Bifurcation 0

Started "flattening" the collection, which will ultimately make it easier to import into a database. WOOHOO!

Basically, all lua tables will have keys that are equal to their DB table names and their data will have a key that contains the row data in a tab delimited format.

Note: This is still a work in progress and some things need to be revisited... i.e. collect_merchant.lua, since we want to extract the currency id from the currency link... no documentation is thus far found for what the type part of a currency link is, so we're going to collect a little data and see.
Cette révision appartient à :
Nathanial.C.Jones 2013-01-31 03:19:54 +00:00
Parent d3e9acc290
révision b50a530943
3 fichiers modifiés avec 69 ajouts et 42 suppressions

Voir le fichier

@ -99,11 +99,13 @@ function QH_Collector_SetupData()
local realm = GetRealmName()
local sessiontime = time()
if not QuestHelper_Collector.created then
QuestHelper_Collector.created = time();
QuestHelper_Collector.created = sessiontime;
local session = string.format("%q\t%q\t%q\t%q\t%q", svnversion, realm, buildInfo, locale, altfaction)
local session = string.format("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s", svnversion, realm, buildInfo, locale, altfaction)
if not QuestHelper_Collector.sessions then QuestHelper_Collector.sessions = {} end

Voir le fichier

@ -23,9 +23,10 @@ local function AddChatType(typ)
target = GetMonsterType(target)
if not QHCM[target] then QHCM[target] = {} end
QHCM[target]["chat_" .. typ] = (QHCM[target]["chat_" .. typ] or 0) + 1
return QHCM[target]
local ret = {}
ret.base_info = string.format("%d\t%s", target, typ)
table.insert(QHCM, ret)
return ret
local function MerchantShow()
@ -42,18 +43,28 @@ local function MerchantShow()
local itemid = GetMerchantItemLink(i)
QuestHelper: Assert(itemid)
itemid = GetItemType(itemid)
local _, _, price, quant, avail, _, _ = GetMerchantItemInfo(i)
local dstr = {}
dstr.quant = quant
dstr.avail = avail
dstr.price = price
--if debug_output then QuestHelper:TextOut(dstr) end
if not targ.shop then targ.shop = {} end
if not targ.shop[itemid] then
targ.shop[itemid] = dstr
local _, _, price, quant, avail, _, ext_cost = GetMerchantItemInfo(i)
local shop_item = {}
shop_item.base_info = string.format("%d\t%d\t%d\t%d", itemid, quant, avail, price)
if ext_cost then
ext_costs = {}
for curr = 1, GetMerchantItemCostInfo(i) do
local tex, val, link, name = GetMerchantItemCostItem(i, curr)
local ext_cost_detail = {}
ext_cost_detail.base_info = string.format("%s\t%d", name, val)
ext_cost_detail.link = link
ext_cost_detail.texture = tex
table.insert(ext_costs, ext_cost_detail)
targ.shop[itemid].count = (targ.shop[itemid].count or 0) + 1
shop_item.ext_costs = ext_costs
--if debug_output then QuestHelper:TextOut(dstr) end
if not targ.shop then targ.shop = {} end
table.insert(targ.shop, shop_item)
@ -67,8 +78,8 @@ end
function QH_Collect_Merchant_Init(QHCData, API)
if not QHCData.monster then QHCData.monster = {} end
QHCM = QHCData.monster
if not QHCData.merchant then QHCData.merchant = {} end
QHCM = QHCData.merchant
QH_Event("MERCHANT_SHOW", MerchantShow)
QH_Event("GOSSIP_SHOW", GossipShow)

Voir le fichier

@ -65,13 +65,21 @@ local function MouseoverUnit()
-- register the critter here
local cid = GetMonsterType(guid)
if not QHCM[cid] then QHCM[cid] = {} end
local critter = QHCM[cid]
--if not QHCM[cid] then QHCM[cid] = {} end
--local critter = QHCM[cid]
local critter = {}
critter.id = cid
if cid < 30621 or cid > 30625 then
--AccumulateFrequency(critter, "name", UnitName("mouseover")) -- The exceptions are for Herald Volasj's minions, which are named after your partymembers.
critter.name = UnitName("mouseover")
--AccumulateFrequency(critter, "reaction", UnitReaction("mouseover", "player"))
critter.reaction = UnitReaction("mouseover", "player")
if cid < 30621 or cid > 30625 then AccumulateFrequency(critter, "name", UnitName("mouseover")) end -- The exceptions are for Herald Volasj's minions, which are named after your partymembers.
AccumulateFrequency(critter, "reaction", UnitReaction("mouseover", "player"))
if not drunk_logon and not drunk_message then
AccumulateFrequency(critter, "level", UnitLevel("mouseover"))
--AccumulateFrequency(critter, "level", UnitLevel("mouseover"))
critter.level = UnitLevel("mouseover")
local minrange = InteractDistances[1]
@ -85,12 +93,18 @@ local function MouseoverUnit()
QuestHelper: Assert(minrange >= 0 and minrange < 256 and maxrange >= 0 and maxrange < 256)
critter.loc = GetLoc()
critter.minrange = minrange
critter.maxrange = maxrange
table.insert(QHCM, critter)
local data = {}
data.loc = GetLoc()
data.minrange = minrange
data.maxrange = maxrange
if not critter.encounters then critter.encounters = {} end
table.insert(critter.encounters, data)
--Merger.Add(critter, string.format("(%s %s %s),", GetLoc(), tostring(minrange), tostring(maxrange))) --strchar(minrange, maxrange))
if #recentlySeenCritters_Recent >= 100 then