option, we can automatically convert our categories to the tokyotosho one.

* Removing the folder tosho and put categories.go directly in upload package.
Added category conversion for nyaasi too.
Added tests on category conversion.

* This should add nyaasi support.
Is not tested though.

* Updated defaut config with new behaviour?

* Forgot to commit this file
2018-01-03 18:21:07 +10:00
kilo 418dc81e19 Fix unintended behavior for theme toggler when logged in, fix missing styling for a button & background of markdown for classic theme (#1747)
* missing background color, 

fix missing background color on markdown editor on torrent view page
fix missing classic styling on "Upload to Nyaa/Sukebei" button

* Fix theme toggler that didn't behave as intended

Fix theme toggler that didn't behave as intended when the user was logged in and his theme cookie had a different value than his user theme setting

* Classic theme default on
2017-12-21 22:40:23 +10:00
kilo a2ea5b3bea
Search page title function & Fix ES (#1745)
* Update torrentParam.go

* Update template_functions.go

* Update listing.jet.html

* Update listing.jet.html

* Update template_functions.go

* Update template_functions_test.go

* Update template_functions_test.go

* Update template_functions_test.go

* Update template_functions_test.go

* Update torrentParam_test.go

* Update template_functions_test.go

* rollback

* Update torrentParam.go

* Update torrentParam_test.go
2017-11-23 12:20:14 +01:00
kilo 0a765b5589 Things (#1740)
* Add new followers directly to user.Followers

* Update user.go

* Remove useless condition

* Query an update of user followers if at 0 when looking at his profile

* Fix comment not appearing until you refreshed the torrent page

* call ViewHandler so that comments visually update properly

* Remove now useless imports

* Add "uploader" userstatus in comment

* GetLikings() & GetFollowers() now return count too

* Don't update follower count here

* Update follower count directly here

* show liking count

* Update user.go

* Update profile.jet.html

* Update torrentParam.go

* Fix locked torrents that were shown even when they should not

* Update torrentParam_test.go

* remove inline styling

* Update main.css

* Update upload.jet.html

* Update main.css

* Update tomorrow.css

* Update classic.css

* Update classic_colors.css

* Update index_site.jet.html

* Make announcements support markdown

* Add markdown form to announcement creation

* fix "report" text position

* Add exclude search option to exclude words

* Make sure the "NameLike" value is the search query because we edit it during a search

* Show search content in page title for /feed too

* rollback

* Add "Search" variable that shows exactly what is being searched

* Use "Search.Search" variable here instead of NameLike because NameLike is edited

* Update torrentParam_test.go

* Update torrentParam.go

* remove redundant spaces from NameLike

* Update torrentParam.go

* Update torrentParam.go

* Update torrentParam.go

* Update torrentParam.go

* turn date input into type date

* bigger date inputs

* add support for YYYY-MM-DD dates

* rollback this change

* rollback

* Update search.jet.html

* Update helpers.go

* Update template_functions.go

* Update torrentParam.go

* only uploader & staff can comment on locked torrents

* Add "Upload to Nyaa/Sukebei" button for mods

* Update torrentlist.jet.html

* Update view.jet.html

* Update view.jet.html

* fix wrong page title for notifications page
2017-11-20 11:13:00 +10:00
MMP0 d4114640df Update ja-jp.all.json (#1742) 2017-11-18 18:19:21 +01:00
Jeff dad9419a97 makefile and CoC (#1741)
* * add makefile for build

* use io.ReadFull instead of io.Reader's Read()

* add CoC(K)

* fix typo
2017-11-17 00:56:36 +01:00
Andrei Stepanov 1baa0e4576 Update ru-ru.all.json (#1739) 2017-11-14 18:49:46 +01:00
kilo 5dcd30676f
Janitor (#1728)
* Fix "torrent is being generated" message showing up even when the torrent couldn't be generated

* Add janitor user status

* Remove usage of deprecated HasAdmin() function

* Give Janitors access to mod panel

* Stop using deprecated HasAdmin() function

* Stop using deprecated HasAdmin() function

* Update edit.go

* Update profile.go

* Rollback bad changes, remove redundant email check and stop using deprecated function

* Show every userstatus (member, janitor, banned, mod) in comments

* Return empty status if anonymous

* Show no userstatus for anonymous profile

* Show moderation link to janitors too

* Stop using deprecated HasAdmin() function

* Stop using deprecated HasAdmin() function

* Stop using deprecated HasAdmin() function

* Add Janitor to userstatus select in user edit

* "Janitor" translation string

* didnt mean to commit this change

* rollback wrongfully comitted changes

* rollback commit

* Update

* Fix wrong id for translation

* remove deprecated HasAdmin() function again

* change name of variable used in comment loop for clarity purposes

* visual cue for locked torrents in torrent listing for admins

* add visual cues for hidden torrents in admin torrent listing

* Dont show delete buttons for janitors

* janitor cannot delete torrents

* show block/unblock button in torrent list for janitors instead of delete button

* fix function that didnt get executed

* add ban buttons on userlist & visual cue for banned users

* Fix "user successfully deleted" message showing even if user wasnt deleted

* Add "ban" button, no "delete" button for jantiors

* add "unban" and "ban" translation strings

* add "unban" and "ban" translation strings

* different <form> for ban button

* Update index.jet.html

* add userprofile ban route

* add toggleBan() function, janitors dont need captcha either

* fix panic error when deleting an anonymous comment

* add user_banned_by and user_unbanned_by

* add user_banned_by and user_unbanned_by

* Make ToggleBan() return whether or not the user is now banned

* Add handler for /ban route

* change log filter

* hide locked torrents from regular users

* hide locked torrents from regular users

* hide locked torrent from api search for regular users

* change function to CurrentOrJanitor

* change function to currentorjanitor

* change function to currentorjanitor

* add CurrentOrJanitor function

* fix extra (

* fix extra ) and wrong variable name

* Fix wrong value for janitor user status

* Fix user edit that did not work because of "unique constraint user.emails" error

* only immediately visually update user if user has been updated successfully

* use FindAllForAdminsOrderBy in order to preload users

* create FindAllForAdminsOrderBy that preloads users

* Show username instead of ID in Uploader column in admin panel

* Fix userprofile buttons overflowing at some specific resolutions

* Mods can set users as janitors

* Show ban/unban buttons on userprofile for janitors

* Identical styling for usermenu links and buttons

* dont show ban buttons on other staff

* add ban message through get parameter

* make toggleBan() trigger user update

* Add "user_banned" and "user_unbanned"

* add "user_banned" and "user_unbanned"

* Visual cue for banned user

* banned users can still log in

* visual cue for banned user in  badgemenu

* locked status if banned user on upload

* banned users cannot comment

* Put "banned" text between ()

* add GetCategoryName() to template_test

* add GetCategoryName() that returns full category name from full category string

* Show search content in page title if it exists, or search category if it exists, otherwise shows "Home"

* error message when user uploads an torrent & is banned

* add torrent_uploaded_locked

* add torrent_uploaded_locked

* fix delete definitely button that never appeared

* Show delete definitely button on admin panel index

* admins can undelete a torrent by editing it's status

* Trigger ViewHandler() directly instead of redirecting

* Render the template directly instead of triggering torrent view handler

* bigger usermenu buttons once responsive design kicks in

* make btn-* class non-bold

* Responsive notification page

* visual cue for locked torrents in torrent listing

* Update search.go

* Update search.go

* Update api.go

* Update helpers.go

* Update template.go

* Update torrentParam.go

* remove "hidden" class

* Update search.go

* fix an html error

* Add files via upload

* Update admin.jet.html

* Update index.go

* Update index.go

* Update router.go

* Update torrentParam_test.go

* Update torrentParam_test.go

* fix extra "

* fix bad copypaste

* Update

* Update guidelines.jet.html

* Update

* add Guidelines and Moderation Guidelines

* fix missing commas

* Update torrentlist.jet.html

* Update find.go

* Update stats.go

* Update view.jet.html

* Update index.jet.html
2017-11-14 09:39:39 +01:00
Eduard Ereza Martínez ca2f5d3c42 Update Catalan translation (#1738) 2017-11-13 16:59:25 +01:00
MMP0 13e887d045 Update view.jet.html (#1737) 2017-11-13 16:48:56 +01:00
MMP0 03d9d4e680 Add Markdown editor to view page (#1736)
* Update view.jet.html

* Styling to make the markdown textarea smaller by default

* Fix markdown editor in fullscreen

* Different positionsand sizes are needed in classic theme

* Add class to <td> containing description textarea, needed in order to apply a CSS rule onto it
2017-11-11 19:00:32 +01:00
MMP0 04896f3ec4 Update Japanese translation (#1735)
* Update ja-jp.all.json

* Update ja-jp.all.json
2017-11-11 17:31:22 +01:00
Myrmece 4ddba9f2f6 Updated translation. (#1734) 2017-11-11 12:16:09 +01:00
Myrmece 909d1b8d83 Updated translation. (#1732) 2017-11-09 20:53:28 +01:00
MMP0 8d34d77c91 Update ja-jp.all.json (#1729) 2017-11-09 16:49:48 +01:00
kilo 887ff5b016 Fix duplicate comment workaround that hid comments that shouldnt have been hidden (#1727)
* Update view.jet.html

* Fix notification order that was all over the place once you started deleting old notifications
2017-11-09 20:14:29 +10:00
kilo fdd86d6a9e Also delete cookies from main domain instead of just current subdomain (#1726)
* Update main.js

* fix folders in filelist

* Update treeview.jet.html
2017-11-09 19:49:01 +10:00
kilo 6a03a75d6b
Fix settings page for non-logged in users (#1725)
* Update main.js

* delete cookies from any domain before creating them

* Update settings.jet.html
2017-11-09 10:21:28 +01:00
kilo fdbf06e610 Increase max torrent per page, fix HTML errors, other fixes (#1723)
* Increase max torrent per page

* Increase max torrent per page

* fix html error by changing an ID into a class

* change css selector from id to class

* Update oldNav.jet.html

* Update classic.css

* Update captcha.jet.html

* Fix order of torrents in admin panel index

* Update settings.jet.html

* make lang postform have same name as cookie
2017-11-09 11:53:38 +10:00
kilo 1bbda2c96a Fix sukebei fromID search (#1722)
* Update sortmode.go

* Update torrentParam.go
2017-11-08 23:41:39 +10:00
kilo 213780f0eb
Small fixes (#1715)
* Update main.css

* saving settings now clear old cookies of current domain

* Update main.js

* Update classic.css

* Update settings.go

* Update main.css

* Update commentlist.jet.html

* Update generate.go

* Update default_config.yml

* Update structs.go

* Update default_config.yml

* Update find.go

* Update find.go

* Update stats.go

* Update interaction.go
2017-11-08 09:32:06 +01:00
MMP0 285bca23cb Update ja-jp.all.json (#1720) 2017-11-08 09:21:31 +01:00
kilo ca271e2ac6
Username search for admin comment list, inputs for userid & username search in said comment list (#1713)
* Update comments.go

* Update commentlist.jet.html

* Update comments.go

When you search a username and you have a userid in the url, the conditions string doesn't have "AND" in it. I made the username search a priority and if there is not username provided, it falls back to userid in url.
2017-11-06 09:17:14 +01:00
Myrmece 98af64a4e2 Updated translation. (#1714) 2017-11-05 17:34:55 +01:00
kilo e8dfeaea4a
Fix report creation from report template for anonymous users & small css adjustement (#1712)
* Fix report creation from report template for anonymous users

* small adjustement for styling of usernames in comment

* lower margin-top for comment content

* Update en-us.all.json

* Update

* fix torrent link button's styling getting messed up from
2017-11-05 07:43:53 +01:00
kilo cc4e0fe5c0
Fix JS for torrent/user deletion that would delete even if you refused to confirm (#1711)
* Update torrentlist.jet.html

* Update index_admin.jet.html
2017-11-04 07:23:10 +01:00
Myrmece 357012932b Updated translation. (#1710) 2017-11-04 07:13:08 +01:00
kilo 594b0885b7
Remove unused translation string (#1708)
* Update

* remove unused "old" translation string
2017-11-04 06:50:31 +01:00
kilo 8ec3c2a743
Add possibility of reporting without JS, add report reason for NSFW content, Add possibility of getting a torrent by Hash in refine (#1709)
* Add possibility of reporting without JS

* Add report message input and new report reason to /report/:id page

* add new report reason here too

* Update en-us.all.json

* Update

* only show if not sukebei

* ditto

* fix label for value

* ditto

* fix overly big report message column

* Update main.css

* Update search.jet.html

* Add possibility of getting a torrent by Hash in refine

* Update search.go

* Update search.go

* fix template_test

* ditto

* fix Sprintf wrongly using a Token

* rollback that

* Update callback.go

* remove line that creates error

* fix travis
2017-11-04 06:42:36 +01:00
Juan José Salvador Piedra 27f378d4a1 Spanish translation (100% finished) (#1707)
* Spanish translation WIP

49% done

* Spanish translation (finished)

99% translated, see #1704 for details

* Spanish translation (finished)

See #1704 for more details

* Minor fixes

style corrections

* JSON Validation

JSON is valid!

* Fixed translation strings

* Removed unused strings and fix strings
2017-11-04 03:41:12 +01:00
MMP0 57d2e32ff1 Fix cookie warning (#1706)
* Update base.jet.html

* Update listing.jet.html

* Update main.css

* bottom padding needs to be higher than top padding otherwise it looks off
2017-11-03 12:46:39 +01:00
kilo 30570e2fb9
Fix torrent deletion from report list (#1705)
* Update torrent_report.jet.html

* change of color for "delete report" button
2017-11-03 09:09:04 +01:00
Myrmece 1809f7437c Updated translation. (#1703) 2017-11-02 15:30:32 +01:00
kilo c4d6872836 Re-add translation string that got wrongly removed (#1702) 2017-11-02 11:18:05 +01:00
kilo 7c7ce64ae5
Remove letters from tags before doing a ParseUint(), preventing it from always returning 0 when tag contains letter (#1701)
* Update helpers.go

* Update helpers.go

* Update helpers.go

* Update helpers.go

* remove debug log
2017-11-02 07:59:34 +01:00
kilo 9fe0efa5fd
Make comment and users in admin panel ordered by newest to oldest (#1700)
* Comments ordered by newest to oldest

* Update find.go
2017-11-02 05:43:40 +01:00
kilo 31dea62c50
Merge pull request #1699 from NyaaPantsu/forgot-this
Make use of getAvatar() function in header
2017-11-02 05:08:44 +01:00
kilo dd59f1e11c
Make use of getAvatar() function in header 2017-11-02 04:52:30 +01:00
kilo 6f47f1b77d
Merge pull request #1698 from NyaaPantsu/fix
Redesign of notification page, lots of fixes & lots of improvements
2017-11-02 04:45:40 +01:00
kilo af63263c53
Update en-us.all.json 2017-11-02 04:25:21 +01:00
kilo e90b28c2f9
Update 2017-11-02 04:24:47 +01:00
kilo 65545d2386
Update announcement_form.jet.html 2017-11-02 04:24:33 +01:00