84 lignes
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84 lignes
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# Nyaa replacement [](https://travis-ci.org/ewhal/nyaa)
## Motivation
The aim of this project is to write a fully featured nyaa replacement in golang
that anyone will be able to deploy locally or remotely.
# Requirements
* Golang
# Installation
* Install [Golang](https://golang.org/doc/install)
* `go get github.com/ewhal/nyaa`
* `go build`
* Download DB and place it in your root folder named as "nyaa.db"
* `./nyaa`
* You can now access your local site over on [localhost:9999](http://localhost:9999)
## Usage
Type `./nyaa -h` for the list of options.
## Systemd
* Edit the unit file `os/nyaa.service` to your liking
* Copy the package's content so that your unit file can find them.
* Copy the unit file in `/usr/lib/systemd/system`
* `systemctl daemon-reload`
* `systemctl start nyaa`
The provided unit file uses options directly; if you prefer a config file, do the following:
* `./nyaa -print-defaults > /etc/nyaa.conf`
* Edit `nyaa.conf` to your liking
* Replace in the unit file the options by `-conf /etc/nyaa.conf`
## Docker
We support docker for easy development and deployment. Simply install docker and
docker-compose by following the instructions [here](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/ubuntu/#install-using-the-repository).
Once you've successfully installed docker, make sure you have the database file
in the project's directory as nyaa.db. Then, follow these steps to build and run
the application.
# Make sure the project is in here $GOPATH/src/github.com/ewhal/nyaa
$ cd deploy/
# You may choose another backend by pointing to the
# appropriate docker-compose file.
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.sqlite.yml build
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.sqlite.yml up
Access the website by going to [localhost:9999](http://localhost:9999).
> For postgres, place the dump in the toplevel directory and name it to
> nyaa_psql.backup.
* postgres + gin indexes for fulltext search
* Remove LIKE AND OFFSET queries
* optimize queries in general
* Torrent data scraping from definable tracker (We have a tracker that the owner is ok for us to scrape from)
* seeds/leeachers
* file lists
* Downloads
* Accounts and Registration System(WIP)
* Report Feature and Moderation System
* blocking upload of torrent hashes
* fix sukebei categories
* Site theme
* original nyaa theme
* API improvement
* Scraping of fan subbing RSS feeds
* Daily DB dumps
* p2p sync of dbs?
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details