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Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2022-05-07. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.
akuma06 a41f938cec Add Godep support (#758)
As we have seen, dependencies version can prevent the build. We should
user lock versions on dependencies that we know work:
* Packages are vendored
* Add Godep support
* Added addtional install step in readme
* Fix travis build error
2017-05-26 13:07:22 +02:00

1,9 Kio

How to contribute

Elastic is an open-source project and we are looking forward to each contribution.

Notice that while the official Elasticsearch documentation is rather good, it is a high-level overview of the features of Elasticsearch. However, Elastic tries to resemble the Java API of Elasticsearch which you can find on GitHub.

This explains why you might think that some options are strange or missing in Elastic, while often they're just different. Please check the Java API first.

Having said that: Elasticsearch is moving fast and it might be very likely that we missed some features or changes. Feel free to change that.

Your Pull Request

To make it easy to review and understand your changes, please keep the following things in mind before submitting your pull request:

  • You compared the existing implemenation with the Java API, did you?
  • Please work on the latest possible state of olivere/elastic. Use release-branch.v2 for targeting Elasticsearch 1.x and release-branch.v3 for targeting 2.x.
  • Create a branch dedicated to your change.
  • If possible, write a test case which confirms your change.
  • Make sure your changes and your tests work with all recent versions of Elasticsearch. We currently support Elasticsearch 1.7.x in the release-branch.v2 and Elasticsearch 2.x in the release-branch.v3.
  • Test your changes before creating a pull request (go test ./...).
  • Don't mix several features or bug fixes in one pull request.
  • Create a meaningful commit message.
  • Explain your change, e.g. provide a link to the issue you are fixing and probably a link to the Elasticsearch documentation and/or source code.
  • Format your source with go fmt.

Additional Resources